does profender kill fleas

Mew Mew! Dr. Carey:Profender is a purge dewormer that works to kill tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms in the cat at the time of administration. For kitties that go outside, we recommend at least once annual deworming with Profender, since they will inevitably be exposed to parasites through hunting (and … Recommended use in cats 6 weeks of age and older. My kitten was treated nearly 2 weeks ago and is still expelling segments. for fleas you need something like frontline in the UK, or whatever the US equivalent is.. The paperwork for Profender does say that some cats may need a second treatment 30 days after the first. Luvs & hugs! Dr. Carey: There are really two common questions cat owners ask about Profender: Dr. Carey: The product is safe when used as directed. Monthly oral flavored chewable that kills fleas … Open mouth, See-saw breathing That is all the questions that I have for you. Flattie V: How long does the treatment stay active in a pet’s system? Flea control products for use on cats and dogs can help keep fleas off your pets and reduce the flea population in the environment. Right now we are using separate litter boxes in different areas of the house — to lessen the likelihood of the spread of eggs from her box to mine. Dr. Carey (top right) & Kerry Johnson (bottom right), image by Carl Kerridge Photography. But he just recently tested positive for them. Dogs will be covered completely from these pests and … Get your answers by asking now. That is good. Flea and tick preventatives kill fleas that come in contact with your dog, preventing your pup from bringing them … Dr. Carey: No problems when used as directed. Profender - how long does it take to eradicate the worms? As for cleaning the boxes, she is not an authority, but suggests: 1. remove litter from box and dispose in outside trash receptacle in bag, 2. use garden hose to spray out any litter residue, 3. fill litter box with hot water; add a drop or two of liquid dish soap and a drop of bleach; let soak at least 15 min, and 4. rinse out box well and air dry before refilling with new litter. Purrs, ERin. Said?? Thanks Dr. Dan and Miss Kerry, and thanks Bayer Animal Health for being a sponsor at the BlogPaws Conference! But do talk with your vet first, especially since yours is not an adult cat. Isn’t it nice that our standins did all the work for us at the conference, so you and I could stay home and relax? I’ve enjoyed chatting with you, and Valentine will be pleased to share your information with his readers. Flattie V: What would you say are the top questions people ask about Profender? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Flattie V: Are there any severe side effects to the treatment? What age should you get a kitten microchipped? These cookies do not store any personal information. No, Miss Katie, Mom didn’t find any wormy segments on me once she started me on the dewormer. Just a mild cat or baby shampoo will do the job … Profender is my first choice. NexGard is a bite … As me told ya’ befur, me had tapeworms when me came to mommy at 2 1/2 weeks old. In absence of animals, fleas can also bite humans disturbing a good nights rest. Here is how to kill fleas instantly on a dog. 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The Bayer booth was sure busy with visitors! Me too, Chloe Doodle! Cost-–which can be variable. Profender Cat Dewormer contains a combination of insecticides (emodepside and praziquantel) and requires a pr… Miss Anis, Mom and Dad just treated my new sisfur last week with Profender, ’cause she had worms from living outdoors before joining our family. ... (Novartis Animal Health) contains lufenuron to control flea infestations by preventing the development of flea eggs; it does not kill adult fleas… And they need to consult a vet first to make sure it is the right product for us. Any unique and good names available for a pet cat ? Profender® is a topical dewormer for cats for the treatment & control of hookworms, roundworms & tapeworms in a single dose — no pill required. Flattie V: Val was rid of tapeworms after Mom treated him with Profender in the fall. I have to admit that I have never come into contact with any reps from the cat pharmaceutical industry until ER v0.5 reported back from Blog Paws. Safety 2. In a field study, PROFENDER Topical Solution was used in cats receiving other frequently used products including: analgesics, anti-fungals, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, anthelmintics, antimicrobials, flea … Fleas ingest the parasite eggs and transfer them into your cat when they bite. Many people turn to diatomaceous earth to reduce fleas … Follow along with Flattie V as he poses questions to Dan Carey, DVM and Kerry Johnson, Bayer Animal Health Communications Manager. You will also need to treat the dog's bedding, your home and your yard to ensure that the dog does … Shake the bottle to mix the solution. 1 It’s easy to apply, fast and effective, and helps protect your dog against fleas. Have you ever used a dewormer product for your cat? My cat is an indoor only cat and she got fleas a few months ago when a friends dog came over when she had fleas. Canine Comfortis – Monthly Chewable [Rx]Comfortis. Or do you recommend a second? If fleas are biting your pet, they will soon be biting you if you don’t do something. Using this in combination with a three monthly wormer such as a Milquantel tablet or a Profender … Flattie V: What would you say are the most important things a pet parent should consider when selecting a pet dewormer treatment product and brand? Step 1 Pour 1 oz. Step 2 Spray diluted bleach to kill fleas … Intolerance to being held under These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Flattie V only had a chance to meet Miss Kerry & Dr. Dan of the Bayer team, but I’m sure the others were just as kind and friendly. Thanks for that important information, Flat V. But we sure hope we never need a dewormer. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Getting rid of the flea problem is the first step in controlling tapeworms; but after that, you still … This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Dr. Carey: I prefer oral praziquantel and Pyrantel. Hx vomiting after eating Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. NexGard kills fleas and ticks fast, all month long, and is the only chew that’s FDA-approved to prevent the infections that cause Lyme disease by killing black-legged ticks. The felines may accidentally eat the fleas while grooming or by licking other surfaces contaminated with fleas. Treatment of Worms, Fleas, and Parasites. Profender is applied to the back of the neck and kills 100% of round worms, hook worms, and tapeworms with 1 dose. Mom plans to clean out both our boxes in a couple of weeks. He may recommend you give kitty another dose of the Profender after a certain length of time has past. Profender is comprised of two dewormers; … Mom will be treating him when she returns home from the conference, so she’ll be able to rest easy knowing that the intruders have been eliminated from his little body. Bathing your cat with a gentle shampoo or dawn soap can kill the live fleas on it. Hi Valentine. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Is it safe for doggies to be around a cat when a cat is first treated? Hugs! Flattie V: Does one dose do the trick? We'll assume you're OK with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. No repeat dose is needed. one second and it’s over and done. Broke, I hv no money for a vet to do hundreds of $$ worth of diagnostic testing, but cld scrape $$ for meds– if i dont, cat will die. Tapeworms Tapeworms are transmitted by fleas, making them another common parasite in cats. Mid town san antonio, tx so not coyotes. Thought maybe toxic ingestion, but those cause systemtic issues, this cat doesnt have. Did you happen to see tapeworm segments for days like the rep. next, it threw up and I saw a round worm. Kerry Johnson: Visit PetBasics to learn if there are any available rebate offers and to learn more about Profender. Next, use a flea comb to thoroughly comb through your pet's fur and remove all traces of the fleas … Due to a cat’s behavior and environment (going outdoors, hunting, exposure to fleas, etc. Profender is applied to the back of the … What does the packaging or package insert say? If a cat, for example ingests a flea after a 2-week period then he can be reinfected if the flea was carrying the parasite. so now , thru hiding the pill in various types of food , it finally swallowed the crushed pill. 😬. Internal Parasites The American Society of Veterinary Parasitologists states that greater than 90% of kittens are born with worms. The mild climate inside your home provides ideal conditions for these eggs to develop into new adult fleas. Another outside community cat died of same S/S a cpl months ago– suffering 6 weeks til finally i guess extreme respritory distress lead to cardiac arrest. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But it sounds like they’ve stayed away since then. Fleas like warm, moist conditions, but they can survive in cold, dry conditions. The pill is Bayer Dewormer. Thanks for visiting! Does profender for cats treat fleas? Dr. Carey: Tapeworm deworming happens within 24 hours, but a cat owner may see tapeworm segments for days. Mom sifts out the waste from our boxes at least 2x daily. water. Ease of administration 4. Profender (Bayer Animal Health) contains 1.98% emodepside and 7.94% praziquantel. Note that this does NOT kill fleas. Kerry Johnson (center) at Bayer booth, image by Carl Kerridge Photography. In some cases, flea bites could lead to anemia or weakness in the animal. ... which uses magnesium stearate to kill … Profender spot on is a treatment used to prevent worm infections in cats. Profender is supposed to kill all the infective stages of the tapeworm, and typically a wormer will cause the dead tapeworms to come out in the feces. Wally, Ernie & Zoey, oh I hope you never need it either! Manly left this to tell people not to throw away cats, take care of them. mommy treated me witnh a natural treatment and then when me was old enuff, just to be sure, she gave me da pill. I’m happy you had a chance to visit with the Bayer team to get first-paw information that will help pets and pet parents! Many home remedies will effectively kill fleas in your house, including the use of Clorox bleach. Hugs! Can cats actually hear a million times better than humans in the dark? The box says that the product kills adult tapeworms only and it mentions nothing of the eggs within the dried segments. sec. What steps do I need to take to ensure that re-infestation doesn’t occur? Broke n unable to even to afford getting her put down, i wld just cry as i watched her suffer. You need a flea treatment to go along with it. Pesky flea infestations can make you and your pets life miserable. I so appreciate you taking the time out in your busy schedule to meet with me. Excellent advice in your post and as a tape worm survivor it comes straight from the cats mouth as it were. The active ingredient in Advantage flea treatment for dogs is able to kill fleas through contact, so fleas don’t have to bite your pet to be killed. Fortunately, … I didn’t find any information in the package about how to clean the litter box during or after treatment. We hope we don’t ever needed it but it’s nice to know a quality product is out there. What would you say to the pet parent that is considering an over-the-counter treatment product versus a prescription one like Profender? Fleas carry tape worms, which can be transferred to the dog if it bites or ingests the fleas. Wow you were super young when you got wormies! chest or lying on back (cant breathe at all), No fever, seizures, fainting, diff walking, lethargy, AMS, bloated abdomen, no audible wheezing. On the other worms, it starts working in two days. I sure hope they are at BlogPaws again next year. I have an outside male cat, which I found out is the neighbors, it roams dusk till dawn. Natural flea remedies do … I hope you don’t every need a dewormer, though. About 75% of kittens are born with roundworms, which can easily be killed by oral pyrantel dewormers. Erin, I haven’t met any in person either. Did you know that Bayer offers a number of products to the veterinary industry, shelters and pet owners for cats? Clorox bleach into a spray bottle and add 10 oz. Wormies make my Mom cringe and I sure don’t want them on my fur or in my belly again! ), reinfection is always a possibility, in which case re-treatment with Profender … Yes, Brian, Mom & Flattie V agree that they were super nice and helpful! Clearly any cats companion really does need to look carefully at these items and follow the instructions rather than lose the box and guess, which is OK for the Palace horse, but NOT for little me! Exposure to severe cold will kill fleas… Flea allergy dermatitis can also lead to patchy hair loss in cats and dogs. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Symptoms: We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. they don’t take care of their barn cats. Is it safe to use on a cat that has health issues (i.e. Web design customized by K. Barbero from Gljivec's "Gothica" WP premium template, Header and logo design by GLOGIRLY Design, Fluffy Black Cat of Persian Breed Vector by Nelli Valova at He has labored open mouth breathing with no audible wheezing. Profender: A new medication (2007) for cats. Not only is Profender Cat Dewormer easy to use, safe and effective, it also works in a single-dose capacity so there is no need for that pesky second dose! so far spent 37 $ for all meds. The disadvantage is that it is often difficult to get cats to take pills. Has anyone managed to train their cat to stay in the garden. Flattie V: Does Bayer offer any periodic rebates to consumers that purchase the product? You’ll want to mention your concerns with your vet, ’cause he may want to test your kitty to see what specific type of parasite he has so he can then recommend the best treatment for it. Cats hv been dissappersing left n right arnd here. kidney disease, upper respiratory infections, weak immune system, seasonal allergies), like Valentine? The best way to deal with fleas is prevention. You’ll want to monitor your kitty and check with your vet to see if it is recommended at that point, especially if your kitty spends some of its times outdoors where it could get reinfected. However, a major infestation requires more attention to remove fleas, larva, and pupae from your home. We were suitably impressed with what they had to off and the science behind it all. My cat’s had profender earlier this week for tapeworms. My mom would prefer to give me a pill form, too, but I hate having my mouth handled. I’m hoping this med will help my cat altho im not sure what is wrong w him, but guess it cant hurt. Great interview, Flattie V! Cat Prefers Plush Toy Dog Over the Real Thing. It won’t prevent the cat from being exposed again later. Frontline, Advantage, and Revolution are flea treatments in the USA. Dr. Carey: One side effect is salivation that some cats experience. If you liked reading this post, please also see “Tapeworms & A Tapeworm Survivor.” And watch for my upcoming post where I chat about my most recent Profender treatment experience. Apart from routinely checking pets for fleas and administering regular vaccines, cat owners should deworm their pets periodically. Dr. Carey: Profender is a purge dewormer that works to kill tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms in the cat at the time of administration. Mom has used this treatment on me on more than one occasion to rid me of tapeworms. Maybe you and your momma have some tips and pointers regarding that subject. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. While there are many topical treatments and monthly medications available to kill fleas, you have to be careful since not all of these products are safe for your cat or your family. He eats on the back porch and runs away. While a queen (a female … Still have questions? Bayer does produce a nonprescription oral deworming product for cats called Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel) tablets for cats. Flattie V (AKA my flat self, AKA my visual foam standin) got to chat with two Bayer representatives at the May 2017 BlogPaws Conference about Profender for cats, a topical dewormer. Tee hee hee! Learn how your comment data is processed. If a cat, for example ingests a flea after a 2-week period then he can be reinfected if the flea … It was infested with mites, so I treated it. Tapeworms hook onto your cat’s small intestines, robbing your furry friend of nutrients. Dr. Carey: A second dose is not required. Head rubs for you! And if so, which brand and in what form? Flattie V: Mom does find it difficult getting Valentine to take pills of any sort! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You’re absolutely right that our humans need to be very careful in making sure they read all the directions that come with any prescription or over the counter product they get for us. MOL Big hugs. Mommy purrfurs da pills. To kill fleas naturally, start by giving your pet a natural flea bath using warm water mixed with essential oils or dish soap. It won’t prevent the cat from being exposed again later. It is NOT necessary to use a "flea" shampoo or a "flea dip" for this purpose. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. It is difficult to tell if he got rid of the worms. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. They simply become inactive. Dr. Carey: 1. You and I didn’t have to worry about germies on the plane, or foods that might upset our system, or bed chambers that didn’t have the pillows we like. Topical solution for treatment and control of fleas, ear mites, heartworm prevention, intestinal worms such as hookworm and roundworm. Next in flea treatment. I bought this stuff at the vet for my cat called "profender" to treat fleas.When I looked up the info online it said it was a dewormer.I was wondering if it can also be used to treat fleas??? For those of you that attended the BlogPaws Conference, did you stop and say “Hi” to Miss Kerry and Dr. Dan at the Bayer Animal Health vendor booth? and can not afford a vet. Kerry Johnson: Bayer does not offer a prescription Profender oral dewormer. Efficacy 3. Other things that will help lessen the likelihood of infestation: vacuum flooring regularly and launder any blankets your kitty uses. Poor thing! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Prevention and Treatment. The good news is that you can kill fleas with vinegar instead of using chemicals. I am on limited income, soc. Activity intolerance That was a nice bunch of info and the Bayer crew was sure a friendly bunch. Increased respirations If you want to kill ALL worms– roundworms, tapeworms, and the less common hookworms and whipworms– on an intermittent basis, we use Profender. Valentine the Cat and Piggy Play Hide-and-Seek, Mr. Tibbs: Loving the View and Films #MTIFF, Creamy Like Puddin’: Tiki Pets Stix Wet Treats, Fluffy Black Cat of Persian Breed Vector by. Flea bites on pets lead to scratchy, irritated and anxious pets. If you have multiple cats, don’t let the infected cat share food and water bowls with those that aren’t infected with worms. Difficulty eating so losing weight Dr. Carey: The drug works the same way as the topical against tapeworms. 2. A Safe Dose . Yeap, I Googled profender and it is a dewormer. In cats, Bravecto has been recently released as a three monthly spot-on against fleas and ticks. Comes back at dark to sleep in a cardboard homemade box. Fleas will be deterred from your dog’s hair and skin through the gradual release of Flumethrin and Imidacloprid that kills fleas and their eggs. Note that this does NOT kill fleas. One dose will kill and remove adult tapeworms as well as adult and immature stages of roundworms and hookworms. Flattie V: There is a Basset Hound–Bessie–in my household. This cat eats like it is starving. Mew Mew! Profender Cat Dewormer is the first-ever, topical dewormer used to treat and control intestinal parasites in cats, such as hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms. Profender kills adult tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms as well as immature stages of rounds and hooks. I bought this stuff at the vet for my cat called "profender" to treat fleas.When I looked up the info online it said it was a dewormer.I was wondering if it can also be used to treat fleas… Well dat’s innerestin’ Valentine.

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