james "sawyer" ford

A later victim, Cassidy, saw through the trick and Sawyer took her on as an apprentice, teaching her how to run small cons, but Cassidy was actually the victim of a "long con" scheme all along. When Sawyer's candy got stuck in the machine, Juliet came to help him. While Kate convinced Claire to come along, Sawyer noted that they had to move and pointed at the Ajira plane. He and Kate were rescued by Alex, who used her slingshot to wound Jason and lead them to a hiding-hole. Later, Sawyer and Juliet were packing to leave for the beach when they were interrupted by the alarm. Sawyer said he didn't believe in destiny, and he asked Jack what he wanted out of all of this. Profession Before they leave the hospital room, Jin tells James, "We'll see you there", which leaves him confused. As a result, Sawyer is deported and banned from returning to Australia; he leaves on board Oceanic Flight 815, his seat number being 15D. ("Maternity Leave") In addition, Ana Lucia also managed to steal a gun from Sawyer, by having sex with him. Sawyer swims back to the Island and encounters Juliet, who directs his attention to smoke coming from the ruins of the freighter. "Confidence Man""Outlaws""The Long Con""Every Man for Himself""LaFleur""Recon" Or he could have been raised by the uncle who would later die of a brain tumor. He suggested Sawyer do good deeds, such as giving Claire a blanket, catching and cleaning a fish, hunting boar with Desmond, then cooking it as a feast for the other survivors. He later adopted the name of his enemy. Josh Holloway. ("Enter 77"), He and Hurley were playing ping-pong when Nikki staggered out of the jungle, and collapsed in front of them. Upon being told about the bomb, Bernard said it didn't matter, all that mattered to them was that they were together. After their reunion with the other survivors, Sawyer's mood was not improved by finding out that all his stuff has been taken and divided among the castaways. Sawyer's "restraining order" had backfired, as Miles had apparently let her wander off into the jungle in the dead of night with what appeared to be her father, Christian Shephard. He often shows indifference, believing in the idea "every man for himself". She succeeds in saving both Amy and her child. Since the beginning, Sawyer put distance between himself and the other survivors, acting egocentric, outspoken and insensitive. Sawyer's account of having "James Ford" as a given name and then taking that of the swindler Sawyer doesn't match up as well with the exposition as does the swindler Sawyer taking the name of James Ford, his victim's child. When being protective, Sawyer makes threats to the enemies, that can come true (he killed Tom for taking Walt away). On the dock, Sawyer sarcastically quipped that he'd buy Microsoft and bet on the Cowboys in the 1978 Superbowl. However, Sawyer soon became bored of keeping to himself and accompanied the group of survivors heading for higher ground to use the radio transmitter. 301 likes. James buries her with Miles' help, but really wants him to implement his medium skills to find out what Juliet's dying words were supposed to be. As the team and the woman called Amy trudge back, they approach a sonic fence. He hands Aaron over to Kate and tells her to go back to the beach with Miles and the infant, while he insists on going with Jack to face Charles Widmore's men. Upon crashing on the island, Sawyer almost instantly clashes with the other survivors. During the flight, James overheard fellow passenger Hugo Reyes telling another passenger (Leslie Arzt) that he won the lottery. James, Juliet, and Locke question the two attackers and Juliet discover they are Others when they speak Latin to each other. Jack quickly realized that Sawyer and Juliet were in a relationship when he was invited in. Though Kate wished to help their friends, he refused to allow it, and went with Juliet instead, leaving Kate behind. He entered her tent and he saw her dressing. James firmly chooses the third choice. Soon after he and Juliet saw a group walking through the jungle with guns. James is informed Jacob picked and manipulated those people at various points in their lives to have them show up on the Island. In an attempt to prevent Walt's abduction, Sawyer is shot in the shoulder before the raft is destroyed by the Others, who leave with Walt. Locke replied that they had to take a detour to a cabin, to which Hurley replied that the cabin was in a different direction. After James' untold death at a later date, he appears in the alternate timeline in 2004. A man named Horace Goodspeed (Doug Hutchison) demands to know who he and his friends are. Sawyer and Kate are forced to mine and haul rocks for the Others. He then told Horace, Radzinsky and the others to stop the drilling at the Swan, and ordered the evacuation of the woman and children from the Island. Sawyer rises to the challenge and bonds with the other survivors. Juliet tells James she will never lose him if she does not know him. James traveled to Australia, and while there, a man's car door hit him. They swam to the Elizabeth. The Man in Black descended a long wooden ladder, and Sawyer followed carefully. James agrees with Jin he will help look for Sun. His rural Southern accent, selfishness, machismo, and folksy use of oft-abrasive nicknames belied his sophisticated and tender sides as an avid reader and a caring lover—elements of his personality that started to become more apparent as he spent more time on the Island. Alex agreed to give him and Kate a boat if they would help her rescue Karl, her boyfriend. He ordered Miles to keep Jack, Kate and Hurley under house arrest in order not to complicate matters. The passengers ditch all unnecessary items to lighten the load, but Frank declares it will not be enough. Ford was a young upstart outlaw who befriended James, and later murdered him, collecting the $10,000 bounty on James' head. They held the submarine captain at gunpoint and told him to surface the sub, and said that after they left, they were not under any circumstances to return to the Island. She seduces him, and steals his own gun from him. With the guidance of Charlotte, who collapsed earlier due to a deteriorating mental state and stay behind with Daniel, they find a well which leads to the Frozen Donkey Wheel. Before the concert begins in the final episode, The End, Miles sees Sayid in the passenger seat of Hurley's car. Josh Holloway Created by Jeffrey Lieber, J. J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, the character first appeared in the pilot as one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 which crashed on a mysterious island. His acts of rebellion led him to, at various times, become the most hated survivor on the island, though he still formed bonds with several survivors. Desmond then returned to inform them of Charlie's death and his final warning about the boat. After a fierce brawl, Sawyer pinned Jack and demanded to know if he would stop his mission. ("Two for the Road") Sawyer visited a bar and met Christian Shephard, who talked about his son and encouraged Sawyer to finish the business he planned to do. In his anger over Juliet's death, he tells the Others to do whatever they want with his friends, whom he proclaims are no longer his friends to this point, and leaves. They all accepted that they didn't know much so Sawyer went to get Desmond out of the well while the others got ready to go to the heart of the Island. Approaching the source of the commotion they see two men holding a woman hostage with a bag over her head after just killing her male companion. From the season four section onwards, he is referred to as 'James'. James and Juliet share a quiet moment at the dock, the latter telling the former her longing to leave the Island is at its peak. James, Juliet, Miles and Jin head back to Daniel, who informs them Charlotte has died due to violent shifts through time. Money is no good on the island, so what does Sawyer do? Sawyer tried to comfort Hurley over Charlie's death, but Hurley did not want to talk about it. On the way, the group heard gunshots, and saw two Others taking a woman hostage. So poetic. He also begins reading through the survivors' personal messages, kept in a bottle. He didn't share it with Juliet, but went out in a jeep to meet Jin in the North Valley. Sawyer, subdued, put away the gun and continued traveling with the Man in Black. They discover the Swan imploded, just like they left it in 2004. Sawyer then witnessed Ben reveal that he already knew about Charlotte and her team. James then went over to the holding cells to hand over Sayid, Desmond and Kate for transfer to a prison. Juliet consents to staying. James Ford, better known by the alias "Sawyer" and later as "Jim LaFleur", is a fictional character played by Josh Holloway on the ABC television series Lost. After learning about Michael's plan to build a raft, Sawyer asks for a place on board, to which he is granted. Later, when Cindy, the flight attendant, ran past James' seat with a first aid box, he stopped her and asked what was going on. Later as they walked back to the van, they passed Jack, who looked at Sawyer and said simply, "See you in Los Angeles". Sawyer asked him what names he had used, and one of them turned out to be "Tom Sawyer". However, he grows more mature and caring in the later seasons, mostly because of his love for Kate, and, later, his own leadership role on the island and his relationship with Juliet. He tries to have (in Kate’s words) everybody to hate him because he doesn’t want to get close, most likely in an attempt to keep from getting hurt. Comment. "Locke" stated that he appreciated Sawyer's loyalty. For instance, he gave Kate a gun to take with her on her trip with Claire to find the medical station. She wants to leave on the next submarine, but James reminds her she has nothing to go back to, since they are thirty years back. På tiden under hans forældres død, boede James og hans familie i Knoxville, Tennessee, ifølge det brev som Sawyer bærer. Sawyer said Locke was right, the Island was going down, and they needed to get on that plane. James makes a deal with Widmore: he will lead the Man in Black into a trap in exchange for safe passage away from the island. There was another time shift and Sawyer tried to pull Locke up but it was too late. In a meeting to decide what to do with him, Sawyer tried to convince the DHARMA council to spare his life, but is outvoted and reluctantly made it unanimous. Rose then pointed them in the right direction to the Barracks. The Man in Black stated, "this is why you are all here". When he arrived at his desk at the LAPD office the next day, James began to call a list of men named Anthony Cooper to inquire about whether they had been in Florida in 1976. Here, they found their missing friend but discovered that he was being chased by a group of unknown individuals. Upon discovering this, Sawyer, along with Jack, Locke and Kate, head for the hatch, where they discover Michael injured, Libby fatally wounded and Ana Lucia already dead. After the fire was put out and Sayid escaped, Sawyer was examining the security monitors and Kate approached him to ask what happened to Ben. Birth Sawyer was then among the witnesses to see the dead Sayid suddenly awaken. 39 Sawyer came up with a lie and told her that his group was shipwrecked, but they decided to help. ", James's letter to Mr. Sawyer begins, "You don't know who I am, but I know who you are." She asks him to kiss her, and after doing so, Juliet dies in his arms. When Juliet was caught in chains and pulled into the hole, Kate grabbed the chains and held on long enough for Sawyer to hear her calls for help. Later on, a group of people from the boat arrive at the barracks to capture Ben. After the funeral of Ana Lucia and Libby, Sawyer joins Michael, Jack, Kate and Hurley on the trek, where they are suddenly ambushed by the Others, tied up and taken to a pier. James Ford was born in 1968 in Jasper, Alabama. Cassidy gave him up to the authorities on the advice of Kate, whom she met shortly after the relationship ended. Kate chose to stay with Jack. She opened the notebook and found that it contained personal information about the deaths of James' parents. On this trip, he began to know Kate. "James, we are going to be ok. You just have to trust me," he said. Unlike his nemesis, James drew the line at harming children in his cons; seeing the boy wracked him with guilt and he did not want to force a child to go through what he had. The next day, Sawyer approached her to give a Phil Collins tape, commenting that if Bernard asked about it, he knew nothing. The two then find the helicopter, discover Frank handcuffed to the seats, and are told the men are heading towards Ben. He then heard someone inside the house and threatened to shoot them, until he realized that it was Kate. Right back where you started." Sawyer may be based on Ralph, a character from the famous classic, LaFleur, a name that Sawyer adopts as his DHARMA persona, is also the name of a Buddhist scholar (. After the former shoots the latter and runs off, Jin carries the boy back to the Barracks, where he is treated with minimal success at the infirmary. While in prison, Sawyer befriends a man named Munson, sentenced for a white-collar crime. [1] Damon Lindelof has stated that Sawyer was written as a character whom audiences were supposed to care about even if his behavior was not sympathetic – "He's an asshole, but he acts as an asshole because of the horrible things that happened to him as a kid". Although Sawyer believed it was their "funeral", he did so, and was shocked to see that the car worked. Sawyer also uses his possession of the medicine to his advantage, and mocks Hurley when he admits to seeing things, only for his tirade to backfire. He then reminded Sawyer about the man he killed in Australia (which Locke learned about from the Others' file on him given by Richard). James ‘Sawyer’ Ford (Character) is a American Con Man (former), who was born on 1968 in Jasper, Alabama. Sawyer and several survivors hike across the jungle to the radio tower. Jack declined, then asked Sawyer why he is not working on how to deal with Sayid and how to get them off the Island but Sawyer insisted that he was. Upon getting back to the Island they spotted Vincent coming out of the jungle, followed by Rose and Bernard (now sporting a beard), who claimed they had known about them all joining DHARMA but they were retired and this was the life they wanted to live. As Widmore directed them inside, he told Sawyer, "You may not believe this but I'm doing this for your own good," to which Sawyer replied, "You're right. When auditioning for the role of Sawyer the script stated Sawyer had been raised by his aunt and uncle and that he learned how to become a con man from his uncle. The group led the new arrivals to their current home in the Arrow station. They went to rescue Faraday from Ellie who was holding him at gunpoint. Sawyer watched Locke by the well, until Ben came up behind, and pointed a cocked rifle at him and invited Sawyer to join them. At that moment, the Man in Black arrived with his new recruits from the Temple, including Kate and Sayid. Along with Jin the team then continue on to Orchid where the flashes become worse and becomes painful for all the castaways, and not just Charlotte. Sawyer loves to read and used to smoke at the start of the series. Sawyer is one of five main characters to survive the series, not counting. Jack and Kate were in the process of moving towards the helicopter from the freighter, with Jack inadvertently thinking the dropped satellite phone from Frank was a message to follow the crew. Marshal after the crash. What is there not to love about the sizzling chemistry between a cocky ex-con man with a troubled past, and a misunderstood woman on the run? It appears the present time is 1974, at the peak of the DHARMA Initiative's presence on the Island. Locke gave Sawyer a rough map to get a boat and to bring it to collect them all and take them to Hydra Island. That night, Sawyer was present when the Monster attacked Keamy's team. Before he dies, Sawyer realizes his partner had conned him into killing someone who owed money to an important person. He initially accuses Sayid of being the terrorist who caused the crash. Sawyer was still celebrating at the beach. Find link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. searching for James "Sawyer" Ford 482 found (2086 total) alternate case: james "Sawyer" Ford Harold S. Sawyer (467 words) no match in snippet view article find links to article The seat had been held by Gerald R. Ford until he was appointed to become Vice President of the United States. Sawyer was the seventh and last character to have a, Sawyer is one of the seven characters to have a flashback, a flash-forward and a flash-sideways episode centered around them. They arrived at a beach with a view of the Hydra Island. Juliet then tells him it worked and while handing him the candy, they both flash. James is pressured to execute him for violating the code of truce between DHARMA and the Hostiles, but he has him locked in a cell and quietly contemplates a plan to free him. Sawyer then proposed a deal to Radzinsky: if he and Juliet could leave the Island on the submarine, he would tell Radzinsky everything he wanted to know. James and the rest see Charlotte bleed from her nose and collapse. James "Sawyer" Ford/Charlie Pace (12) Sayid Jarrah/Shannon Rutherford (11) Exclude Additional Tags Angst (61) Romance (28) 1970s (28) Fluff (26) Crossover (25) Alternate Universe (25) Hurt/Comfort (23) Established Relationship (15) Time Travel (14) DHARMA Initiative (13) Other tags to exclude The names James and Ford may possibly be a reference to the infamous American outlaws, Jesse James and Robert Ford. While holding Kate hostage in Ben's house on Locke's orders, Sawyer tells Kate he doesn't wish to return to the real world, seeing as he has nothing for him back there. She told him that everything was okay. Then a deep hum started far below ground, as all the metallic objects in the vicinity started to be pulled into the well. ("The 23rd Psalm")  ("The Hunting Party")  ("The Long Con"), Sawyer also willingly handed over a number of his guns to fellow survivors. Age 49 years old. Sawyer runs to retrieve Claire who is still sleeping alone in her house and watches in horror as it is blown up by the Freighters. But it was to no avail, Juliet saw that the scaffolding was collapsing and would take all three of them down, and she told Sawyer she loved him before letting go. Chang then arrived, angrily protesting the situation. ("Outlaws"). Later that evening Sawyer became increasingly impatient with Frogurt's pessimistic attitude and just as tensions peaked Frogurt was killed by a flaming arrow, fired by a group from within the jungle. The next morning, Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Kate, Claire, Frank, Sun, Jin and Hurley made their way to the Ajira plane to meet Locke and make their escape. She allowed Sawyer, Kate and Karl to escape, and they paddled back to their own island. ("The Candidate"). Sawyer and Juliet were taken to the security office where they were brutally interrogated by Radzinsky. After Alex is murdered by Keamy and Ben unleashes the smoke monster on the attackers, Sawyer decides to go back to Jack and the others on the beach. Moving towards the creek to meet up with the rest of the group, Sawyer stepped on a piece of bamboo, skewering his foot. Miles was so livid that he told James he no longer wanted to be his partner. When they found the bodies, he gave up the location of the rest of his guns and stash to Jack, as Libby was in need of the heroin for pain relief. At the end of Season 4, Sawyer is the last remaining member of the 14 original main characters to still reside at the. "), Among the names on the list of people Michael was instructed to bring to the Others was Sawyer, and he was convinced to join Michael, Jack, Hurley, and Kate on their mission to find Walt. Matthew Fox, Jorge Garcia and Dominic Monaghan read Sawyer's lines when they came in to audition because there was no existing script for their characters. They climb down a cliff to a cave. Shared Centric http://www.illinoishistory.com/jamesford.html, http://etext.virginia.edu/railton/tomsawye/tomhompg.html, http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2009/03/episode-516517-season-finale-new_09.html, https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/James_%22Sawyer%22_Ford?oldid=1124594. Sawyer then tells Jack that Hurley is with Ben and the two head off to rescue Hurley. Sawyer's drastic change in behavior caused Kate to worry. James is a candidate to take up the mantle of leader of the Island; thus, he is given three choices: do nothing, become leader of the Island, or leave the Island with the Man in Black. There is another time shift and the other boat disappears, and the group is caught out in the rain during nightfall. ("The Incident, Part 2"). ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"), As they traveled, however, they were ambushed and taken to the Pala Ferry by the Others. The group ultimately splits up, with James and Juliet heading toward the creek together. James ‘Sawyer’ Ford (Character) estimated net worth in 2018 is Under Review. Amid their confusion about his freedom, Ben cheerfully said to them, "See you guys at dinner!" While the mercenaries were distracted by the Monster, Sawyer, Ben, Locke, Hurley, Claire, and Miles fled from the Barracks. ("The Little Prince"), On their continued journey to reach the Orchid, Sawyer and his group stumbled upon Jin (who they thought was dead) just moments after another flash through time. When Richard Alpert invaded the DHARMA Initiative camp, Horace went to talk, and when he returned, he asked how well Sawyer buried the bodies. As Sun became pinned under a cabinet and pipes, Sawyer, Jack, and Jin worked to free her until Sawyer was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. They are in the past. He develops a more heroic side in the fourth season, becoming protective of Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) and sacrificing his chance to get off the Island so his friends can escape in the season finale. Sawyer argued that Jack was making a mistake and that he, Jin, Hurley, and Juliet would meet them at the beach when their plan inevitably fails. Through talking to him, Sawyer learned that Anthony was a con man. Online, everywhere. When Kate and Jin spotted Phil and the security team headed towards the Swan, Sawyer questioned Juliet whether they should help. James ”Sawyer” Ford (myöhemmin myös nimellä James LaFleur) on fiktiivinen hahmo yhdysvaltalaisessa televisiosarjassa Lost, jossa häntä näyttelee Josh Holloway.. Sawyer kuvataan sarjan alussa huijarina, sarkastisena flirttinä, joka kerää rantaan onnettomuudessa huuhtoutuneita tavaroita itselleen. When asked why he would not kill Ben himself, Locke responded that he was not a murderer. Sayid escapes a few days later with the help of eleven-year-old Ben. The day before the raft sets sail, Sawyer and Kate clash once more, this time over his place on the raft. Family Sort: Relevant Newest # lost # evangeline lilly # kate austen # josh holloway # lostedit # lost # evangeline lilly # kate austen # josh holloway # lostedit # lost # paleyfest # finger point # sawyer # josh holloway # reaction # wow # … In a frenzy, James starts digging at the ground where the rope is, but Juliet stops James, and tells him Locke is gone. Jack insisted that Locke killed them. One night Locke tells Sawyer that he has captured Ben, and takes Sawyer to the Black Rock, locking him in a room with a bound and gagged stranger. As the group trekked across the Island back to the main camp, Sawyer's condition (caused by his infected bullet wound) worsened, and he collapsed, prompting the Islanders to build a stretcher on which they could carry him, over Ana-Lucia's protests that he would only slow them down. [2] The character flashbacks would try to follow the same spirit of the character, "a humorously engaging rascal — but who did have this sort of darkness to him", while showing what made Sawyer "a man who's hell-bent on revenge, like an Ahab model. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular James Sawyer Ford animated GIFs to your conversations. For the first four seasons, he competes with Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) for the affections of Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), but the latter's love for Jack ultimately prevails. However, Sawyer stopped her and said that it was his fault, saying that he convinced her not to leave the Island three years before because he did not want to be alone. Miles says Juliet told him "it worked," to which James pouts. Sawyer told Anthony to keep reading, but he tore up the letter up instead. On the march there, however, he secretly asked Jack to get Locke in the water when they arrived and make sure he did not board the submarine. ("The Last Recruit"), Widmore's men brought the group, including Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Hurley, Frank, Sun, and Jin to the Hydra Island cages. He is soon confronted by Ana Lucia, demanding he give her a gun. Kate screamed at Sawyer and demanded that he turn the boat around to get Jack, but Sawyer refused her request. ("Recon"). It was, however, evident that she was lying. When Kate expressed concern that he could get in trouble, Sawyer smugly told her that he's "head of security", and that he could handle it.

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