tbc resto shaman

Grounding Totem: Useful for redirecting ranged attacks from susceptible mobs and bosses. A single point of MP5 returns 12 mana every 60 seconds. We will go into more depth on the benefits of each profession in the Professions section. With CH, we can add a steady stream of anywhere between 1,500 and 4,000 (depending on the CH rank and player’s stats) to the tank every 2.5 seconds, even less when hasted, and additional healing to nearby targets. This totem becomes the Windfury of the caster/healer group(s). Additionally, Elemental and Enhancement Shaman are more well received in TBC and it is likely that anywhere between two to three of your Shaman will be DPS of either spec. Accordingly, the relative value of MP5 on any given encounter increases with the duration of that encounter. While there is still elemental damage in this content, the need to triage heal with HW outweighs the benefit of added survivability. However, unlike Warriors receiving extra threat only from Earth Shield healing, all healing will increase Paladin threat due to this mechanic. If you want to factor in Crit you take the same equation and multiply that by 1 plus the player’s total Crit times the bonus value of the crit, which is an additional 150%, so 0.5 in this equation. The only advice I can offer is to be cautious when first entering a new group of players. However, some classes may be running a crucial role, responsible for a critical mechanic in your raid, or simply are the highest DPS player and may be ideal candidates for ES.       Optional. TBC Raid - Prince Malchezaar - Resto Shaman POV - Felmyst Music: Jim Yosef - Lights [NCS Release] LFZ - Popsicle (Original Mix) I will run through the list of raid viable totems per element: A healer’s UI is crucial in adapting quickly to a fluid raid environment. Learn more about how to craft legendaries for your Restoration Shaman in our in-depth guide. It is not uncommon for CH to comprise 90% or more of a top end Shaman’s casts. This spec has six points of flexibility between Nature’s Guardian and Healing Grace. We may not be as powerful as a Druid, Priest or the holy grail Paladin for direct tank healing, but with our CH we can do both effective tank and melee healing simultaneously. As you progress through the expansions and gain confidence in your mana consumption and regeneration you can uprank CHr3 up to 4 and uprank HWr7 to 8 as well. In TBC onward, twisting will fall more into the realm of the Enhancement Shaman in your raid; however, if you are running particular melee heavy raid comps you may be in charge of a melee group and be asked to twist. We’ll do a complete rundown of what to save and how to determine if it will be useful when TBC is launched. In Group 5 your positioning and totem setup will be as follows: Positioning: basically wherever you want The second build is mostly for farming. They have a variety of unique tools to deal with otherwise deadly influxes of damage, such as Spirit Link. Again, only you know what works for you, but try to build out a similar scheme for yourself to avoid confusion and to increase your ability to play alts without confusing your muscle memory adjusting and readjusting to your keybinds. This is your slow, big single target heal; basically, your tank heal. Much of the value from stats revolve around the role you are filling, the healing roster you are a part of and the general mechanics of each encounter and trash pack(s). When selecting ranks of CH keep this basic table in mind (set at intro gear level, 1800 +healing with Purification and Improved Chain Heal modifying the coefficient): For further information on +heal scaling and other spell values check the Egregious TBC RShaman Calculator. However, short of NS HW R10, it is also your fastest heal. As it requires no mana to cast, it does not trigger the 5SR so there is literally no drawback in expending a global on refreshing this critical ability. Combine it with Nature’s Swiftness in critical situations to save a tank. Poison Cleansing Totem: Mandatory on fights with high poison output. This however, is not true if you have access to world bosses and can get your hands on [Gilded Trousers of Benediction]. There is really no right or wrong way to utilize this spell as, either way, you are correcting health deficits within the raid. Haste will reduce the proc rate further and with more than 200 spell haste rating the proc rate drops to around 3.75%. Conversely MP5 does not offer the same opportunity simply due to the amount of MP5 in the game and its comparatively weaker relationship with your spells. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Restoration Shaman in dungeons and raids. I know there are guides for leveling a shaman in general, but I’m curious about the specifics for the situation of leveling alliance side. The entire base CH coefficient is: The goal of this profession cycle is to end on Leatherworking in order to continuously use [Drums of Battle] in your raid environment. Obviously any utility required in the Earth and Fire slot means you fill it. Int provides a static amount of mana up front while MP5 contributes more and more mana the longer the fight goes on. Aside from my day job, I also practice Kickboxing and Muay Thai. Consider this information when applying Earth Shield in non traditional situations. Even though the spell is relatively mana efficient using only the max rank(s) of the spell can quickly deplete your mana pool. CH is, in its purest form, your main heal and it’s important to know those HPM numbers outlined above will continue to scale with a greater pool of +healing. I'm leaning towards rolling a Shaman but I have some questions. Drums of Battle and Drums of Restoration will also help out the group. This means you will be able to chain Bloodlusts by rotating Shaman into a desired group and casting back-to-back Bloodlusts.       This talent is more oriented for PvP. Recommendations on best consumables, food, gems, and enchants. Technically applying your ES to any caster provides the same reduction in pushback as no caster exceeds 100% reduction thereby wasting a percentage of the buff. Most Shaman typically run three points in this talent if they opt to spend points in it. We can see far into the distance with Far Sight and have our own separate Hearthstone with Astral Recall . Hammer of the Twisting Nether:       On Classic TBC release if you read in the 3pc tooltip, “... by 5%” instead of 30% you can toss this set. In the meantime suffice it to say that you will be using several spell ranks across all of your main heals that will have been learned during Classic. However, it is important to know, as mentioned above, that Earth Shield applies its threat generation to the recipient of the spell and not the Shaman caster. The max rank version of this spell receives a coefficient of 28.6% and is based on the +healing of the player at the time of cast and not at time of proc.                   Water Totem: MST While effective healing does generate threat overhealing does not.                   Air Totem: WoA or TA depending on threat Earth Elemental Totem (all specs): [Mechanic Primer] - Haste - How it works, and what that means. In this group you will typically never have to worry about dropping TA and can coast on running only two totems for the majority of most encounters. This outstrips the add value of the Jewelcrafting exclusive gems (available in patch 2.2) and puts the Tailoring/Enchanting combo slightly ahead of Engineering. Rejuvenating Gem: Restoration Shaman call upon the healing properties of water and their iconic totems to keep their group members alive using Mana as the primary resource. Good job, you’ve taken your first step in TBC toward becoming a better player. To calculate your new CH coefficient you would follow this equation: (CH base coefficient) 74.13 * (Purification) 1.1 * (Imp CH) 1.2 = 94.29%. This means you can drop a Wrath of Air Totem, pop an on use +heal trinket and front load a stacked Earth Shield on a player before an encounter begins. This totem provides a bonus of 101 spell damage and healing to all players within 20 yards. This healer is always attempting to spend every single GCD during its highest value throughput window from moment to moment. Always be wary of initial aggro on pulls, any add phases an encounter may have and always watch your threat meter. Grace of Air Totem: A nice buff for a group with a Hunter or if you are one of two Shaman in a melee DPS group. You can of course throw Jewelcrafting in there somewhere prior to Leatherworking, but [Kailee’s Rose] is a very marginal performance increase and likely not a very attractive use of thousands of gold. However, in TBC itemization has drastically improved and it is possible to obtain gear that covers both your conservation and throughput needs. Since it does not benefit greatly from the coefficient–it has a very short cast–it will be the weakest spell in your arsenal. This is because typically when Blizzard decides for there to be less raid damage there is a compensating increase in Tank damage. While this player is also consistently participating in each encounter from a raw output perspective they are more concerned in the moment with mitigating a potential fatal error in execution and strategy than their possible throughput potential. Using Rank 4 of this spell often is a good idea when having mana issues, since mana costs go down 19%, but healing power only goes down for 10%. Functions exactly the same as it did in Classic but at a slightly different conversion. Get in the habit of thinking about your totems and their position in relation to your party members. There will certainly be niche applications of this trinket throughout TBC. Keybinds also allow the player to subconsciously react to situations with muscle memory if they have formatted their keybinds well. If your raid is running a SPriest in this group mana will be less of an issue as well. A crit can happen on any or all of the three CH segments. That being said, I believe there to be two distinct healing styles that surround all healers and by function the Resto Shaman. It is important to know that every single instance of damage taken under the 30% threshold has a chance to proc this talent, not just the damage responsible for crossing the 30% threshold. It applies a shield with 6 charges to a single target that not only heals the target when struck for a base of 270 but also provides a 30% chance of ignoring spell interruption on the target while active. They are as follows: Bloodlust [H] / Heroism [A] (all specs): Below will be an outline of what I consider to be the traditional HEP values for the average Resto Shaman covering standard environmental factors. Threat is actually something you as a healer will have to manage in TBC -see the Threat section- and it is therefore inadvisable to pull more than one point out of Healing Grace.

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