biblical meaning of rainbow in dream

Colors. So, considering this passage, God attached special meaning to the rainbow so that every time we see it, we may be reminded of God’s covenant to never destroy everyone and everything on the earth again with a flood. All rights reserved. As beautiful and unique as a rainbow is, there is a simple, non-miraculous explanation for this phenomenon. A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that separates sunlight into its spectrum, and when the sun continues to shine, it shines in the raindrops. Rainbow colors also have different meanings depending on the culture and symbols. Because of the continual evil and wickedness of mankind (Genesis 6:5-12), God decided to cause rain to fall for 40 days and nights and flood the entire earth — killing everyone and everything except for a man named Noah and his family and a bunch of animals that were kept safe inside of a wooden ark. One example of this kind of remarkable event would be the appearance of a rainbow in the sky. He furthers his ministry through his blog site, Faithful Thinking. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth” (Genesis 9:8-16, ESV). In waking life he was having a phone calls with a criminal lawyer who kept giving him good news about problems with his legal case being fixed until he was finally cleared of criminal charges. Dream about a rainbow in general. And it is great news for us as well because this story clearly and beautifully points us to the time when God sent his own Son, Jesus, to die on a cross and then rise again to give humanity an amazing opportunity to escape judgment by being “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3; 1 Peter 3:20-22; 2 Peter 2:9). Similarly, ancient Japanese believed that rainbows allowed their deceased ancestors to come back to earth, and the Navajo believed that it was the path for holy spirits. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams. And when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking. A rainbow is a sign that negativity in some manner is being confronted or fixed. Negatively, dreaming about a rainbow may represent feelings of not laughing that something serious or terrible is over-with because you appreciate feeling good that it's over-with. As a matter of fact, one of the farthest-reaching (yet subtle) distractions in our contemporary culture happened in 1978 when an artist hijacked the rainbow to design a flag to represent the LGBT community and celebrate a lifestyle that is sinful, unnatural, and even destructive. The rainbow first appears in Scripture toward the end of the story of the worldwide flood in Genesis 6-9. 33 Bible Verses about Rainbow ... As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. As fantastical as it may seem, this world-wide flood event really happened. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the Gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further in their faith and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the glory of God. Robert attended North Greenville University in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Liberty University in Virginia for his Masters. Do not neglect these dreams as they hold the strongest meaning of what your life relates to. For example, the Norse saw it as a Bifrost “bridge” for gods to cross from earth to their home called Asgard. Rainbow Dream Meaning. Find out more about him here. Nevertheless, the beauty and mystical appearance of the rainbow has caused it to be part of different myths among many cultures around the world. A rainbow in a dream also represents wonders, or a military coup. Most beautiful double bows are often seen, and occasionally the moon is bright enough to produce the bow. From Biblical to prophecies, rainbows hold quite a few promises and even good luck. The symbolism of a Rainbow intuitively tells us to hold onto hope, to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that sacred blessings open to us when we are following our hearts desire. To dream of a rainbow represents feelings of wonderfulness that something bad or disappointing is over with. In waking life he was happy to see that his mothers problematic computer starting to work great all the time. I do not think I have ever witnessed the appearance of a rainbow where someone did not point up to the sky and say, “Look, a rainbow!” And typically, the brighter and more colorful the rainbow is, the louder people, including myself, cheer over it. If you dream of a shoe I have covered another more spiritual meaning but here I wanted to take the chance to give you a more biblical perspective. Scientists have known for a long time that rainbows appear when raindrops act as “tiny prisms.”. His feelings were that the light that radiated from the rainbow was equivalent to the light emitted by a person when they performed a good deed. The dream of rainbow is a good sign which means all the unpleasant things will pass and you will enjoy the great happiness. J. K. L. M. N. Rainbow. This was good news to Noah because, despite the righteousness of Noah who (in a way) was a new “prototype” for humanity, mankind’s heart was still “evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21). In the seven colors, beginning with red and ending with purple, God was displaying a natural miracle … Blue could also mean being depressed (as in singing the blues’). In nature there are three primary colors: red, … The two earthly points are adjoined as one. A rainbow is a universal symbol of hope, luck, fortune, and wishes coming true. Enjoying moving on from an unpleasant situation. So, what is the true meaning of the rainbow? To see a rainbow in a dream, is prognostic of unusual happenings. In response, God declared this promise to Noah and his family: “Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. Feelings of harmonization in your life as a bad situation is corrected. Why Is Isaiah the Most Quoted Prophet in the Bible? Biblical Color Meaning in the Bible "When God appeared unto Noah after the flood, and placed a rainbow in the sky, He did much more than show him a phenomenon. If you had a dream a rainbow in general, then this dream represents hope, happiness and tranquility that will follow you in your life. Shoes can indicate that you are trying to remove something in life. If you are digging out something, it means you should get ready for a mighty breakthrough. In some instances the exact color is mentioned in the Scriptures and with others it is implied and seen through spiritual eyes. Dreaming of seeing a snake. How to Interpret Dreams from a Biblical Perspective. The Rainbow Never. In fact, although Noah built an altar to worship God immediately getting off the boat, it was not too long until his drunkenness resulted in new curses on some of his descendants (Genesis 9). He has served in a variety of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family pastor, and most recently as the Lead Pastor and Planter of Village Church in Churchville, Virginia. This dream has specific and very positive meaning. White light from the sun shines on one side of a water droplet, gets reflected off the other side of the droplet, and then exits out to the other side of the sky as a circular bow or arc of color that is refracted or broken up into the color spectrum. When the storm clouds gather in a threatening sky and our thoughts turn toward judgment, God places a reminder that this is not Judgment Day yet: a rainbow shows the presence of Light in the midst of Darkness. What Is the Meaning of the Rainbow in the Bible? For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved (Romans 10:9-10, ESV). If you saw a dream about rainbow, it is a very favorable sign. After the floodwaters receded and Noah could get out of the boat onto dry land, he built an altar and offered a burnt offering to God. Dreaming of a big snake. This is a basic list of colors and more will be added when the LORD gives revelation. There are many false friends around you and you should not trust anyone. Dream only occur when one is sleeping. Double Rainbow Meaning In Bible. Just as it brings a smile to our faces in the waking world it is also a harbinger of good fortune in the dream world. To dream of a rainbow represents feelings of wonderfulness that something bad or disappointing is over with. For more on that topic, see this article. This dream reflects … Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a full rainbow circle. Either way, I hope this article has helped you learn about the Biblical meaning of colors. You may experience new confidence or find justice in some area of your life. To answer that question, we must look beyond the children’s coloring books and really weird movies to the Bible — the only truly infallible, inspired, and authoritative source of truth that we have. Other references to rainbows in the Bible are in relation to the glory of God. The rainbow in this dream is a bridge between your earthly, grounded self, and the higher, spiritual self. Biblical Meaning of Colors Conclusion. Rainbow symbolism has such a powerful meaning to each of us and graciously bestows the energy of blessings. Of course, there are quite a few other details that we might notice from this story, such as God’s power over the elements as well as the constancy of seasons, earth rotations, and temperature changes on earth (Genesis 8:22). Negative: To dream of the color blue may also mean to be corrupted or dishonest through vanity and having idols before God. The dream promises moving to another, blessed and more successful life stage. Dreaming about a rainbow over a river. Meaning of the double rainbow and its magic. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. RAINBOW. It is possible that someone has bad intentions towards you, so you should be careful. We have already discussed the 7 rainbow colors and their meanings here. And because of the gospel, we can respond to God’s grace with faithful surrender and be saved. Thus, seeing a Bible in dream reflects your relationship and behavior with others. Enjoying moving on from an unpleasant situation. Even when the Earth was flooded after the great biblical flood, God showed Noah the rainbow so he could expect miracles. Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a rainbow on a white piece of paper in the distance in the center. It is intriguing that so many myths explain the rainbow as some sort of supernatural “bridge,” because the most important theme that the rainbow illustrates for us is God’s gracious and grand purpose of redemption to give humanity a chance to start again. Rainbows contain a continuum of around 1 million colors that are indistinguishable with the human eye. It should be inspiring and very encouraging experience. It’s a multicolored arc with red on the outside and violet on the inside. Rainbow Dream Meaning. In fact, a rainbow is not much more than an “optical illusion” that only appears when a viewer is looking from just the right angle relative to the light source. If you saw a rainbow over a river in your dream, such a dream might be indicating going on a long trip in the near future, which will bring you much joy, but will … Biblical Meaning of Dreams About Snakes. The deterioration of health might come out of anywhere resulting you being sick. These colors bring about both positive and negative context depending on how it is seen in the dream. The worst thing that ever happened to you is never a problem ever again. For lovers to see the rainbow, is an omen of much happiness from their union. Dreams about walking on a rainbow. Sometimes something noteworthy takes place, but normally I am seeing and doing what I have seen and done hundreds, if not thousands of times. After several months of interesting events, God’s judgment was “restrained” and the rain stopped (Genesis 8:2), resulting in a rainbow that appeared in the sky. It feels wonderful that you don't think of problems anymore. By Editor in Chief 514 0. Reading a Bible in your dream may depict your teachings of the childhood and your experiences about life. He recognized the global value of the light needed to create the rainbow as a sort of spiritual context. Emanuel Swedenborg was the first individual to assign spiritual meaning to the rainbow. However, every now and then something extraordinary takes place, prompting me to stand still and be in awe. If you have made it to this part congratulations you have read a lot of the topic of colors in the Bible or you have amazing scrolling skills. It is intriguing that so many myths explain the rainbow as some sort of supernatural “bridge” (as we noted above), because the most important theme that the rainbow illustrates for us is God’s gracious and grand purpose of redemption (especially in light of his justness and holy judgment) to not only spare Noah and his family but also to give humanity (yet another) chance to start again. Welcome to The Dream Bible. This should in no way be a substitute for listening to what the Holy Spirit has to say about your particular dream, but rather it is meant to be a tool to aide you in dream interpretation. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. Similar Dreams: Jackpot, Intimacy, Divine Communication, Journey. Dreams about walking on rainbow are probably the rarest of rainbow related dream. A better mood than you previous had because a terrible problem went away. Why Christians Should Be Encouraged That Jesus 'Will Be with You Always'. Below is a guide to interpreting some of the most common objects and symbols in dreams. Long Rainbow Forming an Arch Connecting Two Horizon: It refers to joy and happiness in your relationship. Instead, we can only really see seven color hues: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Example: A man had recurring dreams of rainbows. Biblical meaning of colors in dreams speak of the various moods and disposition of God, based on the situation. Affairs will assume a more promising countenance, and crops will give promise of a plentiful yield. At the same time, rainbow also implies your pursuit of ego from the perspective of spirit. Robert Hampshire is a pastor, teacher, writer, and leader. Feelings of harmonization in your life as a bad situation is corrected. Psychological, emotional, or situation corrections occurring. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. And while it is certainly not a myth or even an allegorical story, there are still lessons that we should learn for our lives today. Best Known Spiritual Meaning of the Rainbow When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. – DIGGING DREAM, To dig in the dream positively mean working hard to achieve a purpose/to discover the secret of something/to plant a new seed of life. The majestic symbol of purity, renewal, reunion appears in a dream as a harbinger of comprehensive happiness. It is intriguing that so many myths explain the rainbow as some sort of supernatural “bridge,” because the most important theme that the rainbow illustrates for us is God’s gracious and grand purpose of redemption to give humanity a chance to start again. Whether this was the first appearance of a rainbow in human history (because it had not rained yet as Genesis 2:5 seems to say) or it was just God repurposing the phenomenon that already existed (as Ken Ham explains), the Bible is very clear about what the rainbow symbolizes. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. How Has the Freedom in Christ Set Us Free? Rainbows have many spiritual meanings. Ezekiel 1:28 describes the majesty of the Lord this way: " Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the … Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Bible is the symbol of good deeds and spirituality. Lack of faith, doubt, unbelief are one of the fruits. A curved rainbow connecting the ground and the sky in your dream indicates that you will be in a period of rich creativity and ideas. What Is the Meaning of the Rainbow in the Bible? A white rainbow in a dream is a sign of strong spirituality and purity of thoughts. Even today, there is an old Irish legend commonly told (often jokingly) that there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow guarded by a tricky leprechaun. Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/grafxart8888. And if you would like to purchase this content… You can! Dreams play an important role in religion, as many figures in the Bible are said to have been visited by God during their sleep. Crying is over-with as good news arrives. Most of my days are filled with mundane events and scenarios. As Paul laid out for us: ...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. If thunder accompanies the rainbow in the dream, then it means war…. We will devote this article into explaining the secret meaning of rainbows in our dreams, so that you can understand your dreams a little better. If you know and see this animal in your dream chasing or angrily chasing against you in your dream, mean the higher power in cultist person had been offended be your transgression, be careful how you use your mouth to speak against anybody to be more empower than them. Biblical Colors are very significant in our worship of Adonai. Good things are happening after enduring negativity. How Do We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight? To dream of rainbow after rain, it shows a great moment with God; To dream of umbrella during rain, It shows prevention from troubles and danger; If you dream of being scared to enter the rain, it means you are afraid to take some challenges of life which you think might destroy you. A dream foreshadows favorable changes, positive emotions, colorful, funny, unforgettable adventures. A free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. Who doesn’t like to see a rainbow, either in the waking world or the dream world? Dreaming about a white rainbow. Use Psalm 89 seven times repeatedly for a week Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren (Black | Blond | Bluish-black | Green | Maroon | Purple | Red | Reddish-brown | White | Yellow) The color black in a dream means prosperity, happiness or sickness. In waking life he received information that he felt would make a terrible situation go away in the near future. Negatively, obviously, the digging part could be deadly and destructive. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, ran'-bo (qesheth, translated "a bow"; iris, "rainbow"): As most of the rainfall in Palestine is in the form of short heavy showers it is often accompanied by the rainbow. God Remembering His Covenant Noah's Flood. The biblical meaning of this dream suggests that if a snake attacks you in a dream, you or someone closer to you might experience severe health issues. Verse Concepts. From the colors of orbs to auras, the colors found in a rainbow touch some area of everyone's life. Colors in Nature and Biblical Meaning of Primary Colors. Genesis 9:15. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth… This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Biblical dreams and their meaning. Depending on the nature of the dream. Biblical Dream Dictionary admin 2020-06-03T15:40:27-05:00 This free online Dream Dictionary is an organized listing of symbols sometimes found in spiritual dreams and their most common meanings. It also signifies peace and might indicate you will experience a period of rest and tranquility soon. If you have seen a snake in your dream, it means that someone may hurt you in the future. You need to take extra care of not only your health but of the people around you especially those who are older or more vulnerable to diseases. What’s really interesting is that the ancient people, such as the Hebrews, had first experienced colors through the creation of the earth. For example, when you see someone digging the … Rainbow is a symbol of something good and hope. Because the devil is the “father of lies” (John 8:44), all of the myths about rainbows are mistruths that distract us from discovering the true symbolic meaning behind it. In this guide, we will study the colors in the Bible and uncover their spiritual meanings.

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