hadarian starseed traits

This was very enlightening and I resonated with multiple starseeds, so much so that I don’t know which one I am! ), have the ability to shift consciousness easily, need more sleep than the typical human being (9+ hours), grounded individuals yet also risk takers, enjoy social environments but prefer to observe rather than be the “life of the party”, have goals but get distracted easily (start projects with a ferocity then end up abandoning them if they get bored), Love to travel and explore – have a catlike curiosity, often incarnate into fire zodiac signs, particularly Leo and Sagittarius, sensual and passionate individuals – may have a hard time committing to one mate, highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras), feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides, interest in outer space and ancient civilizations, huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the “new age” in, drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite, often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like), being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars), strong connection to water and fire elements, have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars, have a light aura and are often thought of as “pure” or light beings, quiet or tend to “stay in the background” to observe others, have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. But did you know there are different types of starseeds depending on origins? Starseed - Souls having lived or originate other planets, other galaxies, on spacecraft, or in other dimensions and interlocking world spaces, who have volunteered to assist in bringing in the Ascension Cycle and assist Earth through her next phase of evolution. I was once an alpha draconian too. Here are the most common traits which are frequently associated with Arcturian starseeds: They usually have a lower temperature of their bodies and blood pressure; the Rh-Neg Hybrids came from the Draco Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. these are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc. I am very free-spirited and kind of a rebel at heart. Here are some of the Andromedan starseed traits: Polarian starseeds come from the “North Star” Polaris. I also love to teach. What type does that make me?? Clairvoyant at times. Yes, we’re all human in our current incarnation, but we’ve lived other places and we’re just trying to figure out where we ‘belong’, where we’ve come from. Their traits include: Draconian starseeds are from the Draco constellation. And by extension, I encourage you all to identify as exactly what the council views you as; and that is human. This is a water planet that contains dolphins, whales and merpeople.  Sirius B vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. So if you’re an Orion starseed, you’ve probably incarnated in other star systems before Orion. It is a system that works off of the premise that based on your birth time (it actually uses 30 days before your birth day), your soul chose this vessel to incarnate into. This is because maybe your planet was destroyed in a war ,or you just had a strong desire to experience a new environment in your past life , or you have a very important mission to accomplish on this earth or it can just be to balance your deeds that you did in your past life. Because our Original Soul Source took on different Planet Experiences, It Knows in Knowingness and it understands in conceptual Love. It’s the brightest star in the night sky and is also called Alpha Canis Majoris. I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . It’s a fascinating practice. One of the most telling Starseed characteristics is their feeling of genuine excitement upon learning that they might not be human after all. There are far to many cultures to document here. In other words: Because of the resistance of others, as an “example” you end up in conceptual love. The beings from Lyra include: Felines, Vegans and Lyrans. I am very drawn to transmutation and evolution . Hadarian who Fell to Earth as a Slave who Held the Seed of Soul Creation to Heal Humanity Raphael was a woman from Hadar, a Beta Centauri star system based in divine love in the constellation of Centaurus. Although they are very open to new concepts, they never push their own opinions or ideas onto other people. “salt of the earth” type people: spiritual individuals that also embrace the ways of the earth, don’t express their emotions well; have a hard time with communication in relationships; may seen “closed-off”, interest in magic, metaphysics, witchcraft and alternative healing, may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits, maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances. The ancient knowledge of unconditional love comes forth from this place in the stars. $99 a month. They make you feel deeply relaxed and reflective and can provoke ancient, otherworldly memories. But I’ll be real honest. They may like to focus on the future and what is coming, but they need to learn to deal with old anger so it can be released. These traits only form one key in the sacred combination of your identity. 5. It’s said she’s from Venus and seeded Venusians on Earth to teach love. I am sensitive to light, smell, sound. If you are reading this, then you are a Starseed as you are aligned to reading this website. Andromedans are not a single species […] They do not like new customs, they love their old customs with nature. While most Starseeds appear to have come to Earthto teach and heal its citizens, not all Starseeds are intent on helping us evolve. 2. 1. Yet they are also very deep and intelligent. I used to have dreams flying, observing earth. Sirians are simple in the way they approach life yet they can be deeply spiritual also. I don’t feel that way anymore so I feel talking about things is the only way we learn from others experiences. I’ve also read books in which Polarians were the “first” spiritual beings on this planet from a higher dimension. For this I kept running away and for a while thought that I was from Sirius. In fact, they often make jokes about themselves and are a little self depreciating although also balanced and … Draconian Starseed Traits. Or spirit guides? For individuals this involves a shift from a denser and egoic state of duality consciousness to a more unity and heart based consciousness. The earth is operating on a third dimensional (3D) level of vibration, energetically speaking. I’m curious, what about family. I do have lots of questions. Coming originally from Vega, the home of humanity, they have been around a lot longer than humans and are our ancestors. They may then discover that Love is to release the other. I send energy healing between 6-8 am 3 times a week. I also do tattoo work. The Reptilian race, Lifgarians and other draconians come from Draco. Home is where the Heart Is. It vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. I consider myself to be an Alchemist and healer, herbs and crystals are my tools of choice. Much love to you starseed. the Rh-Neg Hybrids came from the Draco Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. It is considered to be a very old star system. There are many Sirians who are Ascended Masters. The sirian starseed abilities are: They are good at expressing themselves with the opposite sex. Many came here but it’s difficult for them to remember what happened because of the trauma they endured. I walk within the darkness so I can guide people and light their way. See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, spiritual awakening. Ahhh Hadar, the planet of unconditional love. Customized to your exact birth date and name, this personalized numerology report will shed light on your core numbers and life purpose. Your birth details help us personalize your experience and content. The Pleiades stars, for example, are a cluster of stars known since ancient times. I understand completely my purpose in my spiritual journey. The soul will be attached to one body to complete its mission on earth. In the end, the Teacher, The-Acher, became the one who was in pain. Hadarian Starseeds are EXTREMELY porous. Just a few examples of Starseed origins are the Pleiades, Orion, the Lyran constellation. There are a few stars in the Lyra constellation, but the main planet of origin is Vega. Brad told me that when he had compiled this list of attributes of ‘Star People’ he had no idea how many people would be affected by it. All of Hadar is like that. So connecting in with the whale and dolphin energy is a great way to reconnect you to the wisdom of Sirius as we evolve towards a Sirian system on the planet. Did any of these starseed types resonate? 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LIONS GATE PORTAL. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. Keep in mind, this list doesn’t include every single starseed type, as the universe is inconceivably large. I get visions sometimes kind of like daydreams of a reptilian species, I’m not the most educated in this so I hope I don’t sound ignorant but is a reptilian species a type of star seed? I am so glad you related this for me to see as I have just discovered that I am a Starseed. Many love to daydream because their inner world is often more interesting than the outer world. Starseed Soul Groups: Souls from Mintaka, Polaris, Pleiades, Procyan, Sirius, Arcturus, Spica, Vega, Alpha Centauri, Hadar, and Draco. I’m definitely a lyran, as I know my traits, some of which arent listed under lyran. See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, spiritual awakening. may feel a deep connection to the water element, the ocean, and oceanic beings like whales, dolphins, etc. I am a Star Seed. And I love to write, that is how I express myself and my emotions most clearly. And firmly believe that in order for me to be balanced I need to find my soul mate or twin flame. I have a question. Did you find which starseed type you are? Don’t forget that this list isn’t a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. Why You Need To Live By This Simple Mantra During The Chinese Year of The Ox, Your Crystal Inspired Angel Message Will Make You Question Your Approach To Life, Work & Relationships, Episode #50: Cielo Canlas Teaches Empaths How To Hone Their Gifts (& Here’s What She Wants You To Know), Valentine’s Day Spirituality: Research Finds that Having Sex Increases Spiritual Awareness. Love was as natural part of Hadarian life as saying hello or breathing air is … 6. do we travel together? Want to know more? Something knew that if I only radiated my Light, jealousy would arise. My news for you is that no one is “human” and everyone, including earthly starseeds, are human. They feel everything and everyone ALL the time. It is preferable to pass your test sooner rather than later. The Alpha Centaurians are the closest Starseeds to Earth and it could indeed be that one of your last incarnations outside of Earth By In5D on January 4, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening. Mintaka was a paradise planet, covered by sparkly, diamond-like waters. Is there an exercise you can recommend to find out which one I am? We learn as we go, and the deeper we travel within, the more we learn about ourselves. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood. If your soul is of Aldebaran origin, this would align you to the Blue … Arcturus is a star located in the Bootes constellation. They are the diamonds of the planet. bye bye! Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. Mintaka is no longer in existence. Super, that about your downloads! Is it possible that other planets in our solar system once supported life? Andromedan starseed belongs to the Andromeda Galaxy which is near our home planet and the milky way. Sirians are simple in the way they approach life yet they can be deeply spiritual also. Yet they are also very deep and intelligent. I am beginning to feel that I may receive my Self Love. The Pleiades consist of seven bright stars. In 1947, a man named Admiral Byrd claimed he’d flown over the North Pole and was taken into the Agarthan city and met people there. There are stories that Martians came to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to take part in our evolution. This can still be felt each August, during the Lionsgate Portal, READ: 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LIONS GATE PORTAL. What Is A Natal Chart & What Does Your Astrological Birthdate Say About You? They will never be shared. I have the gift of hearing peoples thoughts and I practice many areas of metaphysics. For individuals this involves a shift from a denser and egoic state of duality consciousness to a more unity and heart based consciousness. A Starseed is a starborn mortal, a human being with alien DNA. They Have Their Own Truth. And I strongly relate to the Sirius Starseeds. I have mixed traits of all starseeds mentioned here. Would encourage you to look into Human Design. Starseed Personality Traits and Characteristics A starseed has a profound feeling of being very different from other people. Being extremely sensitive leads to their empathic nature; which acts as their sixth sense. My reading with Vanessa really “brought it all home” for me – in terms of getting the clarity of the puzzle pieces together. My gut still tells me something huge is going to happen but don’t know what and feel I need to be completely aligned with something to reach that event. My connection to stars is getting stronger everyday. Sirian’s are simple in the way they approach life and are usually deeply spiritual and intelligent. Many starseeds have experiences that we cannot explain intellectually and that often leaves us wondering if they were real experiences or not. A majority of starseeds are assigned here, or volunteered to incarnate at this time to help assist earth and humanity with the Ascension process.

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