scaphites hippocrepis physical characteristics

Unit is exposed only in pits dug below the overlying Woodbridge Clay Member. Pollen from the unit belongs to the Complexipollis-Atlantopollis Assemblage Zone of latest Cenomanian and early Turonian age (Christopher, 1979, 1982). The initial part (juvenile stage) of the shell is generally more or less involute (tightly-coiled) and compressed, giving no hint of the heteromorphic shell form yet to come. The Scaphites is of the type III variety of Cobban (1969) and is indicative of the lower, but not the lowest, Campanian. Very woody, mostly fine pieces in layers and coated with pyrite. Thickness of the (entire Passaic) formation between Sourland Mountain and Sand Brook syncline is about 3,500 m (11,483 ft). Unit crops out in a narrow belt from Sandy Hook Bay on the central sheet and pinches out southwest of Oldmans Creek, Salem County, on the southern sheet. Wolfe (1976) designated the microflora of the unit as Zone CA4 and assigned it to the lower Campanian. 2) and SCHMID& ERNST(1975, Fig. Formation characterized by local vertical and lateral facies changes. Calcite- or dolomite-filled vugs and flattened cavities, mostly 0.5 to 0.2 mm (0.02-0.08 in) across, occur mostly in the lower half. (Kmmel, 1897) - Cyclically-deposited sequences consisting of light- to dark-gray, greenish-gray, and black, dolomitic or analcime-bearing silty argillite, laminated mudstone, silty to calcareous, argillaceous, very-fine-grained pyritic sandstone and siltstone, and minor silty limestone (Trl). "Digital characterization of thrombolite-stromatolite reef distribution in a carbonate ramp system (terminal Proterozoic, Nama Group, Namibia)" (PDF). Clasts are subangular to subrounded, quartz and quartzite in sandstone matrix. Unit forms upward-fining sequences 0.5 to 2.5 m (1.6-8 ft) thick. Index map of the western interior of the United States._____ 2 2. (Scaphites hippocrepis Range Zone) Raton Basin Figure 1. †Scaphites hippocrepis DeKay 1828 (ammonite) Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Scaphitidae. The presence of Ostrea cretacea in the Cliffwood Beach fauna suggests that the upper part of the Magothy is late Santonian in age. This unit is exposed only in the South Amboy quadrangle where it is as much as 12 m (39 ft) thick. The Woodbury maintains a thickness of about 15 m (49 ft) throughout most of its outcrop belt. Unit fills large channels and has local concentrations of large, pyrite-encrusted, lignitized logs. Sandstone, deposited in high-gradient stream channels, is mostly planar bedded with scoured bases containing pebble lags and mudstone rip-up clasts. The Marshalltown is the basal transgressive unit of a sedimentation cycle that includes the regressive deposits of the overlying Wenonah and Mount Laurel Formations resembling the overlying Red Bank Formation to Navesink Formation cycle in its asymmetry. PaleoDB taxon number: 324058. Unit crops out in a narrow belt throughout the map area and forms isolated outliers in the central sheet. 393888) Full reference: W. M. Gabb. Because most fossil-bearing rocks formed in the ocean, the major index fossils are marine organisms. At the time of their study, the Magothy was extensively mined for clay and sand and was well exposed. At Pueblo, the unnamed transition member of the lower Pierre Shale contains a bentonite seam, which in Kansas lies within chalk of the Smoky Hill, well below the Niobrara-Pierre contact. Many gray-bed sequences are locally correlated within fault blocks; some can be correlated across major faults or intrusive rock units. Typically, thickness is about 9 to 10.5 m (30-34 ft). Their subdivisions had economic designations (for example, Amboy stoneware clay). Characteristic features of Scaphites hippocrepis(DEKAY) III; terminology after Cobban (1969, Fig. Locally, small burrows are present. Sandstone beds are coarser and thicker near conglomerate units (JTrpcq, JTrpcl). FIGURE 1. Clay-silt, dark-gray; weathers brown and orange pink. The initial part (juvenile stage) of the shell is generally more or less involute (tightly-coiled) and compressed, giving no hint of the heteromorphic shell form yet to come. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation Accessory minerals include apatite, quartz, alkali feldspar, hornblende, titantite, and zirocon. It is probable that the Cheesequake Formation contains the Santonian-Campanian boundary. They have transverse, branching ribs with tubercles (small bumps) along the venter. Definition of hippocrepis in the dictionary. These colonies include adults and newly hatched young, and can be comprised of two individuals or as many as 161 (1). Siderite in discontinuous beds and in flattened slab concretions as much as 1 m (3 ft) in diameter are common. Sedimentary rocks within about 300 m (984 ft) above and 200 m (656 ft) below major diabase sheets are thermally metamorphosed. Cycles in northern Newark basin are thinner and have arkosic sandstone in lower and upper parts. Scaphites hippocrepis III Scaphites hippocrepis II Scaphites hippocrepis I Clinoscaphites saxitonianus Pierre Shale group Niobrara group Figure 4 Study interval Figure 2: Generalized stratigraphy of the upper Late Cretaceous western interior of North America including European stage names 4. No burrows were observed in the unit. Thickness is about 10 m (33 ft) in the northern part of the central sheet, 20 m (66 ft) in the southwestern part of the central sheet, and 7.5 m (25 ft) in the southern sheet. Sand, quartz, fine- to coarsegrained, gravelly, massive, bioturbated, medium- to dark-gray; weathers light brown, yellow, or reddish brown, locally interbedded with thin to thick beds of dark clay. Pollen collected from the Woodbury was assigned to the CA3 Zone by Wolfe (1976). Medial lake-bottom deposits are laminated siltstones, silty mudstones, or silty limestones that are dark gray to black with calcite laminae and grains and lenses, or streaks of pyrite; fossils are common, including fish scales and articulated fish, conchostracans, plants, spores, and pollen. Upper part of channel beds are burrowed. Small siderite concretions are abundant in the Woodbury in the northern part of the outcrop belt. Red beds occur typically in 3- to 7-m (10- to 23-ft-)-thick, cyclic playa-lake-mudflat sequences and fining-upward fluvial sequences. Best exposures occur along Crosswicks Creek in the Allentown quadrangle and along Oldmans Creek. At most places, a reworked zone about 0.3 to 1 m (1-3 ft) thick is present at the base. sp., Nostoceras (Nostoceras) aff. sp., and Trachyscaphites pulcherrimus. They consist of basal, transgressive, fluvial to lake-margin deposits that are argillaceous, very fine grained sandstone to coarse siltstone with indistinct lamination, planar or cross lamination, or are disrupted by convolute bedding, desiccation cracks, root casts, soil-ped casts, and tubes. Sand, glauconite, locally has high quartz content, very clayey and silty, massive to thick-bedded, grayish-olive-green to dark-greenish-gray; weathers moderate brown or moderate yellow brown. Are they afraid to challenge authority and to question assumptions? The scale of crossbedding varies from small to large. Scaphites hippocrepis (DeKay) III; COBBAN, p. 21, pl. Abundant, rounded, pale-gray siderite concretions (about 8 cm (3 in) in diameter) occur in thin discontinuous beds.

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