girl, i guess voter guide 2020

In 2020, we’re choosing a nominee for President, filling vitally important judicial vacancies, making important choices about the Illinois Congressional delegation, and the makeup of our General Assembly. The 12th District is also showcasing another rarity in Chicago politics: an open election following an appointment! Kalish claimed that his “Orthodox Jewish values” compelled him to vote “present” on the bill, but that’s some serious garbage, because according to Jewish law, abortions are totally 100% fine, and Kalish is just looking for an excuse to be wishy-washy. But Eira Corral Sepulveda is different from the other candidates in a unique way: she’s, connected. No problem… our beloved flat state has same day registration. , whose solid plans, history of legal activism, and outsider status relative to the rest of the field make him a more attractive choice to root out the corruption that’s been part of the Circuit Clerk’s office since the turn of the Millennium. His opponent, Daniel O’Toole is a cop with CPD, and isn’t running a real campaign. Horrifyingly, O’Toole isn’t just your regular, everyday cop. I read the Holy Bible for my guidance in life. It’s just hard to say how much. Learn more about judicial races on the Injustice Watch and Chicago Votes guides. I was tipped off to this race by a couple of people who reached out to me, hoping to warn me about a candidate who is truly Bad News Bears. As a learned Rabbi surely once told someone, somewhere, probably in Chicago, “Why choose between voting and complaining, when you can do both?” Lovely reader, in Cook County, and Chicago in particular, the Democratic primary basically is the general election. Margaret Croke has a similar problem, where her platform is brief, and she touts on her website that she worked for Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton, which is a pair of bad connections that I just can’t get behind. His background as a public school special education teacher is an undeniable plus, and he’s been through the fire and back, personally and professionally, for his organizing. Whoof, well, I guess the folks running for MWRD read the Guide. And he also deserves credit for nearly singlehandedly pushing the national discussion on domestic policy to the left for the past five years. ), he’s also got deep associations with Mayor Lori Lie-foot, which is a solid “hell nah” from me, and he simply doesn’t rate as highly on the Girl, I Guess metrics overall. Judge of the Appellate Court (Simon Vacancy), The final Appellate Court race is a tight one, between incumbent and Cook County Party endorsee, John Griffin, and Person Who Seems Less Politically Connected, Sharon O. Johnson. A 2018 flip-flop on her support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement for Palestinian liberation, and her support of a two-state solution are a slap in the face to the massive Palestinian community that she’s trying to represent. Most importantly, remember that, if you’re privileged with access, VOTING IS YOUR RIGHT! Sunday, March 1, 2020. some robust ethics reforms, lowering property taxes by restructuring how schools are funded, protecting reproductive healthcare and choice, capping insulin and drug prices and a public healthcare option, lifting the ban on rent control, ending cash bail, and ending the punitive aspects of evictions and housing background checks. But Eira Corral Sepulveda is different from the other candidates in a unique way: she’s hella connected. I am currently, and have long been, deeply critical of Sanders’s candidacy, despite voting for him in 2016. Collins, thankfully, is fantastic. The reason? She supports decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level, wants to ban conversion therapy, and add gender identity and sexual orientation to federal non-discrimination statutes. To get one out of the way quickly, Gina Zuccaro doesn’t seem to be running a real campaign, and has no website, Facebook, Twitter, or campaign materials out whatsoever. He’s extremely thorough, and it leaves me wondering why he hasn’t pulled in any endorsements, which a quality candidate in a race this large usually does. But… Wang Stonebeck is endorsed by the CTU, the CCCTU, former State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate Daniel Biss, MWRD Commissioners Deb Shore and Cam Davis, and a slew of community activists, some of whom I know personally, and whose opinions I trust a lot. Oy fucking vey. Most importantly, remember that, if you’re privileged with access. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) oversees water-based infrastructure for the Cook County region. If you’re in the 3rd, give a “Girl, I Guess” to, Since the very first time Girl, I Guess covered Congressional races, I’ve used this space to educate the public about my casual dislike for the Congressman who I have named “Quiggles”: Mike Quigley, the incumbent for the 5th District. So let’s review the candidates!! Delgado has been in office for less than three months, after she was, by a Party committee. Job Description: Represent the interests of their constituents, write, and pass legislation. Everyone else who is also running for President right now is so irrelevant that I forgot that they were on the ballot until I checked the Secretary of State’s website to make sure I was being accurate. and he features a Johnny Cash festival on his Facebook. The 2nd District race is a weird one, with incumbent Theresa Mah, who is the first Asian-American elected to the General Assembly, running against Kenneth Kozlar (perhaps a relative of 13th-place Mayoral race finisher, John Kenneth Kozlar?? He also, , which condemned Israeli human rights abuses of Palestinian children. Election Protection is the nation’s largest nonpartisan voter protection coalition whose local efforts are led by Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights. You don’t need to have an Illinois ID! Raoul himself was an appointee, installed in the seat previously held by Barack Obama. Marty Malone is quite proud of graduating from the horrifying-sounding Chicago Police Department’s Citizen’s Police Academy, so that’s a no for me dawg. Which seems … troubling! Despite there not being a ton of information out there about Krishnamsetty, her Sun Times survey stakes out some quite progressive positions, including support for allowing felons to vote, ending cash bail, expanding affordable housing, the Fair Tax, and supporting public schools. Also he has only one chin, so I’m both disappointed, and unamused. His website is bare-bones, and despite having plenty of room to Quigley’s left, and emphasizing his youth in candidate surveys, Burns seems to stake out a mix of centrist and progressive policies, such as calling for Medicare for All (but qualifying it by saying he’d support any improvement and calling himself a “pragmatist”), refusing to call for tuition-free public college of any kind, and punting on student loan forgiveness. She has also lately made moves towards the center, and positioned herself as a “unity” candidate, which are both moves that I find distasteful. Progressive Voters Guide Get the facts before you vote. , which… is just so Chicago. After being, on the high school campus at which he worked, Clark supported student-led efforts to fight back against racial injustice in their district, and used his own platform to boost their organizing. He’s got a bunch of union endorsements, but a closer look at those endorsements and his donors reveals a troubling trend, which Jimenez has called out, accusing Munoz of corruption. And his total campaign contributions? ), expand discovery and the right to depositions, emphasize restorative justice courts, fight bias in sentencing, and force judges to explain every sentence they mete out. As the old adage goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This office is so broke, we figure we may as well let Meister take a hammer to it. Richard Boykin represents yet another consummate political insider with no clear reason to run for the post, aside from the clout of cleaning up the Circuit Clerk’s office. Vasquez Bonnin, on the other hand, is endorsed by the, I like the specifics in Patricia Vasquez Bonnin’s campaign, while I’m not a big fan of Mendoza, and I am absolutely a fan of the CTU, there’s something that strikes me as. *deep, exhausted sigh* From the beginning, Girl, I Guess has been predicated upon on the beliefs that it is not possible to vote our way to a revolution, and that it is beyond essential to be able to fully, harshly, and vocally criticize every single person running for public office in this country. My friends at Injustice Watch even noted that all of the bar associations didn’t recommend him, solely based on his amount of years practicing law, and two of those bar associations praised his intelligence, and his platform for reform. Sooooo… maybe not the best history of judgement for someone who wants a seat on a notoriously corrupt County elected body. He's received donations from Chris Kennedy, and is linked to many of the Illinois Kennedys (who longtime readers of the Guide will know I have a particular distaste for), and failed 10th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Bobby Loncar. barely has any information on it (not even a roster of issues), and she’s left herself vulnerable to a truly fantastic challenger from the Left. Job Description: The Cook County Board of Review is probably the most important super-ignored elected agency in Cook County (sorry, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District). She also looks like someone who would call the cops on Black people for coming into her office. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) oversees water-based infrastructure for the Cook County region. We’d go over his platform, but he’s endorsed by basically every elected Democrat in his District, and isn’t a horrible racist White woman, so he’s getting our choice anyway. Williams was appointed in May to fill the seat that was vacated by Meilssa Conyears-Ervin, who was elected City Treasurer. Third, and finally, because voting is really, really easy, and if you vote absentee, it barely takes any time at all. is progressive, and she’s a great representative for the district, so I recommend casting your vote for her. My friends at Injustice Watch even. Bernie has also been guilty of hand-waving away the concerns of the marginalized by pointing to his big-picture plans and policies as a method of solving those problems and returning to a class-reductionist analysis. We both have an equal claim to Judge Hale marrying us. ... November 3, 2020. His opponent, Alicia Elena Martinez, is a fake candidate who was clearly, to distract Ortiz from his race against Burke for 14ht Ward Committeeman. Danny Davis has held office since 1996, and is Fine™ but the winds of change are a-blowing, and this might be his greatest electoral challenge yet. I also recommend you consult with progressive / radical organizers in your community, especially queer people of color, because this guide is currently an individual effort, and I might be a Virgo smartypants know-it-all with a lot of opinions, but I’m far from infallible! is that candidate. As the old adage goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This office is so broke, we figure we may as well let Meister take a hammer to it. effective, because he was blamed and disciplined for independent student organizing later at the same school. I do not think Bernie Sanders, or a Sanders presidential administration, is going to save us. I do have a caveat about Epstein, though… despite his ideas and endorsements, he is still a White dude. Trina Magnum has only filled out a candidate survey for the Sun Times, but doesn’t have any other materials out there. It’s the absolute bare minimum that you can, and should do, but afterwards, you need to take to the streets. And even when I was evaluating the two candidates, I found myself repeatedly comparing public statements from Clark’s website to stances that I found in questionnaires that I had been sent by Collins’s campaign. It’s that simple, and no matter your theory of change, I’ve already done most of the work for you! They’re a toll-free hotline staffed by nonpartisan legal volunteers who can help you on the spot. Darwish, unsurprisingly, has far and away the best position on Palestine of the bunch. WTTW’s 2020 Voter Guide is your comprehensive library of resources for the General Election on November 3. I also recommend you consult with progressive / radical organizers in your community, especially queer people of color, because this guide is currently an individual effort, and I might be a Virgo smartypants know-it-all with a lot of opinions, but I’m far from infallible! He’s run before, finishing third in 2016, and garnered the endorsements of the Sun Times, Tribune, and the Daily Herald, which is impressive. Margaret Croke has a similar problem, where her platform is brief, and she touts on her, that she worked for Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton, which is a pair of bad connections that I just can’t get behind. Yes, for thirty-five years. Yeesh, y’all. , but my real endorsement goes to the hope of a stronger challenger in 2022, because this district deserves better choices. Vote for. Munoz is ok, I suppose, and he does have a long and strong record on the elected School Board, supporting the rights of undocumented students, and expanding Medicaid access. While he was Mayor, he was appointed to a position in the State DHS by then-Governor Rod Blagojevich, and apparently conducted extensive personal and Village of Riverdale business on state time. Girl, I Guess: Steph & El’s Progressive Voter Guide to the 2019 . But, alas, here we are, and Mama’s gotta pick a favorite. Delgado has been in office for less than three months, after she was contentiously appointed by a Party committee. This is the fourth full edition of this guide (fifth, if you count our 2019 Runoffs guide), and the ambiance gets more bitter each time. Running on a platform of Leftist issues such as repealing the anti-sex worker FOSTA/SESTA legislation, an anti-war stance, and advocating for paid domestic violence leave to mainstream progressive stances like supporting universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, and tuition-free public universities, there’s nothing not to like. I understand Democrats Gotta Democrat, and what fun is a machine party without a few backroom deals, but that doesn’t quite cut it for me. The real reason that he’s doing well enough to merit attention is his rich daddy, who has bankrolled him into the spotlight, and justice isn’t for sale in Cook County. She also. Also he said that his favorite TV show is Rick and Morty, which is just sad. ” as she claims to be. Something’s rotten in the 1st District. But, alas, I have a process or whatever that I have to stay true to, so let’s do some analysis!! . Kalish was one of 10 Democrats to. IL-13 deserves a candidate that can make up for the district’s history of having noted Iraq War Fraudster Donald Rumsfeld as a representative in the 60s (no, I am not making this up), and Stefanie Smith is that candidate. After the March primaries produced some big, disappointing losses, and also some pretty cool wins, Cook County’s favorite voter guide is ready to lead us into disappointment once again. This is a big job, and has far-reaching implications. Girl, I Guess is designed to be your handy tool to help you sift through the nuances of some of these confusing races, and help you decide who to vote for come March 17th, or earlier if you choose to vote early! This is the highest legal body in the State of Illinois, and has the same powers over state law that the US Supreme Court has over federal (and state) laws, so this is incredibly important. Use one of the tools below to find your customized recommendations. If you’re not gonna take my word for it, check out the #CancelConway campaign’s. She’s a long shot, but I’m supporting change for the district and endorsing Samantha Simpson, in no small part because I think Flowers should at least be putting up a token resistance, even if she’s sure she’s going to win. Garrido is awful, and he wants to be a judge so that he can further his right-wing agenda, and help his cop buddies through the courts. Not a great look. You just move? Not only is he endorsed by a slew of progressives and progressive organizations, but he embodies the concept of judicial activism in the best possible way. Yes, voting is still incredibly important on the State and local level, and yes, while you’re in there you may as well vote for Federal offices, too, but we have to fight the fuck back. The two-state solution is a racist fantasy, under which any Palestinian state would be wholly subservient to the Israeli economy and infrastructure, the basic freedoms of Palestinians would be denied, and Palestinians displaced in the Nakba would be thrown under the proverbial bus. Bring it with you to the polling center. It is an unacceptable position for a progressive to take, and a significant blemish. The organizers declined, and evidently Quiggles was decently salty about it for a while afterwards. The two-state solution is a racist fantasy, under which any Palestinian state would be wholly subservient to the Israeli economy and infrastructure, the basic freedoms of Palestinians would be denied, and Palestinians displaced in the. He’s running a good, old-fashioned Grins and Gobs of Cash campaign, which Girl, I Guess is not a fan of. Which, to be fair, he did. similar. And even if, like myself, you don’t believe in the power of the Federal government to create real change or solve anyone’s problems, there are several vital local races on the ballot this March, and matters such as bail reform in Cook County are hanging in the balance. Her only notable endorsements are literally from the Fraternal Order of Police (which, why are they endorsing in a County Board of Review election in the first place??? Where Wang Stonebeck wins against Olickal, for me, is in, by Person I Like And Trust Andre Vasquez, and organizations like Our Revolution Illinois, The People’s Lobby, and former County Clerk David Orr. He and I had a robust conversation about what membership in J Street often can mean for those in the Palestine solidarity movement, and he expressed to me that he has firm support for the Palestinian struggle, and he absolutely opposes the criminalization of BDS. And despite a sparsely populated. Peters, for his part, is bringing similarly strong positions to the table, with a proven record on bail reform, protecting the district and the lakefront, and getting an elected school board for Chicago. black-ish Dre 'Handles' a Talk About Teenage Girls and Boys with Diane 11.25.2020. , the incumbent, has come under heavy, racist fire from pro-cop forces within the city for her handling of several high-profile cases including the completely irrelevant Jussie Smollett case, and her strong stances on bail reform. You can register when you show up to vote on election day! Now, Loncar might seem like a strange person to look sideways at, but those familiar with the Southeast Side of Chicago know Loncar as the Eviction King of the Southeast Side. It employs more than 1,500 personnel, including almost 900 attorneys. Sanders’s campaign defended him in the controversy instead of apologizing, and most of the coverage has been in right-wing websites, but if you Google the title of the book, and type in the word on the search function, there it is, on page 157. Say more, sir! The Elections 2020 Voters Guide from USA TODAY brings you the essential information on this year’s presidential race, including candidates, issues and FAQs. Rush is still one of the more progressive members of Congress overall, and his opposition to a bill that would criminalize the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian freedom was key in defeating that legislation. Wednesday, February 19, 2020. It was too long ago. I don’t see any reason to replace a legislator with such a strong progressive record, so I’m suggesting folks living in the 13th District vote for Robert Peters. is a CPS teacher and community worker, whose platform is pretty progressive. Williams here is the beneficiary of a weak challenger in Gerard Moorer, whose, leaves much to be desired, offering almost no details about the candidate’s platform, but a, reveals that he supports increased funding for education, especially MAP grants, the Fair Tax proposal, and a $15 minimum wage. A former trailer park human and sex worker, and current disabled queer with experience in food service and genuine working class struggle, is a true reflection of the average constituent in the 13th District. Sprinkled between all of his union donations are SERIOUS chunks of change from utilities and tech companies. She’s the first Latina to be elected to the Illinois State Senate, and she’s got a pretty progressive record there, but it’s super unclear why she actually wants to be Circuit Clerk. Now that that concern has been assuaged, I’m giving the endorsement to. He has strong stances on bail reform, expanding access to education, tax reform, and basically everything else. She’s not even trying in her re-election campaign; she has no campaign website, no social media at all, and honestly, I can’t blame her. He believes. Who knows. Sometimes, nefarious foolery on the part of some campaigns, or political parties, interfere with that right. Avila is the Finance Chair of the MWRD, and he’s also in the habit of posting. Do they HAVE an IPO?? Tammy Wendt is… well… god awful. And, dear reader, with 34 judicial elections on the ballot across the county, and most of those races having more than four candidates… I find myself in over my head. But for now, I can’t trust Emmons. Honestly, I’m throwing up my hands, and making a judgement call on this one. Not only does the State’s Attorney do regular prosecutorial things, like, you know, prosecuting crimes, they also, decide what things count as crimes that they want to prosecute. Vasquez Bonnin has some good specifics in her platform and, about changing the ways in which schools are allocated funding (she wants to move away from a property-tax based system, which is good because that system is racist and it sucks!! Just apply to vote by mail using the handy instructions below, fill out your ballot, pop it in the mail, and you’re done. Ventura, on the other hand, hits every Girl, I Guess metric squarely on the head. after JB’s remarks on Black folks in a call with Rod Blagojevich became public, which takes some serious and impressive chutzpah) but has never run for office before. HORRIBLE!!! The biggest, slimiest, surprise-iest awards show is back and better than ever for the most epic night of the year! But I do recommend reading the. This is a tough one for me. 2020 Taco Bell Skills Challenge Recap. The primary for this district takes place during Spring Break for students in Champaign-Urbana, Bloomington-Normal, and Springfield, so if you’re a student living in that district, get out and vote early!!! Sandra Schellner has a website with only two pages and little information, a campaign Facebook, and her campaign has only two donors… herself, and a relative. For folks reading this guide, it is my active request that we remember Warren’s candidacy not for failing to end at a time that was convenient to Bernie Sanders, but for her memorable debate performances, and brutal verbal murder of Evil Soap Opera Stepfather Michael Bloomberg. Or at any of the early voting places! I’ve seen my fair share of vague platforms, and the wording in hers comes off to me as talking the good talk, but not promising anything she can be held to too firmly. We know that voting won’t save us, and it won’t even come close. 26-year incumbent State Rep Sara Feigenholtz is being. A former trailer park human and sex worker, and current disabled queer with experience in food service and genuine working class struggle, Stefanie Smith is a true reflection of the average constituent in the 13th District. They’re the body that reviews appeals to property taxes in the County, which as well all know, can often be ridiculous. The 3rd district seat was left vacant when former State Rep Luis Arroyo resigned in November, after being charged with bribery. It's that time of year once again as politicians and hacks come together to try to fool voters using weasel words and vague promises while they attempt to get away with raising your taxes. Brave Space Alliance is a 501c3 organization, and does not contribute to, or have anything to do with, the writing of this document, or any endorsements, opinions, or content herein! Delgado’s, on the other hand, sounds like a welcome progressive change for the district, and is running on a, of rooting out corruption, strengthening schools and education in her district and the state, and fighting for Medicare for All in Illinois. Whoof, well, I guess the folks running for MWRD read the Guide. . He’s also vehemently, , which is super gross (through a petition, too… yikes, man, you’re an elected official). We came up with a crazy idea for a little website with a big mission: EMPOWER women, give VOICE to the issues they care about, SUPPORT the organizations that are fighting for progress women want to see, and change the world with a simple call to action to…VOTE LIKE A GIRL. the general election. I’ve been torn between Sanders and Warren for months, and tried to keep away from the senseless bickering between their respective camps. RECENT EPISODES WITH "NO SIGN IN NEEDED" RECENT EPISODES WITH "NO SIGN IN NEEDED" 43:03. She’s a long shot, but I’m supporting change for the district and endorsing. F. A. Q. arrow_downward. Billy Boy isn’t the most qualified candidate for the job, so he’s cozying up to cops, opposing bail reform, and touting his service as a Naval Intelligence Officer in the Middle East (a fancy way to say “probably did a war crime or two”). For those of y'all who want to vote early. , on the other hand, is bae. But… Wang Stonebeck is endorsed by the CTU, the CCCTU, former State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate Daniel Biss, MWRD Commissioners Deb Shore and Cam Davis, and a slew of community activists, some of whom I know personally, and whose opinions I trust a lot. The Republican primary for this race was cancelled this year (lol yes, really), so some of the Republicans are running as Democrats. I like the specifics in Patricia Vasquez Bonnin’s campaign, while I’m not a big fan of Mendoza, and I am absolutely a fan of the CTU, there’s something that strikes me as off about LaPointe’s vagueness. He added a section to his website under his human rights platform to that effect, and this wholly resolves my previous issue with him. He’s also got a history of some corruption issues, which… is just so Chicago. And Jimenez might have a point… if you check Munoz’s Illinois Sunshine page (Illinois Sunshine is an amazing nonprofit which serves as an election finance watchdog for Illinois state and municipal races), things get really weird, really fast. is the Girl, I Guess endorsee for the 3rd, and she comes with a boatload of progressive qualifications, and one massive, significant disappointment. Grace has an eclectic mix of endorsements, ranging from the Italian American Political Coalition to the entire 19th Ward (does he mean the IPO?? If you don’t have PayPal, but still want to donate, you can support by donating through my Venmo account, @StephanieSkora, or my CashApp, $StephanieSkora. Let their voice be heard in a process that they value, and do use your access in place of theirs. And he also deserves credit for nearly singlehandedly pushing the national discussion on domestic policy to the left for the past five years. After doing some digging, I discovered that the move was actually spearheaded by the County Party’s Latino Caucus. I have talked to damn near 50 people about this race, including Frank Avila and a number of folks close to, (not for lack of trying, but Millennial Opposite Calendar Life has got the better of us so far). Voters swung from Barack Obama to Donald Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa in 2016’s presidential election – helping propel him to a narrow victory. Vote for Jill Rose Quinn, and help Illinois get valuable trans representation on the bench. The original version of I Can See Your Voice (abbreviated ICSYV and also stylized as I Can See Your Voice — Mystery music game show) (Korean: 너의 목소리가 보여; RR: Neoui moksoriga boyeo; MR: Nŏŭi moksorika poyŏ) is a television mystery music game show that broadcasts originally on Mnet and is simulcasted on tvN in South Korea. I’ve seen my fair share of vague platforms, and the wording in hers comes off to me as talking the good talk, but not promising anything she can be held to too firmly. And even if, like myself, you don’t believe in the power of the Federal government to create real change or solve anyone’s problems, there are several vital local races on the ballot this March, and matters such as bail reform in Cook County are hanging in the balance. The 16th is a three-way race between incumbent and yet-another-appointee Yehiel Kalish, who is the first. And despite a sparsely populated campaign website, she’s been active on her campaign Facebook page, doing weekly livestreams about her background, stances, and how she’s running her race. She supports decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level, wants to ban conversion therapy, and add gender identity and sexual orientation to federal non-discrimination statutes. He has walked the walk, and talked the talk, on many of the justice issues I care about for a. long time.

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