the devil and tom walker reading skill

The theme of “The Devil and Tom Walker”, i.e. Description of method and materials. These are particularly important questions for undergraduates who are only just beginning to learn how to critique texts in a convincing way and to present their critique in a manner that is acceptable to the Academy. “Tall sinners” in line 14, the repetition of “miserly” in line 15, “emblems of sterility” in line 20 and the metaphor “den of discord” (enhanced by alliteration) in line 30 demonstrate that the evil of the natural setting is more than matched by the human presence both in and around the wood. They are also sufficient to demonstrate my key claims. A variety of question types facilitates the process of analyzing character motivations and development, applying knowledge of literary devices, citing relevant and compelling textual evidence to support claims, and more. The addition of “it is well known” in line 10 establishes that the story is based on common knowledge and should thus be familiar to the reader. They should also check the extent to which the first and last paragraphs tally: is what is promised in the introduction delivered in the main body of the article and summarised in the conclusion? Are these indications clear or does the reader need additional signposts? What do you think Tom would most want to say to the people of Boston about himself, his experiences, about them and their lives? Having completed the above task, the pupils were asked to respond to the above literary letter. reading skill: analyze imagery Irving develops his characters and establishes mood through imagery—words and phrases that appeal to the five senses.. . In terms of historical criticism, students could investigate the date 1727 in line 13. The Devil and Tom Walker. What other sources are available, and how do these compare in academic quality and critical thinking with those found on the Internet? Certain grammatical errors are not admissible. There lived near this place a meager, miserly fellow, of the name of Tom Walker. “The Literature of the 1727 New England Earthquake”, Early American Literature 7:3, pp. It was full of pits and quagmires, partly covered with weeds and mosses; where the green surface often betrayed the traveller into a gulf of black smothering mud; there were also dark and stagnant pools, the abodes of the tadpole, the bull-frog, and the water snake, and where trunks of pines and hemlocks lay half drowned, half rotting, looking like alligators, sleeping in the mire. What are some similes, metaphors, personification, and sensory references in "The Devil and Tom Walker"? reading skill: analyze imagery Irving develops his characters and establishes mood through imagery—words and phrases that appeal to the five senses.. . Are the results sufficiently well supported by evidence? (We’ll be trading these letters with partners in just a few minutes. Mark where the author has indicated how he/she wishes the text to be read. Spår av dokumentstyrning i lärarutbildningens styrdokument vid en svensk högskola, 4. How does Washington Irving's use of imagery in "The Devil and Tom Walker" portray Tom Walker's character? Is the writer’s study clearly linked to previous studies? Your email address will not be published. Perley, Sidney. One such article is Charles G. Zug’s “The Construction of ‘The Devil and Tom Walker’. . They lived in a forlorn-looking house that stood alone and had These arise logically out of your results. Look up “ Faust ” in Wikipedia and skim the first two paragraphs. . 281-294. For high-school pupils, Irving’s short story provides practice in approaching literary texts from a playful and instructive perspective and identifying with fictional characters. Irving’s short story is both complex and deep. One night, Tom Walker met the giant and offered his soul in exchange for Captain Kidd's treasure. (1824). They also developed their powers to both think critically about the main ideas in the story and to process these in their own writing. It is important to know that “fourth hour” is a Biblical reference, referring to Matthew 14.25, where Jesus walks over the Sea of Galilee and his disciples are frightened at his sudden appearance. Following are some of the potentially problematical words that appear in the text: terminate, morass, facility, prevalent, forlorn, termagant, celibacy, quagmire, precarious, impregnable, squaw, incantation, repose, delve, garb, swarthy, daunt, propitiate, surmise, trifle, freebooter, avarice, hew and prowess. He said that Tom would have to use the treasure to do the Devil's work. Irving’s short story was published in 1824 as part of Washington Irving’s collection of short stories Tales of a Traveller. Washington Irving reinvented the tale, setting it in the 1720s in an area of New England settled by Quakers and Puritans. In stories, such as “The Devil and Tom Walker,” the author achieves characterization in two primary ways: † In direct characterization, the narrator describes the character in direct statements. In "The Devil and Tom Walker", what were Tom's statements before the bargain with the Devil? What romantic elements are used in "The Devil and Tom Walker"? Reflektera mera – erfarenheter från projektledning i professionsutbildning, 3. This exercise in critical thinking enabled the pupils to “see new things about one another . If a text fails to communicate it is always the fault of the writer and not the reader! They lived in a forlorn-looking house that stood alone and had The same scene, depending upon the author's attentions, can be described differently according to the mood the author wishes to set. Each of these three, or perhaps a combination of two of them, can enable the writer to explore his or her argument in detail and select relevant and convincing evidence from the text to support this. Required fields are marked *. Need 3 reasons why its an example of romanticism. The results should be analysed in relation to the theories discussed at the beginning, and the implications and consequences of the results shall be clearly stated. 1. DEVIL Walker WASHINGTON IRVING BACKGROUND The story of Tom Walker is a variation on the legend of Faust, a 16th- century magician and astrologer who was said to have sold his soul to the devil for Wisdom, money, and power. Flipped Classroom Model and Its Implementation in a Computer Programming Course. Avoid the use of contractions: write “cannot” rather than “can’t”. Under one of these gigantic trees, according to old stories, there was a great amount of treasure buried by Kidd the pirate. It should be clear why the particular method and materials have been chosen and how they are relevant to the aim/hypothesis/argument. Start studying The Devil and Tom Walker questions. It should be formal but not pompous. T… Vocabulary 50 words” (2013). Here’s the focus of ourwriting. Top subjects are Literature, Science, and Math. In the German legend, Faust, a scholar, makes a deal with the devil to sell his soul in exchange for unlimited knowledge, the thing he desired most in the world. For this reason, stories in which the protagonist sells his soul to the devil are usually called Faustian legends. As we have said, Tom Walker was a hard man who loved nothing but money. He had a wife as miserly as himself. Through this imagery, we may understand that Tom Walker is not the best of men, neither responsible nor successful. The narrative proper opens in the year 1727, when earthquakes are prevalent in New England, humbling many proud sinners to their knees. It provides the conditions for production and transformation based on the writer’s own thoughts and understanding. Keywords: literary theory; academic writing; trading; letter. Use a thesaurus such as Roget’s Thesaurus to help you find suitable synonyms (see Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Alternative: Write a letter from Tom’s wife responding to Tom’s letter). Lynn, Steven. On one side of this inlet is a beautiful dark grove; on the opposite side the land rises abruptly from the water's edge into a high ridge, on which grow a few scattered oaks of great age and immense size. How do they help the reader to understand how the character reacts and with what consequences? Andrews, William D. (1973). How is the story " The Devil and Tom Walker" an example of Romanticism? The second paragraph focuses on human contributions to the misery of the place. Support the development of high school close reading skills with this assessment on "The Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving. Students use the organizer to track the focus skill while reading a selection. Analysis. It should thus be sufficient to remind them of the key sections of an essay as well as how to edit their text. The primary requirement of an academic text is that it communicates a message clearly, unambiguously and elegantly. Styrdokumenten då och nu: Konstruktion av sjuksköterskesubjektet på HKR sedan 1977, 7. Students should be asked to study and evaluate these sites, and any additional sites that they may find, in terms of academic quality and critical evaluation. Avoid personal pronouns wherever possible: repeated use of “I” or “we” makes your text pompous. By focusing on one kind of writing, namely the literary essay, I shall demonstrate how a literary text, Washington Irving’s well-known Faustian tale “The Devil and Tom Walker”, can be used to develop critical thinking and writing. Haberling, Jennifer A. and Brian White (2005). background and theory section under- or over-estimate the reader’s knowledge? In "The Devil and Tom Walker," what is symbolic about the rotted trees in the forest? A useful feature of New Criticism is its focus on opposites and contrasts, which together enable the reader to identify the theme of the story. As teachers we are concerned with freedom. By paying careful attention to the language, the New Critic can identify important themes such as the sanctity of agreements, the reliability of textual evidence, values in life, the relationship between money and happiness, abuse of human relationships and the integrity of human action. Conclusions and recommendations. How aware is the writer of previous studies in the area and how effectively does he/she illustrate and use this knowledge? Below are some guidelines that he/she can use: What are the most effective features of the paper? He had a wife as miserly as himself. Which sites are useful and acceptable academic sources, and why? They are spiritually and morally blind to the consequences of dealing with the devil because they are so focused on … After the final trade game and a group discussion of the story, the pupils were given two writing tasks: to imagine that they are Tom Walker and to write a letter to the inhabitants of Boston. (P. 16). Is the aim stated clearly and in sufficient detail? Relationen mellan examination och kursmål – kritiska aspekter av en samstämmighetsstudie, 5. . (2014.08.31), Zug, Charles G. “The Construction of ‘The Devil and Tom Walker’. But even Check that your style is consistent. The instructions are reproduced below: We’re going to do some writing in our journals. It should also be elegant! Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Devil and Tom Walker: … The basic skills”, 8. This short quiz approximates a reading (literature) section of the SAT. What advice might he give? Avoid starting sentences and paragraphs in the same way and/or using the same words. In an area settled by Quakers and Puritans, religious piety was of utmost importance to citizens; the lesson of Tom Walker’s ruin illustrated the sorrow that would befall greedy and unscrupulous sinners. How would the devil respond? Once students have identified the idea that they wish to pursue, selected the most suitable theory, and identified pertinent examples in the text, they should make sure that they have understood all the vocabulary before beginning to plan their essay. ); happiness; independence and others (see p. 12 of Haberling and White’s article). Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Avoid the use of such ambiguous words as “nice”, “good”, “bad” etc. “Developing critical thinking through critical reading and writing. At the time, Jews divided the night into four watches, the last of which was between 3 and 6 a.m., just before it became light. The objective of the trading spaces game is to dispose of one’s lowest ranked options. My paper addresses ways of teaching students to think and write critically as a preparation for a productive professional life. Sign up now, Latest answer posted December 05, 2019 at 3:25:51 PM, Latest answer posted September 05, 2019 at 2:16:30 AM, Latest answer posted December 04, 2013 at 6:32:29 AM, Latest answer posted November 27, 2015 at 2:32:49 AM, Latest answer posted November 29, 2018 at 4:23:18 PM. Latest answer posted November 29, 2018 at 4:23:18 PM What are some examples of characterization in The Devil and Tom Walker? For examples of useful linking words, see, Now, I want students to apply these skills to The Devil and Tom Walker in the Reading Apprenticeship fashion in the form of a metacognitive reading log. Irving, Washington. Language Arts Journal of Michigan 21:2, pp. Writing about Literature with Critical Theory New York and London: Longman. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Writing is about the practice of freedom because through it we explore and process our thoughts and values. Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend. Are the evidence, interpretation, conclusion and illustrations effective? #TheDevilAndTomWalker #WashingtonIrving #AmericanRomanticism #Romanticism #MemeActivity This Washington Irving classic is updated for the current classroom! What are three examples of sarcastic humour in "The Devil and Tom Walker"? What are some examples of how satire is used in "The Devil and Tom Walker"? Demola – Ett vinnande VFU-koncept i sammanhang av CDIO, 2. A few miles from Boston, in Massachusetts, there is a deep inlet winding several miles into the interior of the country from Charles Bay, and terminating in a thickly wooded swamp or morass. Start studying The Devil and Tom Walker (comprehension questions). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (2010). We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 relief—Join Now! A Study of Irving’s Later Use of Folklore’” (1968). Is there a clear distinction between interpretation of the data and speculation? Your email address will not be published. What parting words might he share? Apr 20, 2016 - This product is a mini-unit on The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving. By studying Tom’s relationship with his wife, for example, the New Critic can demonstrate how it is based on mutual abuse, a determination to “use” the other and a desire to attain as many advantages as possible at the expense of the other, as exemplified in the following two examples: “so miserly that they even conspired to cheat each other”, l. 4; and “Whatever the woman could lay hands on she hid away: a hen could not cackle but she was on the alert to secure the new-laid egg. Lesson Summary In summary, Irving's story 'The Devil and Tom Walker' is a moral tale warning its readers against greed and corruption. Set in eighteenth-century New England, it is narrated by Gentleman Geoffrey Crayon, a fictional character. Are the materials and methods described in sufficient detail and sufficiently clearly? “Tom Walker and the Devil” is one of Irving’s finest stories in terms of theme, style and language. I briefly introduce a couple of websites that highlight different features of the tale. Have all aspects specified in the aim been covered? . Like most short cuts, it was an ill chosen route. Take the next few minutes to write a letter from Tom to the people of Boston. The main concepts include Isolation (understanding something that should be upsetting but failing to react to it); Intellectualisation (analysing and rationalising rather than feeling and reacting); Repression (selectively forgetting about whatever is troubling); Projection (denying thoughts and feelings by attributing them to someone else); Denial (falsifying reality); Reversal (asserting the opposite of the truth; and Displacement (shifting an emotion from its real target to another one). Log in here. In addition to playing the game, the pupils were asked to answer the following questions in a short piece of writing for homework: What types of trades did you make today which you would not make in real life? At university level, “The Devil and Tom Walker” can be used as a practice text for applying literary theory. The metaphor suggests that the pupils move out of darkness and fear (of a text) to light – to a point where they not only understand the text but can also relate to its key ideas and characters. the reader does not know who has performed the action. Divide your work up into an introduction, main body, and conclusion, containing the following information: Statement of the aim/argument/hypothesis and supporting claims/arguments. The most famous and influential version of this tale is Faust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832). Make good use of topic sentences to identify the subject of each paragraph (remember, one idea only per paragraph). In paragraph one, for example, the mystery and danger of the setting are established in such phrases as “thickly wooded” in line 2, trees of “immense size” in l.4, and “ill gotten” treasure in line 11. An example, devised by myself, is to be found after the list of references: “The requirements of an academic text in English”. Three theories are particularly suitable: New Criticism, Historical Criticism and Psychological Criticism. "The Devil and Tom Walker" has all the makings of a traditional Faustian bargain tale. Students may find it useful to consult such sites as “The Devil and Tom Walker. While my primary focus is on university students, I shall demonstrate in the latter part of my paper that Irving’s tale can also be adapted for use at high school. After reading these paragraphs, what do you think is meant by the term “ Faust Legend ”? Writing about Literature with Critical Theory (2010). Both pieces use imagery from nature, contain elements of the supernatural, and explore the counterbalance of human passions against the rules of society. "The Devil and Tom Walker" was first published in 1824 among a collection of short stories called "Tales of a Traveller," which Irving wrote under pseudonym Geoffrey Crayon. The following discussion focuses on paragraphs one and two of the story. “Devil and Tom Walker” Pre-Reading (25 points) Use your computers and your vast research skills to find out information on the elements below. Texts and Contexts. Also called the Wild Huntsman, the Black Miner, and, in New England, the Black Woodsman, Old Scratch is the devil himself, pure black as if covered in soot and with a shock of coarse black hair. That the story is “well-known” lends validity; as in all well-structured stories, this important idea is repeated in the conclusion, where the narrator notes that “the story has resolved itself into a proverb”. I raise an important question for readers and writers of academic texts: “how do we promote critical thinking that will result in writing that conforms to well-defined procedures for the collection and processing of data while at the same time maintaining and demonstrating a personal motive, approach and set of ideals?” As we engage in research, we sign up, consciously or unconsciously, to beliefs, values and attitudes of which we may or may not be aware. A short hand-out should suffice. Instead, he adored writing fiction. Many of Irving's stories use imagery to tell us about his characters; A miserable horse, whose ribs were as articulate as the bars of a gridiron, stalked about a field where a thin carpet of moss, scarcely covering the ragged beds of pudding stone, tantalized and balked his hunger; and sometimes he would lean his head over the fence, look piteously at the passer by, and seem to petition deliverance from this land of famine. University students studying literary theory should already be familiar with the structure of academic texts. Now write a rebuttal from the devil, also to be published in the newspaper. “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washington Irving is about a man who sells his Soul to the devil for worldly gain. To what extent do any of these psychological concepts apply to Tom Walker, his wife or the devil? Do the different sections, e.g. It also allows pupils to appreciate that even when a story appears to be impregnable and perhaps even irrelevant, all fiction can be understood at different levels and is above all about what makes us human-beings. As Haberling and White demonstrate, Irving’s text is difficult for high-school pupils in three primary areas: the context, concepts and vocabulary. How prevalent were earthquakes in New England at the time? Reduce the number of words for each revision. By providing a date, the narrator reinforces the earlier discussed idea posited in paragraph one, namely that what he is about to relate has a history, is an old story and is thus authentic. This needs to be sufficiently detailed to allow replication of the research. Mark sentences and phrases that you find particularly effective; also mark those that are vague or ambiguous. It is suitable for both university students and high-school pupils though in very different ways. to see past some external differences to notice more significant areas of similarity and difference in terms of priorities” (p. 13) , and gave the teachers/researchers a “helpful window into the lives of many of our students” (p. 13). Before embarking on their own essay, students may also find it useful to study a well-structured and elegantly written article about “Tom Walker and the Devil”. Students can be asked to identify the argument, theoretical stance, contextual background, overall structure, coherence, language, style and tone and the general effectiveness of the article. Students should study these articles and consider how their knowledge of the event and its consequences influence, negatively as well as positively, their understanding of Irving’s story and also their willingness to accept its message. 1. THE DEVIL AND TOM WALKER Authors reveal themselves through their writing. It utilizes a passage from Washington Irving's short story "The Devil and Tom Walker" and poses five SAT-style reading questions including vocabulary in context, author technique and evidence support. Where and how does the writer provide essential contextual information? Decide if you are going to use British or American English. agreement of subject and verb, tense mistakes and confusion between adjectives and adverbs. On one side of this inlet is a beautiful Check for favourite expressions that you use repeatedly. This is largely because the scenes and character personalities do not change significantly once introduced, and it is assumed that the reader recalls the mood as painted by the imagery; when Tom talks to the Devil, we know he is in a gloomy swamp, and we don't need to be reminded of it each time. 1. Use linking words to enhance the coherence of your text. That this has been a place of misery for a very long time is reinforced by the repetition of “old stories” in lines 5 and 9. Her husband was continually prying about to detect her secret hoards, and many and fierce were the conflicts that took place about what ought to have been common property”, ll. Irving’s story can enable students and pupils to develop their critical reading and writing skills while at the same time learning to appreciate the value and importance of “good” literature.

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