catholic baptism interview questions

Live It! Baptistery of the Basilica of St.Vitalis, 6th cen. 25.3 Q What do you understand by “separation” from the world? Q Is it the only guide to salvation? Q What do you know about God’s character or attributes? 15.7 Q What city did David make his capital? 7.11 Q What is the Bible hope of a future life? I therefore and hereby take Him to me as my example, Lord and Saviour. The list of questions to be covered at an interview is provided as an aid to ensure that all areas are fully covered. 25.12 Q What are the duties of parents and their children? Back to Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions about THE QUALIFICATION REQUIRED TO BE A GODPARENT. 3.10. This is to ensure that the mind of each candidate can be fully determined as far as possible. 25.11 Q What are the duties of husbands and wives? Q Is the Holy Spirit possessed today? 7.1. The conduct of the interview is a very serious matter and ideally should be carried out by two brethren. 17.11 Q What happened in Zedekiah’s reign? 25.15 Q Can a believer serve in the Police Force? do not contravene the commands of Christ? 22.11 Q What was the purpose of his letters? 15.8 Q What great promise did God make to David? T he final text of Exorcisms and Related Supplications (ERS) was confirmed by the Holy See in December 2016 and implemented in the dioceses of the United States as of June 29, 2017. 18.17 Q Can you give a verse to prove this? 15.9 Q Who is this son promised to David? 9.1 Q Why was the flood brought upon the world? If no certificate is available, the proof of the Baptism must be worked out. The Interviews will be scheduled during March and April. 18.27 Q What did Jesus do when he met with his disciples to keep the Passover before his. 16.3 Q What request did God grant Solomon? Q Can you give a verse to prove this? The following is a summary of what I confessed and believe from my study of the Bible: Jesus Christ is the Son of God but not God Himself, and He did not physically exist before His birth, Jesus Christ had our human nature and temptations and was tempted just as we are, but He never sinned. 1.2. The other two are Confirmation and Eucharist. 1 st Eucharist: The … 1.5. SOLOMON & THE DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM. 15.12 Q What part of the Bible did David write? Name 6. He promises that you can live with Him in His … The word baptism often symbolically refers to penances (Mk 10:38-39; Lk 3:16, 12:50). God’s plan of salvation for me is revealed in the Bible, which is infallibly inspired by God and which I am committed to continuing studying daily. Confirmation Interview Questions 1. Interviews should always be conducted on an individual candidate basis and never on a group basis. 8.2 Q Is the devil (a) an inhuman monster? An Interview with Tom Schreiner on Baptism Here's an interview I conducted with Tom Schreiner about the new book on baptism that he has co-edited. If you have a question or would like to discuss these topics, I suggest that you go to a Mormon-related bulletin board ( here are some recommendations ). The Church never refuses to baptise anyone, though in certain cases Baptism may be postponed. 12.5 Q Why did Moses have to flee to Midian? 18.13 Q What was the nature of Christ during his life on earth? 18.7 Q Was Christ the second person of the Trinity? Q Do you believe the Bible is the wholly inspired and infallible Word of God? 23.7 Q What will be the punishment of the wicked? 12.2 Q What was to be done to all the male children born? Q Is infant sprinkling the same as scriptural baptism? Why do you pray to idols (statues)? 18.29 Q How frequently was it kept in the 1st Century? I am looking for catholic person willing and knowledgeable to discuss about Catholicism, Sacraments and baptism. 25. 18.28 Q Is it necessary for us to keep this today? When a question only requires a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, then, if possible, ask the candidate either to give a reason for the reply or quote a verse in support of it. Q What is the spiritual significance of baptism? This 30-minute DVD celebrates and renews parents’ faith while strengthening their decision to raise their child in the Catholic faith. 20.10 Q What was the angels message to them? what are some questions the priest will ask the parents in an interview to baptise their child catholic? 25.22 Q What is the duty of employers to their employees? 25.30 Q Is it necessary for us to withdraw our fellowship from any who depart from the faith in. 13.4 Q After Joshua, how were they first ruled? Equipping Parents and Godparents for the Task of Raising Strong Catholic Children ™ An engaging, interactive way for parents and Godparents to prepare together for their infant child/Godchild's baptism and the life-long responsibility of passing on their Catholic faith. Seven Sacraments – Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick 3. Q Is baptism essential for salvation? Christ commanded it as a part of the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations Q When did the Creation as recorded in Gen. 1 take place? 8.7 Q When we read of Christ “casting out devils”, what does it mean? It’s important for our entire church along with those who are being baptized to not only know those questions, but to understand the theology behind them. 17.19 Q What was the name of the Persian king who made an edict allowing them to return to. 12.1 Q What happened to the children of Israel after Joseph’s death? By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. 25.24 Q Is it our duty to preach the Gospel to others? The interviewing brethren should be certain in their own minds that the candidate has a clear understanding of those doctrines where we differ from other churches. I understand that I must seek to live a life in conformity to God’s expressed will in His word. 3.2. I believe salvation is by grace and not by works. 16.6 Q What happened toward the end of his reign? Frequently Asked Questions ... As it is an official position in the Catholic Church, bound by a Sacrament of the Church, at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic older than 16 who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. 12.10 Q What was the feast they had to keep? The two interviewing brethren must be agreed together that the candidate is ready for baptism at the conclusion of the interview and if there … 2.1. 25.14 Q Is it permissible for a believer to serve in the armed forces? 6. Q What was the first act of creation? 25.13 Q What should a servant of Christ do if he is badly treated? 16.9 Q What request did God grant Solomon? 8.4 Q Can you give me references to prove this? If the candidate does not appear to understand a question or to give a satisfactory answer, then try and ask the question another way or come back to it at a later stage of the interview. What is the first step? 17.12 Q What was the work of the prophets? All rights reserved. )— use this to journal some of your own thoughts and ideas! 1. The baptismal interview was a positive experience that allowed her to ask questions of a missionary before her baptism. Frequently asked questions regarding the possibility of invalid sacraments. 3 According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (C.C.C.) 22.6 Q What vision did Peter receive in this connection? An opportunity should be provided for the candidate to ask questions throughout the interview, particularly at the end. A. Q What was the test of obedience given to Adam and Eve? 16.4 Q What books of the Bible did Solomon write? 12.7 Q How many plagues came upon Egypt? 25.7 Q Is it permissible for a believer to have sexual relations outside marriage? The baptismal interview is the way established by the Church to ensure that each candidate meets the Lord’s standards for baptism and is prepared to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. One brother should conduct the interview and the other brother should act as a witness. 1. 11.1 Q To whom were the promises to Abraham repeated? Q What was the punishment pronounced upon: 7.8. 17.15 Q What was the name of the king of Babylon? 25.9 Q Can you remember a passage to prove this? 12.17 Q Why did Israel have to wander 40 years in the wilderness? Q Has he always existed and will he always exist? 13.3 Q Who was saved from Jericho, and why? Average score for this quiz is 11 / 20 . 1st Communion Interview Questions Part 1 – Interview - by Nov 4 Recommend 1. 18.11 Q Can you give a verse to prove this? 25.16 Q Should a believer take an active part in a Trade Union? 6.9. Change the World with Everyday Faith, Director's Manual, Gathered Sessions and Retreat, The Old Testament, the Trinity, and the Mission of Christ, The New Testament, the Church, and the Sacraments, The Prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. 22.3 Q Is the Holy Spirit possessed today? “Questions and Answers about Baptism,” Friend, Aug. 2008, 24–25. 9.5 Q Apart from Noah and his family, what else entered the ark? The purpose of the interview is to satisfy the brethren that the candidate fully understands what he/she is undertaking and has sufficient knowledge and appreciation of the Truth to make baptism valid. During a baptism service at Rise, you’ll notice when someone gets in the waters, we have questions we ask them before we baptize them in the water. You may do research with sources (yes, this is OPEN BOOK! 17.16 Q What dream did Nebuchadnezzar have? Start by praying the Come Holy Spirit Prayer(must have memorized) Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire… 17.10 Q Who is referred to in the words “whose right it is” in this passage? 12.12 Q How were the people delivered from Pharaoh’s pursuing army? 17.14 Q Can you name the prophet who was taken captive into Babylon and who was in the. Q How many books does the Bible contain? 10.5 Q Who is the “seed” (singular) of Abraham? 17.18 Q How long was Judah in captivity in Babylon? Encourage all candidates to talk with you as much as possible. 1.4. 7.9. He should feel able to contribute to the questioning or ask further questions at the end to cover topics more thoroughly if he feels that a subject should be enlarged upon. Allowance must be made for differing abilities of individuals but a clear understanding of the basic doctrines is vital before baptism. Yes! I give my life now to the Lord Jesus Christ, to learning of Him and following Him, always from now on asking myself ‘What would Jesus do?’ in all situations and feelings I am confronted with in life. Ten Commandments Candidates must be able to field any of the following questions and topics about the Catholic faith. 2.4. Respond to question 6 on your own. Q Can you quote a verse to prove this? 25.29 Q Is it necessary to pray regularly? If a child is over 7 years then there is an expectation that the child, accompanied by his or her parent/s, would undergo instruction as the child is now old enough to be able to understand what is happening and what baptism means for him or her. By going under the water I share in His death, and die to sin, and by coming up out of the water of baptism, I unite myself with His resurrection and am committed to trying to live a life like His. 10.7 Q When will the promises be fulfilled? 25.10 Q What did Christ say about re-marriage after divorce? You may work with your spon-sors, parents or ask anyone you know! Introduction. 24.4 Q What position will Israel have in the Kingdom of God? Q In Gen. 2 v 7 we are told that man became a “living soul”. 12.6 Q What happened after 40 years in Midian? One way to go about baptism is to distill the above essentials to three or four questions: 1. 7.2. 24.5 Q Who will rule with Christ in the Kingdom? 25.28 Q Is it necessary to read the Bible daily? I recognize that marriage should be treated as a permanent bond in which God seeks to join two people together as one flesh for life, and I will not break apart what God has joined together, neither in my life nor in that of others. Get details here on our COVID-19 Action Plan. 17.9 Q Can you recall the message concerning him given by Ezekiel? I am having my son baptized Catholic, and first I have to "interview" with the priest tomorrow. If, after reading this page, you desire to have your child baptized at St. Joseph's, or you have additional questions, call the parish office at 551-4973. 16.7 Q What is the lesson for us in this? It will be short 10 min interview-like questionnaire. Q Can you give quotations to prove this? 18.9 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? You’re like, “Okay, so, you talked about the beginning, marriage was on the rocks, and you talked about the epiphany when you realized maybe there was hope for the future.”. If the answer to #2 (“Denomination of Baptism”) is not a main line Christian Church, it must determined if we accept the Baptism as valid. Hood — then an infant — at St. Anastasia Parish in Troy. 20.7 Q How long was it between his resurrection and ascension? Q Can you give a verse to prove this? SIGNED:________________________________________________________________. 22.4 Q To whom was the gospel first preached? Students ask the provided to questions to adults who can tell them about the details of that student's baptism. 10.4 Q What promises did God make to Abraham? Q Can you quote a verse to prove this? 8.1 Q What is the meaning of the word Devil? This page will attempt to answer some of the questions you may have regarding infant baptism. 24.8 Q What will conditions be like for the mortal inhabitants? 22.9 Q How many “missionary” journeys did Paul make after his conversion? If you answer yes to any of the questions entailed in point four, the missionary conducting the interview will refer you to the mission president to determine if you qualify for baptism. I realize that there are many false doctrines circulating in the world under the name of Christianity and I will seek to keep separate from these and to meet with other true believers for fellowship and the breaking of bread. This will require a flexible approach throughout the interview but will help to identify the candidate’s attitude, knowledge and depth of understanding. In some cultures, the celebration of an infant's baptism is an important social event, quite separate from its religious significance, and baptism is for this reason requested by parents who no longer practice their Catholic faith themselves. Pope Francis administers the sacrament of Confirmation to one of eight new Catholics during the Easter Vigil in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican April 20, 2019. Yes. 3.9. 18.20 Q How old was Jesus when he commenced his ministry? Q What do you understand by inspiration? 21.2 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? 15.10 Q Can you give a verse to prove this? MATTERS OF CONDUCT – LIVING THE TRUTH. 8.8 Q Can a Christian have anything to do with witchcraft? 3.3. 6.5. 22.7 Q Who was mainly responsible for preaching to the Gentiles? I believe that when I die, I will remain unconscious in the grave, until the Lord Jesus returns to resurrect me and judge me. Questions and Answers about Baptism. 6.3. The two interviewing brethren must be agreed together that the candidate is ready for baptism at the conclusion of the interview and if there is any doubt the candidate should be further instructed. 25.20 Q What is the duty of a believer towards “the powers that be” where their requirements. Review of the Sacrament of Baptism and a walk-through of the Rite of Baptism; Explanation of the symbols; Includes Presenter's Guide; see sample pages (English). As used and developed by Brother Marcus Heaster in his preaching work world-wide, NOTES ON INTERVIEWING A CANDIDATE FOR BAPTISM. some of your wisdom and insights, ask engaging questions, and use this time to renew and refresh what may have been forgotten. Not everyone qualifies to be a Godparent. 20.5 Q What was his nature when he first emerged from the tomb? The candidate should be informed of the procedure at the baptismal service and a record made of the candidate’s personal details for the future ecclesial records. 25.27 Q Is it our duty to do all we can to help others? 11.2 Q How many sons did Jacob have? 1.3. I realize that sex outside of marriage and homosexuality are wrong. Oh, and yes, she did eventually marry the barber The interview is NOT a test with trick questions. Hood told Detroit Catholic. 10.8 Q As Abraham is dead, how can he receive the fulfilment of the promise? Why was I baptized? 16. 9.6 Q What was the covenant made with Noah and how was it confirmed? Your Baby's Baptism: Welcome to God's Family. 17.23 Q When were they finally dispersed and scattered throughout the world? 18.12 Q Did Christ pre-exist before his birth? 25.1 Q After baptism is it necessary to live a life in accordance with Christ’s commands? 18.3 Q How was Christ conceived and born? The rite requires water and specific words and action to be valid. 25.4 Q Can you give a reference to prove the necessity for such separation? 2.5. 23.8 Q What will happen after the judgement? The very nature of the Truth means that a topic is often returned to later on and can be covered again. # 1311, "candidates for Confirmation, as for Baptism, fittingly seek the spiritual help of a sponsor. 11.7 Q How was Joseph re-united with his family? Q. 5.2. I understand that He is my representative. Priority given to Balkan country person. During the interview we will discuss the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism, answer any questions you may have and make the necessary arrangements for the Baptism Preparation Classes and the Baptism itself. Q What were the original languages in which the Bible was written? Why did you (my parents, family, godparents) see this as something important to do? Q Can you quote a verse to prove this? Baptism: Your Questions Answered What if my child is no longer a baby? 2. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You may find that when a candidate responds to your question, the answer may overlap with your next topic. A. Thirty years ago, that was the formula a deacon used to baptize Fr. 10.1 Q Where did Abraham originally live? 20.6 Q To whom did Jesus first appear after his resurrection? Interview for child: An interview for each child to assess their readiness and intention. You need to have them completed prior to your Confirmation Interview. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been preached and who have had the possibility to ask for this sacrament. Solid Catholic teaching of the faith from a reliable source. "Cardinal" Ratzinger Disparages Infant Baptism, Questions Catholic Dogma In his interview book God and the World, "Cardinal" Joseph Ratzinger says the following: The question of what it means to say that baptism is necessary for salvation has become ever more hotly debated in modern times. Baptism for a child under 7 years of age is a straightforward matter. The witnessing brother can often assist with an alternative approach to a question when the candidate does not appear to understand the original question and he can probably put the question another way. 12.19 Q Why was Moses not allowed to enter the promised land? 24.10 Q What will happen at the end of the Millennium? Interview Questions about Your Baptism This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Q What did possession of the Holy Spirit enable people to do? 24.6 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Baptism Is Foundation Of Communion Holy Father's General Audience (15 April 1998) Multimedia Baptized and Born Again Catholic Answers Live interview with Prof Marcellino D'Ambrosio, professor of theology (requires RealPlayer - save file to your hard drive) Articles Baptism (Catholic Encyclopedia) Baptismal Font (Catholic Encyclopedia) The Catholic Church provides a detailed guideline that must be obeyed. After establishing the candidate’s desire to be baptised the questions follow a chronological order through the Bible and conclude with matters of personal conduct. 22.1 Q What happened on the day of Pentecost? Do I make a promise when I am baptized? It is not a bad idea to inform the one being baptized that publicly identifying with Christ in baptism may lead to rejection by friends or family, and possibly persecution as well (1 Thessalonians 1; 1 Peter 4). 24.9 Q Can you give me a reference to prove this? The first step is to call the parish office at (905) 628-2880 to set up an appointment. 12.18 Q How were they provided with food and drink in the wilderness? 5.6. 3.6. 25.21 Q What is the duty of employees to their employer? 16.10 Q What happened at the beginning of Rehoboam’s reign? 21.4 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Brady Shearer: Of course, your ability to actually execute on the video and make it quality all comes down to that interview. In such cases the spiritual importance of … The 25.17 Q Is it permissible for a believer to due at law? 1. 7.12 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Many times in baptismal interviews people would forget things. (b) a fallen angel? I realize that the devil or satan refers to this ‘adversary’ to my salvation- not to a literal dragon or monster. 17.7. 10.9 Q How can Gentiles be associated with these promises? 18.25 Q How many Apostles did he appoint? 25.8 Q Is it permissible for a believer to divorce his/her partner? 25.26 Q How often should we meet with others of like precious faith? 5.4. 25,5 Q Is it permissible for a believer to marry an unbeliever? To emphasize the unity of the two sacraments, it is appropriate that this be one of the baptismal godparents. 14.1 Q Who was chosen the first king of Israel? The apostle Paul also appears to be praying for a dead person, Onesiphorus, in 2 Timothy (1:16-18). Catholic, Simple, Effective. 23.5 Q What will happen then after the resurrection has taken place? 12.15 Q What did the Law point forward to? 14.3 Q Describe one occasion when he disobeyed. What does this mean? 6.1. One interview suffices for Confirmation and First Eucharist The above requirements are to be pastorally adjusted for others requesting Confirmation beyond 3 rd grade. 13.1 Q Who succeeded Moses and led Israel into the land? On all matters of basic first principles, the candidate should be asked to quote at least one verse from the Bible to support the answer. 20.8 Q What did he command his disciples to do? 7.13 Q Why was Abel’s sacrifice accepted and Cain’s rejected? Prayers – Sign of Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Angel Prayer, Act of Contrition, Apostles Creed, Grace before Meals 2. This is the basic principle, but God is not bound by Baptism. 22.8 Q Can you give me briefly the details of Paul’s conversion? 5.5. A reflection on the significance of the sacrament is done at the at end of the interview. No Catholic who knows anything about the Catholic faith has ever worshiped a statue (as in pagan idolatry). I recognize that my real problem is my own temptations and sin, and I undertake to fight against them, always asking myself ‘What would Jesus do?’. An opportunity should be provided for the candidate to ask questions throughout the interview, particularly at the end. Q Can you quote me a verse to prove this? The Latin Church Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved the English translation of De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam, editio typica in November 2014. Tom, first of all, can you tell us a bit about yourself--your family, where you teach, etc.? 25.23 Q What should be our attitude to the pleasures of the world? 21.3 Q After what priestly “order” is Christ a High Priest? 2.2. 24.2 Q What city will be the capital of the Kingdom of God? 18.4 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? 18.6 Q What was the work of John the Baptist? In New Interview, Pope Francis Talks COVID, Abortion, and the Need for Unity I realize that death is the wages for sin, although ‘hell’ means only the grave and not a place of torture or literal fire. 18.23 Q Can you relate one of his parables? 25.2 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? To qualify as Godparent, does the person have to meet certain requirements? 12.13 Q Where was the Law of Moses given? I believe in the Holy Spirit as the power of God, not as a literal person. 7.6. 25.25 Q How often should the believer carry out Christ’s command to “break bread and drink. 2.6. 10.6 Q Was the Gospel preached to Abraham? You promise to keep Heavenly Father’s commandments.

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