powerade vs gatorade

Gatorade vs. Powerade: battle of the beverages [This article originally appeared in the July 2002 issue of Northwest Runner magazine.] The comparison of Powerade and Gatorade will help in identifying the effects of these sports drinks. These drinks are different from each other by the amount of sugar, sodium and the type of sugar used for their preparation. Q. Follow 368. Powerade and Gatorade are sweetened with different types of sugar. Neither has any fat or protein. Powerade Vs. Gatorade: Sports Drink Brands Face-off. Cependant, le Gatorade contient 10 calories de plus et légèrement plus de sodium que le Powerade par portion. Évitez ces 10 aliments pour réduire les ballonnements faciaux et les remèdes matinaux. By Editorial Team Last updated Apr 29, 2020 sports drink 6 Comments. However, Gatorade contains 10 more calories and slightly more sodium than Powerade per serving. When comparing Powerade with Gatorade, it is observed that both the sports drinks provide electrolytes and B vitamins and are effective in rehydration. Powerade is sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup and has more added vitamins, factors that both may contribute to taste differences. One 20-ounce (590-ml) lemon-lime Powerade and Gatorade contain (1, 2): The carb and sugar contents are similar in both sports drinks. Most of these studies were performed in athletes, so the results may not apply to those who engage in low or moderate levels of exercise. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose et le dextrose sont similaires sur le plan nutritionnel, ce qui signifie que Powerade et Gatorade fournissent des quantités comparables de glucides et de nutriments (4, 5). As such, you may wonder whether there’s a big difference between the two. Gatorade or Ice cold water . Les principaux ingrédients de Powerade et de Gatorade sont l'eau, un type de sucre, l'acide citrique et le sel (1, 2). Today I am looking at and comparing 3 popular sugar sweetened sports drinks Gatorade, Powerade, and Lucozade. I wish I had a poll option for this, but lets settle it! According to research firm Euromonitor International, Gatorade sales in the United States dropped 0.5 percent to $5.9 billion in 2017, marking the beverage’s first decline since 2012. 1 decade ago. Powerade and Gatorade are popular sports drinks. Nonetheless, the benefits of drinking sports drinks like Powerade and Gatorade depend on the activity and individual. Several studies note that Powerade and Gatorade help improve performance in prolonged exercises like running, cycling, and triathlons, compared with a placebo (16, 17, 18). Thus, Powerade has about three fourth of sodium while having more calories than Gatorade. Gatorade and PowerAde are the sports drinks that are specially formulated to replenish electrolytes that are lost with sweat due to heavy exercise. Read the following NutriNeat article to know about the differences between these two electrolyte-replenishing drinks. The main ingredients of the Gatorade are salt, sodium citrate and monopotassium phosphate, whereas PowerAde has salt, potassium phosphate and potassium citrate instead of sodium citrate. 0 0. punny812. 0 0. Pour les athlètes pauvres en sodium, Gatorade est évidemment un meilleur choix. Powerade because the Gatorade campaign really grosses me out - they have all of these athletes SWEATING GATORADE!!!! Anonymous. Gatorade is owned by the PepsiCo beverage company and Powerade falls under the Coca-Cola family of products as part of Glaceau. Here are 7 evidence-based health benefits of drinking water. The true innovation here is that Gatorade manages to speak to its target demographic — men between the ages … Want to change up your hydration routine after a sweat session? Anonymous. Followers . Gatorade v. Powerade: Overall Content Strategy. While their nutritional differences are negligible, Powerade has more micronutrients. Ni l’un ni l’autre ne contient de matières grasses ou de protéines. La plupart de ces études ont été réalisées chez des athlètes, de sorte que les résultats peuvent ne pas s’appliquer à ceux qui pratiquent des niveaux d’exercice faibles ou modérés. Can’t Believe It’s Not Water — 5 Hydrating, Post-Workout Drinks, 7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water, Why Is Water Important? That said, beverages with carbs, such as Powerade and Gatorade, may enhance athletic performance in continuous exercise of 1–4 hours or longer (15). Determining whether Powerade Zero or Gatorade Zero is the better sports drink? JarOfGunz. When it comes to the share of sports drink revenues, Gatorade is holding a 70% share, Powerade has 15% and Bodyarmor has 13%, and the rest collectively have 2%, according to Stanford. Still, some people claim that Powerade tastes sweeter than Gatorade. Multiple studies indicate that high-fructose corn syrup and regular sugar have similar negative effects on insulin levels, appetite response, and obesity risk (6, 7, 8, 9). As of 2015, Powerade had about 18.5, while Gatorade controlled an estimated 71.2 percent share of the sports drink market. All rights reserved. Plusieurs études notent que le Powerade et le Gatorade aident à améliorer la performance lors d’exercices prolongés comme la course, le cyclisme et le triathlon, comparativement à un placebo (16, 17, 18). • For same serving size of 8 floz, Powerade has 80 calories whereas Gatorade has 50 calories. Les deux boissons ont des effets similaires sur les performances sportives et contiennent du sucre ajouté, ce qui peut nuire à votre santé. De multiples études indiquent que le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose et le sucre régulier ont des effets négatifs similaires sur les niveaux d’insuline, la réponse de l’appétit et le risque d’obésité (6, 7, 8, 9). Many people find that Powerade and Gatorade taste different. • Powerade a 100 mg de sodium tandis que Gatorade a 135 mg de sodium. Un Powerade et un Gatorade citron-lime de 20 onces (590 ml) contiennent (1, 2) : Les teneurs en glucides et en sucres sont similaires dans les deux boissons pour sportifs. All Sport had better flavors than Powerade. There’s limited evidence on the benefits of drinking sports drinks for short-duration exercises like weight training, sprinting, and jumping (12, 13, 14). I usually opt out with Powerade Zero, which tastes sweet instead. Si vous êtes sportif ou sportif, vous devez avoir entendu et même goûté au Gatorade ou au Powerade. Powerade est sucré avec du sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose et contient plus de vitamines ajoutées, facteurs qui peuvent tous deux contribuer aux différences de goût. Both are owned by different brands i.e. This difference may result from Powerade being sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, which tastes sweeter than the dextrose sugar used in Gatorade (1, 10). They supply the body with sugar and electrolytes.The sugars provide fuel while the electrolytes replace the electrolytes lost through sweating. Cela dit, les boissons contenant des glucides, comme le Powerade et le Gatorade, peuvent améliorer la performance athlétique lors d’un exercice continu de 1 à 4 heures ou plus (15). Powerade and Gatorade are sweetened with different types of sugar. Ce qui fait la différence entre Gatorade et Powerade, c'est la quantité d'ingrédients utilisés pour les fabriquer. Lv 5. � Avertissement : Le contenu est purement informatif et éducatif et ne doit pas être interprété comme un avis médical. Powerade et Gatorade sont sucrés avec différents types de sucre. Large-scale taste tests on Powerade and Gatorade have not been performed. Powerade est sucré avec du sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose, tandis que Gatorade contient du dextrose. Powerade and Gatorade are designed to help keep people hydrated during physical activity, such as working out or playing a sport. I know one has less sodium and the other has more sugar (in a sugar polymer instead of free sugars). D’autre part, Powerade contient plus de micronutriments, dont le magnésium, la niacine et les vitamines B6 et B12, qui jouent un rôle important dans votre corps. However, very little evidence suggests that one drink is better than the other. Beaucoup de gens trouvent que Powerade et Gatorade ont un goût différent. 0. 0. Though it’s normal for electrolyte levels to…, A clear liquid diet is a diet consisting of exclusively clear liquids. Last medically reviewed on September 20, 2019, It’s marketed as a sports drink, but athletes aren’t the only ones drinking Gatorade. Gatorade: Gatorade presents the total package: truly excellent visual content both in graphic design and in video production, awesome community management around these assets, and an incredibly simple UX on their website. Gatorade was formed in a totally different way to Powerade. Although the Gatorade drinks do not contain B vitamins, Powerade drinks do not have a lot of potassium and they are still sugary. For athletes low on sodium diet, Gatorade is obviously a better choice. The similarities shared by both these drinks are apparent. Si vous choisissez de boire l’une ou l’autre boisson, choisissez une boisson en fonction de vos préférences personnelles. Not only does water make up a majority of your body weight, it’s involved in many important functions, including…, Most people who experience food poisoning don’t require a trip to the hospital, but you won’t want to venture too far from the bathroom either. Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS, Why Energy, Sports Drinks Shouldn’t Be Given to Children. Gatorade vs. Powerade Nutrition Facts. Rather than being the idea of the world’s largest soft drink brand, Gatorade was first created by a group of scientists at the University of Florida in 1965. Powerade is sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, while Gatorade contains dextrose. Dextrose is chemically identical to regular sugar (1, 2, 3). Cette différence peut résulter du fait que Powerade est sucré avec du sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose, qui a un goût plus sucré que le sucre dextrose utilisé dans Gatorade (1, 10). Table Des Matières: Gatorade est considérée comme l'une des premières boissons sportives formulée pour reconstituer les électrolytes qui sont perdus par la sueur lors d'exercices lourds. Both Powerade and Gatorade are energy drinks that can help you regain lost electrolytes, minerals, and nutrients after a tiring day outdoors or after an intense workout in the gym. Cette boisson a d'abord été développée pour l'équipe de football Gators de l'Université de Floride. Il y a peu de preuves qu’un verre est meilleur pour améliorer la performance que l’autre. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Gatorade vs. powerade? Ainsi, Powerade contient environ trois quarts de sodium tout en ayant plus de calories que Gatorade. Gatorade and Powerade have become synonymous with hydration. You are here: Home 1 / All Articles 2 / Keto Course 3 / Powerade vs Gatorade Powerade vs Gatorade June 11, 2019 / 0 Comments / in Keto Course / by Jim Jeffries it really gives … These meet the demands of the players to compensate the water and salts. Both come in an array of flavors and both companies have … Both sports drinks contain small amounts of about a dozen or so different vitamins and minerals, but Powerade has added much more significant amounts of vitamins like B-3, B-6, and B-12 to it's formula to promote better energy production within the body. Gatorade may have beat Powerade in the carbohydrate and electrolyte categories, but Powerade wins when it comes to vitamins and minerals. • Pour la même portion de 8 floz, Powerade a 80 calories tandis que Gatorade a 50 calories. Powerade and Gatorade may benefit athletes who participate in continuous and prolonged exercise. On the other hand, Powerade packs more micronutrients, including magnesium, niacin, and vitamins B6 and B12, which play important roles in your body. It comes down to calories, electrolytes and the overall food nutrition label. What is the difference between Powerade and Gatorade? Gatorade by far. Aucun test de dégustation à grande échelle n’a été effectué sur Powerade et Gatorade. Le Gatorade contient plus de calories et de sodium, tandis que le … It really is less "bitter" than Gatorade. Gatorade vs Powerade . Powerade also has more added vitamins, which could contribute to the taste differences. 1 decade ago. These are the sources necessary for replenishing the loss of electrolytes from your body. 111 results; 1; 2; 3; This topic is locked from further discussion. - Super Niño Rata. Ultimately, drink taste may vary by individual. Powerade vs. Gatorade. These great-tasting fluids will rehydrate and power your body — no water required. Only 2% of a person's daily value of potassium is found in Powerade drinks. Powerade et Gatorade sont des boissons pour sportifs qui sont offertes dans une variété de saveurs et sont faites de différents ingrédients. Food…. Puisque PowerAde a une faible teneur en sel par rapport à Gatorade, les personnes qui suivent un régime à faible teneur en sodium devraient envisager l'une plutôt que l'autre. A. Forum Posts. That made me turn to Powerade! Powerade et Gatorade sont des boissons sportives populaires. Ceux-ci répondent aux demande de joueur pour compener l'eau et le el. For our comparison, a … Katfish. 16 Reasons to Drink Up. Sports drinks are marketed to improve athletic performance, no matter your level of fitness and activity. Gatorade contains more calories and sodium, while Powerade provides magnesium, niacin, vitamin B6, and B12. Powerade et Gatorade sont des boissons pour sportifs qui viennent dans une variété de saveurs et sont faites avec différents ingrédients. Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Powerade VS Gatorade which drink do you like better? This diet may be prescribed as part of a treatment or as preparation for a…. • Total carbohydrates are 19g in Powerade while Gatorade has … Powerade is sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, while Gatorade contains dextrose.Gatorade offers a number of different options with varying potency and carbohydrate levels, but the electrolytes in their Thirst Quencher products are limited to sodium and potassium. D’autre part, Powerade contient plus de micronutriments, dont le magnésium, la niacine et les vitamines B6 et B12, qui jouent un rôle important dans votre corps. En fin de compte, le goût des boissons peut varier d’une personne à l’autre. Sports drinks are designed to rehydrate your body and restore carbs, electrolytes, and other nutrients that you may lose during exercise (11). Si vous souhaitez écrire un billet d'invité pour nous, veuillez nous contacter par courriel : [email protected], Pourquoi les bifidobactéries sont si bonnes pour vous, Grippe estivale : Symptômes et explications possibles. Many people who go to fitness clubs and gyms are using sports drinks often. Does this make much difference? Some people report that Powerade tastes sweeter than Gatorade. Vitaminwater is a beverage brand owned by the Coca-Cola company. 1 decade ago. Veuillez n'utiliser le contenu qu'en consultation avec un médecin ou un professionnel de la santé certifié approprié. Since this, Gatorade has gone from strength to strength and is now synonymous with both the Super Bowl & Motor Racing. For intense activity, a Powerade drink includes a greater variety of electrolytes, while Gatorade offers more options for carbohydrate levels and ingredients. Dr Kavaler a obtenu son diplôme de l’Université de Montréal en 1986. Should You Drink Sports Drinks Instead of Water? In conclusion, Gatorade contains fewer carbohydrates and higher sodium levels, is best for longer exercise session (more than 3 hours). It is marketed as "healthy," but is actually high in added sugar and very harmful. Powerade and Gatorade are sports drinks that come in a variety of flavors and are made with different ingredients. Various advocates claim that either Powerade or Gatorade is the better choice. There is little evidence supporting that one drink is better at enhancing performance compared with the other. 0 0. Gatorade --any flavor. • Powerade has 100mg sodium while Gatorade has 135mg sodium. Cet article passe en revue les différences entre le Powerade et le Gatorade pour déterminer si l’un est un meilleur choix. Powerade contient également plus de vitamines ajoutées, ce qui pourrait contribuer aux différences de goût. Les boissons pour sportifs sont commercialisées pour améliorer les performances sportives, peu importe votre niveau de forme physique et d’activité physique. 10 signes avant-coureurs qui vous conseillent d'emmener votre chien chez le vétérinaire, Chancre : Causes, symptômes et diagnostic, 6 Types de probiotiques les plus courants, rinçage des sinus : Comment le faire en toute sécurité, La colite ulcéreuse chez les enfants : Symptômes, traitement et conseils, Colite collagène : Symptômes, causes, traitement et plus encore, Effets similaires sur la performance sportive. Children drink it at lunch or after soccer practice, and it’s…, Companies that make products such as Gatorade and Powerade market their drinks to youth sports teams, but experts say the liquids are loaded with…, Sports drinks are a big part of athletics and big business around the globe, but some debate whether they're any more hydrating than water. Powerade et Gatorade sont sucrés avec différents types de sucre. Powerade and Gatorade are both popular sports drinks. From the two tastes, I really have to go with Powerade. Gatorade … This article reviews the differences between Powerade and Gatorade to determine whether one is a better choice. Powerade has lower electrolyte concentrations and more carbohydrates, hence, it is better for exercise shorter than 2 hours. 1/2 gatorade, 1/2 water. Plusieurs défenseurs prétendent que Powerade ou Gatorade est le meilleur choix. These sports drinks should be used according to the suggestions for... [Continue reading...] Melaleuca … I do resistance training and running combined, plus i do other active things like ripstiking and cycling and most of my work i do is active, ranging from working on cars to hauling wood... so my question. High-fructose corn syrup and dextrose are nutritionally similar, which means that Powerade and Gatorade provide comparable amounts of carbs and nutrients (4, 5). Wiki Points. Dre Frechette travaille à New York, NY et se spécialise dans la médecine générale et la santé des femmes. A balanced salt solution such as Gatorade or Powerade is a good source of balanced electrolytes; patients with diabetes mellitus should consider Gatorade 2 or Powerade Zero as it contains less sugar than Gatorade. Gatorade et PowerAde ont de boion pour portif pécialement formulée pour recontituer le électrolyte perdu par la tranpiration à caue d'activité phyique intene. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à choisir entre Gatorade et Powerade. Gatorade (8 fl oz) contient 50 calories, 0 g de gras trans, 110 mg de sodium, 30 mg de potassium, 14 g de glucides et 14 g de sucre. On dispose de peu de données sur les bienfaits de la consommation de boissons pour sportifs pour les exercices de courte durée comme l’entraînement avec poids et haltères, le sprint et le saut à la corde (12, 13, 14). Both drinks have similar effects on athletic performance and contain added sugar, which may negatively affect your health. Les principaux ingrédients du Powerade et du Gatorade sont l’eau, un type de sucre, l’acide citrique et le sel (1, 2). The main ingredients in both Powerade and Gatorade are water, a type of sugar, citric acid, and salt (1, 2). Being dehydrated can negatively affect your body and brain. 1 decade ago. If you choose to drink either beverage, select one based on your personal preferences. Ce boion e différencient par la quantité de ucre, de odium et le type de ucre utilié pour leur préparation. Le Gatorade contient plus de calories et de sodium, tandis que le Powerade fournit du magnésium, de la niacine, de la vitamine B6 et B12. --Kerry Kim, Seattle, WA. Cependant, très peu de preuves suggèrent qu’une boisson est meilleure que l’autre. These are the main nutritional details to consider when comparing these popular sports drinks.Both brands provide about 21 grams of carbohydrates per 12 ounces. Powerade et Gatorade peuvent être bénéfiques pour les athlètes qui participent à un exercice continu et prolongé. This…, Electrolytes like salt, potassium, and calcium perform a variety of important functions within your body. Différents édulcorants. Les boissons pour sportifs sont conçues pour réhydrater votre corps et restaurer les glucides, électrolytes et autres nutriments que vous pourriez perdre pendant l’exercice (11). Gatorade---lemon-lime. Ce sont deux des boissons sportives les plus populaires. The chart below shows a comparative analysis of nutrients contained in both the drinks. Pourtant, certains prétendent que le Powerade a un goût plus sucré que le Gatorade. 0 0. Gatorade contains more calories and sodium, while Powerade provides magnesium, niacin, vitamin B6, and B12. Néanmoins, les avantages de boire des boissons pour sportifs comme Powerade et Gatorade dépendent de l’activité et de l’individu. Certains disent que le Powerade a un goût plus sucré que le Gatorade. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Cependant, le Gatorade contient 10 calories de plus et légèrement plus de sodium que le Powerade par portion. Is there any real difference between Gatorade and Powerade as far as endurance workouts go? Bien que leurs différences nutritionnelles soient négligeables, Powerade contient plus de micronutriments. Powerade et Gatorade sont deux boissons sportives populaires. Powerade VS Gatorade ¿Cuál es mejor? We know water is important — but why? Le dextrose est chimiquement identique au sucre ordinaire (1, 2, 3). Vous vous demandez peut-être s’il y a une grande différence entre les deux.

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