antonio lópez de santa anna y garcía

Antonio López de Santa Anna y García; Casado el 3 de octubre 1844 con María de los Dolores Tosta y Gómez 1827-1886 (Padres :Bonifacio Tosta & María Manuela Gómez Palomino) ... Francisca López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón ca 1791-Casada conJosé Agustín de Castro Santa Anna was a larger-than-life character and inept dictator. He was overthrown by the liberal Revolution of Ayutla in 1855 and lived most of his later years in exile. Santa Anna pledged his military forces to the protection of these key areas. The new coalition proclaimed the Plan of Casa Mata, which called for the end of the monarchy, restoration of the Constituent Congress, and creation of a republic and a federal system. They turned him over to authorities, and Santa Anna was imprisoned. "Biography of Antonio López de Santa Anna, 11-Time President of Mexico." [26], In 1828, Santa Anna supported the hero of the insurgency, Vicente Guerrero, who was a candidate for the presidency. Yucatán's closest trade partner was Cuba, a Spanish colony. "[28], In 1829, Santa Anna made his mark in the early republic by leading forces that defeated a Spanish invasion to reconquer Mexico. "[71], Two months after the death of his wife Inés García in 1844, the 50-year-old Santa Anna married 16-year-old María de Los Dolores de Tosta. In his will, Santa Anna acknowledged and made provisions for four: Paula, María de la Merced, Petra, and José López de Santa Anna. Pani, "Antonio López de Santa Anna", p. 1334. His mother's friendly relationship with the intendant (governor) of Veracruz secured Santa Anna's military appointment although he was underage. Although he had a history of double-dealing and corruption, many Mexicans acknowledged that Santa Anna was the most reliable person to help Mexico get through the many obstacles and threats that the country would often face. Santa Anna se declara enfermo y no toma posesión del cargo. He participated in gambling and businesses with the hopes that he would become rich. Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón 1794-1876; María Inés García Martínez de Uscanga 1811-1844 Casamiento(s) Casado el 14 de julio 1866, Xalapa, Veracruz, México, con Victoriana Cortés Borbón 1829 (Padres :Pedro Cortés & Dolores Borbón) Hermanos. Soon after, as Anastasio Bustamante's presidency turned chaotic, supporters asked Santa Anna to take control of the provisional government. Archer, Christon I. [69], From 1855 to 1874, Santa Anna lived in exile in Cuba, the United States, Colombia, and Saint Thomas. 'Almonte's Texas, This page was last edited on 9 February 2021, at 07:25. The day after the battle, a small Texan force led by James Austin Sylvester captured Santa Anna. Santa Anna did not involve himself with the conservative centralists as they moved to replace the federal constitution that dispersed power to the states with a unitary power in the hands of the central government, seemingly uneasy with their political path. In 1835, Santa Anna repealed the Mexican Constitution, which ultimately led to the beginning of the Texas Revolution. The war with France had weakened Mexico, and the people were discontented. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón was born in Xalapa, Veracruz, Nueva España (New Spain), on 21 February 1794. He recruited hastily, sweeping up many derelicts and ex-convicts, as well as Indians who could not understand Spanish commands. Santa Anna's aim was to protect it at all costs and waged defensive warfare, placing strong defenses on the most direct road to the capital at El Peñon, which Scott then avoided. [69] By 1825, Santa Anna had distinguished himself as a military man, joining the movement for independence when other criollos were also seeing Mexican autonomy as the way forward under royalist turned insurgent Agustín de Iturbide and the Army of Three Guarantees. Alemán, Jesse. His full title in this final period of power was "Hero [benemérito] of the nation, General of Division, Grand Master of the National and Distinguished Order of Guadalupe, Grand Cross of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Carlos III, and President of the Mexican Republic. Santa Anna was made president for the fifth time, taking over a nation with an empty treasury. This cleared the way for Guerrero to become president of Mexico. The Rebellion in Zacatecas of 1835 was part of the Mexican Federalist War between Mexican centralists and federalists during the first half of the nineteenth century during the administration of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.. Background. American military strength (and Santa Anna's tactical incompetence) carried the day and Mexico was defeated. Santa Anna ordered crops burned, prisoners shot, and livestock killed, alienating many Texans who might have supported him. Iturbide rewarded Santa Anna with the command of the vital port of Veracruz, the gateway from the Gulf of Mexico to the rest of the nation and site of the customs house. In 1846, when Mexican and American troops moved towards the Rio Grande into the disputed Nueces Strip, Santa Anna was in exile in Cuba. Commanding the army, Santa Anna crushed the rebellion in Puebla. He was decisive and had some crafty political skills, often playing liberals and conservatives off against one another to build a compromise. The Texans shouted, "Remember Goliad, Remember the Alamo!" The state passed a non-binding resolution to return it, but the National Guard denied the transfer. As relations between the U.S. and Mexico warmed during the run-up to World War II, Illinois was rumored to be ready to return it to Mexico and, in 1942, a bill was introduced in the state legislature. In his letter, he stated that the disrespect of Travis led to the demise of all of his followers, which he claimed only took a couple of hours.[50]. His expedition posed challenges of manpower, logistics, supply, and strategy far beyond what he was prepared for, and it ended in disaster. He sought to regain his position as a leader and marched forces from Veracruz to Tampico, then to San Luis Potosí, proclaiming his role as the "protector of the federation." Several Mexican states stopped dealing with the central government, and Yucatán and Laredo declared themselves independent republics. Minster, Christopher. In a gambit to change the dynamic, Polk sent agents to secretly meet with the exiled Santa Anna. The Association of Limb Manufacturers wanted to be part of the repatriation ceremonies. He came to the presidency with little factional conflict, and he served out his entire four-year term. He repeatedly rebuilt his reputation after major losses. He gained a reputation as a valuable if treacherous ally. The bloody conflict ended with Santa Anna forcing the resignation of Bustamante's cabinet, and an agreement was brokered for new elections in 1833. "[11] After the debacle of the war, he returned to the presidency and in 1853 sold Mexican territory to the U.S. 79, Latin America: History, war, and independence (2005), Jackson, Jack. [15] He cultivated contact with ordinary Mexican men and pursued entertainments such as cockfighting. The so-called Montaño rebellion in December 1827 called for the prohibition of secret societies, implicitly meaning liberal York Rite Masons, and the expulsion of the U.S. minister in Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, a promoter of federal republicanism in Mexico. Santa Anna allowed his army to loot Zacatecas for forty-eight hours. This set the stage for conservatives to reshape Mexico's government from a federalist republic to a unitary central republic.[38]. While in Veracruz, Santa Anna wrote a manifesto in which he reflected on his Texas experiences as well as his surrender. Yet at the same time, historians and many Mexicans also rank him as one of "those who failed the nation. "More than any other single person it was Santa Anna who denied Polk's dream of a short war. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (Spanish pronunciation: [anˈtonjo ˈlopez ðe ˌsant‿ˈana]; 21 February 1794 – 21 June 1876),[1] usually known as Santa Anna[2] or López de Santa Anna, was a Mexican politician and general. In 1838, Santa Anna had a chance for redemption from the loss of Texas. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, Santa Anna believed that Travis was rude and disrespectful towards him, and had that not happened, he would have allowed Sam Houston to establish a dominant presence there. [34] However, for liberal intellectual and Catholic priest José María Luis Mora, selling church property was the key to "transforming Mexico into a liberal, progressive nation of small landowners." When royalist officer Agustín de Iturbide changed sides in 1821 and allied with insurgent Vicente Guerrero, fighting for independence under the Plan of Iguala, Santa Anna also joined the fight for independence. Anticlericalism was a tenet of Mexican liberalism, and the church had supported Bustamante's government, so targeting that institution was a logical move. In 1842, he directed a military expedition into Texas. James Gadsden thought the amount was likely much higher.[66]. He attempted but was unsuccessful in convincing U.S. wheel manufacturers that this substance could be more useful in tires than the materials they were originally using. 13 de septiembrede 1852.- la guardia nacional de Jalisco proclama un plan político que sostiene la soberanía de los estados, ratifica el pronunciamiento del 26 de julio e invita al general Santa Anna a regresar al país y contribuir al sostenimiento del régimen federal. Santa Anna ruled in a more dictatorial way than during his first administration. Born in 1792 at Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Santa Anna … Santa Anna's forces outnumbered Taylor's, but his troops were exhausted, ill-clothed, hungry, and equipped with inferior weapons when the two armies met at La Angostura in the Battle of Buena Vista on 22–23 February 1847. He sold some lands along the border to the United States (known as the Gadsden Purchase) in 1854 to help pay some debts. His parents were Antonio Lafey de Santa Anna and Manuela Perez de Labron and he had a comfortable middle-class childhood. Santa Anna quickly rose through the ranks, making colonel by the age of 26. [25], Former insurgent general Guadalupe Victoria, a liberal federalist, became the first president of the Mexican republic in 1824, following the creation of the Federalist Mexican Constitution of 1824. The Battle for Mexico City and the Battle of Chapultepec, like the others, were hard fought losses, and the U.S. forces took the capital. Still, he was a charismatic leader, and, in general, the people of Mexico supported him, begging him to return to power time and again. He was officially president six times, and unofficially five more. Santa Anna married twice, both times to wealthy young women. "[65] The reality was that this administration was no more successful than his earlier ones, dependent on loans from moneylenders and support from conservative elites, the church, and the army. Two years later, he moved to Turbaco, Colombia. Morale sank as soldiers realized there were not enough chaplains to properly bury their bodies. In 1865, he attempted to return to Mexico and offer his services during the French invasion seeking once again to play the role as the country's defender and savior, only to be refused by Juárez. At the time, Yucatán's capital of Mérida and the port city of Campeche were in conflict. At neither wedding ceremony did he appear, legally empowering his future father-in-law to serve as a proxy at his first wedding and a friend at his second. [35], A law was issued, the Ley del Caso, that called for the arrest of 51 politicians, including Bustamante, for holding "unpatriotic" beliefs and ordered them expelled from the republic. Orígenes Hijo del notario Antonio López de Santa Anna y su esposa Manuela Pérez de Lebrón. Santa Anna died at his home in Mexico City on 21 June 1876 at age 82. Benson, Nettie Lee. Gómez Farías was a moderate, but he had a radical liberal congress with which to contend, perhaps a reason that Santa Anna left executive power to his vice president. In these circumstances, president-elect Gómez Pedraza resigned and soon after left the country. [9] He was a wealthy landowner who built a political base in the port city of Veracruz. The church's role in education was reduced and the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico closed. "The Ethnic in the Canon; or, on Finding Santa Anna's" Wooden Leg"." The plan called for repeal of the Ley del Caso and discouraged tolerance of the influence of Masonic lodges, where politics was pursued in secrecy; declared void the laws passed by Congress and the local legislatures in favor of the reforms; requested the protection of President Santa Anna to fulfill the plan and recognize him as the only authority; removal from office the deputies and officials who carried out enforcement of the reform laws and decrees; and provided military force to support the president in implementing the plan. Instead, Adams helped to found the chewing gum industry with a product that he called "chiclets."[73]. To Santa Anna, Mexico's unwashed masses could not handle self-government and needed a firm hand in control—preferably his. At this point, Santa Anna was a liberal. He provided a certain degree of stability during a chaotic time and despite his legendary corruption and incompetence, his dedication to Mexico (especially in his later years) is rarely questioned. Biographers have identified three more: Pedro López de Santa Anna, and Ángel and Augustina Rosa López de Santa Anna. He longed for a military career and his father procured an appointment for him at an early age in the Army of New Spain. Antonio López de Santa Anna y García Hermanastros y hermanastras Por parte de Antonio López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón , nacido el 21 de febrero 1794 - Jalapa, Veracruz, fallecido el 21 de junio 1876 - Ciudad de México a la edad de 82 años Antonio López de Santa Anna: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. Camnitzer, L. "The two versions of Santa Anna’s leg and the ethics of public art.". Er war achtmal sogar elfmal, wenn man die stetigen Amtswechsel mit seinem Vizepräsidenten Valentín Gómez Farías in der ersten Amtszeit mitzählt Staatschef von Mexiko (Präsidentschaften 183335; 1839; 184142, 1843, 1844; 184647; 1847; 1853… He led as general at crucial points and served 11 non-consecutive presidential terms over a period of 22 years. Sus padres fueron don Antonio Andrés López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Acal, subdelegado de la Provincia de la Antigua en Veracruz, y doña Manuela Pérez de Lebrón y Cortés. He engaged the French at Veracruz. He could be watchful and wait to see the reaction to a comprehensive attack on the special privileges of the army and the Roman Catholic Church, as well as confiscation of church wealth, enacted by the radical liberal congress. Minster, Christopher. Enfermó repentinamente y murió en agosto de 1844. "Fashioning a New Nation" in Michael C. Meyer and William H. Beezley, eds. During the initial rebellion, the young officer witnessed Arredondo's fierce counter-insurgency policy of mass executions. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Mexican army officer and statesman who was the storm center of Mexico’s politics during such events as the Texas Revolution (1835–36) and the Mexican-American War (1846–48). His influence on post-independence Mexican politics and government in the first half of the nineteenth century is such that historians often refer to it as the "Age of Santa Anna. His name plays a major role in all the political events of the country and its destiny has become intertwined with his."[7]. Although Santa Anna's family was of modest means, he was of good criollo lineage; the García family may well have seen a match between their young daughter and the up-and-coming Santa Anna as advantageous. Santa Anna was driven from power for good in 1855 and went once again into exile. He was buried with full military honors in a glass coffin in Panteón del Tepeyac Cemetery. The men held second-rank royal and clerical positions. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (Xalapa, 21 de fevereiro de 1794 – Cidade do México, 21 de junho de 1876), conhecido mais como Santa Anna [1] ou López de Santa Anna, e apelidado de "o Napoleão do Oeste", foi um político e militar mexicano, que influenciou consideravelmente o governo e a trajetória do seu país no século XIX. Meanwhile, in Mexico City a new government declared that Santa Anna was no longer president and that the treaty he had made with Texas was null and void. They found the general dressed in a dragoon private's uniform and hiding in a marsh. He would later order his leg buried with full military honors. Valencia's Army of the North was routed. In 1846, war broke out between Mexico and the United States. "Biography of Antonio López de Santa Anna, 11-Time President of Mexico." [61] The prosthetic played a role in international politics. From then on, he styled himself "The Victor of Tampico" and "The Savior of the Patria." During the Mexican retreat after a failed assault, Santa Anna was hit in the left leg and hand by cannon fire. El 30 de marzo de 1833 mediante elecciones fue declarado Presidente de la República y como Vicepresidente Valentín Gómez Farías. [9] Thomas Adams, the American assigned to aid Santa Anna while he was in the U.S., experimented with chicle in an attempt to use it as a substitute for rubber. Sale of nonessential church property would bring in much-needed revenue to the treasury. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón.Militar y político mexicano. Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón (auch Santa Ana geschrieben; * 21. His actions would prolong the war for at least a year, and more than any other single person it was Santa Anna who denied Polk's dream of a short war. He was inept enough to be regularly driven out of power but charming enough to always find his way back in. It inflicted numerous casualties with no political gain, but Texans began to be persuaded of the potential benefits of annexation by the more powerful United States. Santa Anna was born in Xalapa, Veracruz, Nueva España (New Spain), on 21 February 1794. "[20] Santa Anna claimed in his Plan of Veracruz that he rebelled because Iturbide had dissolved the Constituent Congress. He died on June 21, 1876, in Mexico City. Juan Cordero was a well-known exponent of the school of Romantic-style Academic art that stressed the sublime, the exotic and the suggestive. He urged Congress to abolish the controversial Ley del Caso, under which the liberals' opponents had been sent into exile. [64] The Jesuits, who had been expelled from Spanish realms by the crown in 1767, were allowed to return to Mexico ostensibly to educate poorer classes, and much of their property, which the crown had confiscated and sold, was restored to them. Fue un presidente desastroso para México, perdiendo primero Texas y luego gran parte de el oeste americano actual a los Estados Unidos. For the Mexicans it would have been better if Scott could have been prevented from leaving the Gulf Coast, but they could not prevent Scott's march on Xalapa. Santa Anna honored his promises to the Church, revoking a decree denying protection for the fulfillment of monastic vows, a reform promulgated twenty years earlier during the era of Valentín Gómez Farías. Santa Anna took it upon himself to plan a landing force from Yucatán in Cuba, which he envisioned would result in Cuban colonists welcoming their liberators and most especially Santa Anna. His main act of self-promotion was to call himself "The Napoleon of the West. He had left Mexico because of his unpopularity with the Mexican people after his defeat in 1848 and traveled to and from Cuba, the United States, and Europe. Fue la segunda esposa del general Antonio López de Santa Anna quien el 8 de octubre de 1844, 40 días después de enviudar de María Inés de la Paz García de López de Santa Anna se casó con ella por poder. Gómez Farías claimed that Santa Anna was the driving force for the law, which evidence seems to support. A group of Liberals including Juan Alvarez, Benito Juárez, and Ignacio Comonfort overthrew Santa Anna under the Plan of Ayutla, which called for his removal from office. In 1811, Santa Anna was wounded in the left hand by an arrow[18] during the campaign under Colonel Arredondo in the town of Amoladeras, in the intendancy (administrative district) of San Luis Potosí. However, Santa Anna's forces suffered unexpectedly heavy casualties in the battle. In 1833 he organized the Híjar-Padrés colony to bolster non-mission civilian settlement. He also promised to support free trade with Spain, an important principle for his home region of Veracruz. The couple rarely lived together; de Tosta resided primarily in Mexico City, and Santa Anna's political and military activities took him around the country. The Mexican Congress also rejected the treaty. Santa Anna rounded up some men and rushed to battle. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. Zavala brought the fighting into the capital, with his supporters seizing an armory, the Acordada. His great impact on Mexico was that by age 35, he had built such a strong reputation as a military leader that he obtained high ranking. All this caused concern among Mexican conservatives. [23], Santa Anna was no longer the main player in the movement against Iturbide and the creation of new political arrangements. Because of his weak staff system, Santa Anna was oblivious to the challenges and was totally confident that a show of force and a few massacres would have the rebels begging for mercy. [52][full citation needed]. [63] Santa Anna was elected president on 17 March 1853. Christopher Minster, Ph.D., is a professor at the ​Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (Xalapa, 21 de febrero de 1794-Ciudad de México, 21 de junio de 1876) [1] fue un político y militar mexicano. [33], Gómez Farías sought to extend these reforms to the frontier province of Alta California, promoting legislation to secularize the Franciscan missions there. Disease, Death, and the Spanish-American Revolutions", Pani, Erika. He came from a respected Spanish colonial family; he and his parents, Antonio López de Santa Anna and Manuela Pérez de Lebrón, belonged to the criollo high class (criollos were persons of European descent but born in the Americas). The new Congress was composed of men of principles who vigorously opposed the autocratic leader.[53]. Antonio López de Santa Anna (Jalapa, 1795 - México, 1876) Militar y político mexicano. Página homenaje para simpatizantes y detractores de Su Alteza Serenísima. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón.Militar y político mexicano. The new policy was a response to the U.S. attempts to purchase Texas from Mexico. [49], At the Battle of the Alamo, Santa Anna's forces killed 189 Texan insurgents on 6 March 1836 and executed more than 342 Texan prisoners at the Goliad Massacre on 27 March 1836. [72] They had no children, leading biographer Will Fowler to speculate that the marriage was either primarily platonic or that de Tosta was infertile. Antonio López de Santa Anna (February 21, 1794–June 21, 1876) was a Mexican politician and military leader who was President of Mexico 11 times from 1833 to 1855. He backed the monarchy of Mexican Empire, then revolted against the emperor. He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. He could not cut back on the bloated expenditures on the army and sought other revenues. "[4] Santa Anna's military and political career was a series of reversals. He attempted to hatch an invasion with mercenaries. However, Iturbide subsequently removed Santa Anna from the post, prompting Santa Anna to rise in rebellion in December 1822 against Iturbide. A secondary goal of the colony was to help defend Alta California against perceived Russian colonial ambitions from the trading post at Fort Ross. With that battle, the way was clear for Scott's forces to advance further onto the capital. "[30] A biographer of Santa Anna describes him in this period as the "absentee president. On Santa Anna's suggestion, the number of battalions was to be reduced as well as the number of generals and brigadiers. ... (New Spain, or Mexico). Antonio López de Santa Anna y García Hermanastros y hermanastras Por parte de Antonio López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón , nacido el 21 de febrero 1794 - Jalapa, Veracruz, fallecido el 21 de junio 1876 - Ciudad de México a la edad de 82 años Santa Anna went into exile again but was invited back by conservatives in 1853, so he served as president for two more years. These executions were conducted in a manner similar to the executions he witnessed of Mexican rebels in the 1810s as a young soldier. One assessment of the two marriages is that they were arranged marriages of convenience, bringing considerable wealth to Santa Anna and that his lack of attendance at the wedding ceremonies "appears to confirm that he was purely interested in the financial aspect on the alliance." Images of it remain accessible on the web. Still, many modern Mexicans revile him for the loss of so much territory to the United States. El 30 de marzo de 1833 mediante elecciones fue declarado Presidente de la República y como Vicepresidente Valentín Gómez Farías. [27] An explanation for Santa Anna's support of Guerrero is that Gómez Pedraza had been in favor of Santa Anna's proposed invasion of Cuba, if successful, and if not, "Mexico might rid himself of an undesirable pest, namely Santa Anna. Santa Anna replied: "Say to Mr. Poinsett that it is very true that I threw up my cap for liberty with great ardor, and perfect sincerity, but very soon found the folly of it. Presidente de dicha nación en 11 ocasiones, establecido como opresor permanente con el tratamiento de Alteza Serenísima, aunque depuesto años más tarde. Santa Anna's reasoning for the repeal was that American settlers in Texas were not paying taxes or tariffs, claiming they were not recipients of any services provided by the Mexican Government. Ông tạo nhiều thay đổi tại Mexico, đặc biệt trong liên hệ với Tây Ban Nha., "Manifesto which General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna Addresses to His Fellow Citizens". He was transported aboard the USS Pioneer to retire to his hacienda in Veracruz. This conflict is known as the Pastry War. [5][6] Lucas Alamán writes that "the history of Mexico since 1822 might accurately be called the history of Santa Anna's revolutions. Learn more about Santa Anna’s life and accomplishments in this article. For example, Will Fowler shows him serving six terms in his introduction to, Callcott, Wilfred H., "Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez De,". Regional Indians attacked military stragglers; water sources were polluted, and many men were sick. Santa Anna returned to Mexico in disgrace and retired to his hacienda. "[51], After some time in exile in the U.S., and after meeting U.S. President Andrew Jackson in 1837, Santa Anna was allowed to return to Mexico. Santa Anna left a mixed legacy to Mexico. The family belonged to the racially elite criollo group of American-born Spaniards, although the family was not wealthy but rather middle-class. His army expected tropical weather and suffered from the cold as well as shortages of traditional foods. He acknowledged that by 1835, he considered Texas to be the biggest threat to Mexico, and he acted upon those threats. In the early 1840s, Santa Anna was in and out of power frequently. Santa Anna married twice, both times to wealthy young women. The purchase money for the land was supposedly to go to Mexico's empty treasury. He fought on the Spanish side in the Mexican War of Independence. In 1835, Santa Anna replaced the 1824 constitution with the new constitutional document known as the "Siete Leyes" ("The Seven Laws"). [36] With increasing resistance from the church as well as the army, the Plan of Cuernavaca was issued, likely orchestrated by former general and governor of the Federal District, José María Tornel. Like all people, Santa Anna had his strengths and weaknesses. During the siege of the Alamo, the Texas Navy had more time to plunder ports along the Gulf of Mexico, and the Texian Army gained more weapons and ammunition. Mexico City: Joaquín Porrúa, 1984. Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón (21 tháng 2 năm 1794 – 21 tháng 6 năm 1876), thường gọi là Santa Anna là một lãnh tụ chính trị và là nhà độc tài nổi tiếng của México. He first opposed Mexican independence from Spain, but then fought in support of it. [59] A second leg, a peg, was also captured by the 4th Illinois and was reportedly used by the soldiers as a baseball bat; it is displayed at the home of Illinois Governor Richard J. Oglesby (who served in the regiment) in Decatur.

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