is hookah haram

Some have proven nicotine to have some positive effects on the body, but the negatives out number the positive. I was wondering if sheesha/hookah smoking is haram in Islam or not? I am in now way enforcing any Fatwa upon anyone. Its like saying suicide is harem, be it by gun shot or poison. Surely Allah has been merciful towards you”, Also … Dream Interpretation of reciting the Kalima, The Prohibited and Disliked times for Salah, What Surahs should a person read on Fridays, Duas before intercourse and for conceiving. i would like to know if smoking hookah/sheesha is haram or not. Hookah smoking is often mistaken as a healthier alternative to cigarette smoking, primarily due to the sweet smell and taste of hookah tobacco, and the social aspect that usually leads to hookah smoking being only an occasional habit. The aim is to provide a better understanding of issues from an Islamic perspective. My view was that you need a nasse qat’ee to class something as haram. If during Ramadaan, you think only of the fast ending so you can get to … It produces bad odour which disturbs others. The water does not filter out many of the toxins. hookah is haram because it contain tobbaco or nicotine, its drug like/ smoking like . drugs), it will become haram – many Ulama say it is worse than smoking a ciggarette. If tobacco is considered a harmful substance, an addictive substance, then surely it is bad for us, be it Haram or Makruh. as smoking is not allowed, hashish, sheesha, opuim etc. . I have advised him, in vain, to give it up. As cigarette smoking hits an all-time low, another form of tobacco use is rising in popularity – hookah smoking. Could you please clarify for me? Based on that, the shariah ruling is that one should avoid all forms of smoke inhalation whether cigarettes or Huqqa. Aluminium: Alu Mundstück Slimliner - blue - 30cm - Alu Mundstück Slimliner - gold - 30cm - Alu Mundstück Slimliner - purple - 30cm - Alu Mundstück Slimliner Any layperson can differentiate that. Rebecca J. Stones. But it would be counted as an impermissible practice to buy, sell or use it of it has a remarkable disadvantages for the person… (perhaps you’d consult to a credible doctor about that by paying attention from another aspect. You have every right to disagree. Follow Shaykh Abdul Raheem (hafizahullah). save. I've seen lots of Muslims, and I know Muslims, who have said they smoke/take Shisha.. and I don't know what it is.. Salaam :) Actualización: Paki Chap; Calm down :L If its Haram i'm not doing it anyways. is independently owned and operated by Darul-ilm. Respuesta Guardar. my muslim friend's family did hookah at a bbq and they are strict with halal and haram. not allowed the same is … Use of any such material without permission is prohibited. Hooka - haram? I just need a scientific and a simple answer. ولا تلقوا بأيديكم الي التهلكة و أحسنوا ان الله يحب المحسنين A marfu’ hadith from Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, classified as sahih, where `A’isha (RA) stated, ‘Every intoxicant is haraam and whatever damages the senses, causes addiction and numbs the senses.’. Could you please tell me the ruling for smoking sheesha or hookah? Islam mentions every intoxicant as haram. And Do good, for Allah loves those who do good”. Sort by. I was more affected by the fact that it is a waste of money and time, and on the Day of Judgement, we will be questioned by Allah, about how we used our life, youth, wealth and knowledge. The doctors say smoking is harmful and extremely damaging to your general health. However, things like cigarettes and hookah are harmful even in small amounts. In other words, if its usage results in more harm and sin, then the severity of its ruling will increase. 4. Also submit your feedback on the new website here. Hoping to get one answer with proof and not many different ones. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 7 respuestas. from my knowledge its just filtered with water with flavor similar to any juice flavor (though different) and it just does its thing and yeah. As has been mentioned, over eating is bad for the health, but eating is not. Over the years science has proven that cigarettes WILL kill you now there is substantial evidence to prove that shisha is even worse. The reason is that a cigarette finishes in 2 minutes whereas a hookah takes 2 hours. The Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said, ‘Do not harm yourselves or others.’ Furthermore, tobacco is unwholesome, and God says in the Qur’an that the Prophet, peace be upon him, ‘enjoins upon them that which is good and pure, and forbids them that which is unwholesome'” (Permanent Committee of Academic Research and Fatwa, Saudi Arabia). But to drink one spoon of poison won’t kill you straight away, therefore its Makrooh. Smoking cigarettes, hookah, drinking alcohol, etc. Jazakallah for that addition. But being a product that is addictive and one that does medically cause damage to the body, as in loss of “stamina” in the least, then this is surely causing numbness to the senses. Anything that causes intoxication is haram. Maulānā Rashīd Ahmad Gangōhī, Maulānā ‘Abdul Hayy Lucknawī, Muftī ‘Azīzur Rahmān, and Muftī Shafī’ all deem the smoking of tobacco to be makrūh tanzīhī. Re: Shisha, haram or halal? Eg chewing tobacco itself, eating soil, divorce, i want to know information about HOOKAH IS it Haram and what surah does it say in, the reason im asking because my friends does it and they ask me to do HOOKAH AND I SAID NO I WONT DO IT, In the Quran Allah says Maulānā Ashrah ‘Alī Thānwī deems it makrūh and adds that it will be tanzīhī or tahrīmī based on external factors. Allah has forbidden us to harm ourselves and I stress forbidden. “Don’t kill yourselves. Entdecke die große Auswahl im Shisha Nil Onlineshop. Answered by: Alimah Sabrina al-Faarsiyyah, In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Answer. There are many things that harmful but shariah has not classed them as haram. Respuesta preferida. ولا تقتلوا أنفسكم ان الله كان بكم رحيما Most of them are a waste of time. Can a Woman on her Periods Recite Durud Shareef? [3], Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah, [1] Allamah Ibnu Abidin, Raddul Muhtar V.10 Pg. My mom and me got in a bet about Hookah being Haram. I am in now way enforcing any Fatwa upon anyone. It is halal if you take them in moderation. One may say that smoking does not intoxicate, fair. I looked it up on Google and It gave me like a loooong article and I dont have time to read that. But no, lung applicators like that of a hookah, are not haram. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. share. The reason is that a cigarette finishes in 2 minutes whereas a hookah takes 2 hours. Allah has also told us that ANY form of intoxication is also forbidden. Lv 7. hace 9 años. Press J to jump to the feed. Is tobacco sale haram? The Darul Ifta Birmingham being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused. Ruchjat. 74 likes. Secondly, if the hookah is tobacco-free, nicotine-free and even smoke-free and only produces flavoured vapour and stream, then making use of this type of hookah would be permissible[2] although discouraged, as this usually entails going to hookah cafes, intermingling of the genders, imitating the non-believers, wasting one's time etc. Since hookah is considered as a very social activity & many people think that it’s safe to smoke hookah at least the flavored one but actually, it is not safe and does more harm than good. Das LED Mundstück von Pose bringt Licht ins dunkle. drugs), it will become haram – many Ulama say it is worse than smoking a ciggarette. No they are not, they won't really harm you if you don't eat or drink them too much. Schnelle Lieferung. A hookah is a type of water pipe people use for smoking flavored tobacco. I was wondering if sheesha/hookah smoking is haram in Islam or not? It is especially sad to see this trend catching on fire in the Muslim world. … Smoking may not affect some at all (outwardly) but the fact that it does cause damage strengthens the evidence that is given in the Hadith above. We also take no responsibility if our answers are used out of their intended context, nor of any party who may or may not act upon them. “In view of the harm caused by tobacco, growing, trading in and smoking of tobacco are judged to be haram (forbidden). Depending on the contents, it is severely makrooh. Therefore it must be Haram. A hookah (Hindustani: हुक़्क़ा (huqqā) (), حقّہ (), IPA: ; also see other names), also known as the qalyān (Persian: قلیان ‎) or shisha, is a single- or multi-stemmed instrument for heating or vaporizing and then smoking either tobacco, flavored tobacco (often Mu‘assel), or sometimes cannabis, hashish, and in … Eg intoxicants are haram because of the ayah of the Quran. Therefore be careful. Lastly, if the hookah is tobacco-based, then although it is permissible in essence, smoking it would be makruh (disliked) due to external factors such as: 2. But the Hadith clearly states that addictive things which cause numbness to the nerves is frobidden and the image below shows what nerves it will affect. Page Broken? Simply providing evidence which I believe to be relevant and in context. Tobacco is not wholesome in any way, rather it is unwholesome. What are your guys thoughts on hooka - haram, disliked, halal? Shisha (Hookah) is Haram. As if our youth didn’t have enough distractions and bad habits readily available to pick up, we now have the hookah fad. [1] In an hour-long smoking session of hookah, users consume about 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke of a cigarette. but the thing with hookah … Forbidden Acts that are haram are generally those clearly prohibited in the religious texts of the Quran and Sunnah and are regarded as very serious prohibitions. This claim is false. Any layperson can differentiate that. 46, Al-Maktabah Al-Ashrafiyyah, [2] Ibnu Nujaym, Al-Ashbah Wan-Nadhair, Pg.69, Qadimi Kutub Khan, [3] Mufti Abdurrahim Lajpuri, Fatawa Rahimiyyah, V.10 Pg.211, Darul Isha’ah. (Sorry, I cant recall the Hadith at the moment) And trading in something which is forbidden is also forbidden to consume (or smoke in this case) The issue here is to do with tobacco which has been mentioned that, growing, buying or selling it is Haram. Relevance. Therefore, with the commands of Allah and certain narrations, and the evidence we have from science, it is clear that smoking will kill you. KUCHING: Much like smoking normal cigarettes, shisha or waterpipe smoking has also been recently declared haram (forbidden) for Muslims, …   Die Farbe könnt ihr am Mundstück einstellen.    Ein Mundstück aus Acryl… Is Smoking Hookah/Shisha Allowed in ... meaning very close to haram) by majority jurists, especially when such substances are used in vain or leisure. hide. But it might lead you to smoke cigarettes because you like hookah. However if haram substance are added (e.g. But I do not feel intoxicated by smoking shisha because the water in the base tends to absorb tobacco. You might say that since anything harmful is haram, then soda is haram, candy is haram, etc. Disclaimer: Please note, Darul Ifta Birmingham is not a Islamic Shari’ah Law Court; hence, the opinions provided by us are not intended to be a ruling as one would expect to receive from a Shari’ah Court. “Do not throw yourselves into destruction. The field of research is always open. Respuesta Guardar. While many people believe using a hookah is safer than smoking cigarettes, it has many of … Depending on the contents, it is severely makrooh. If you spend time smoking it and salaah time passes, you are making it, if not haram, definitely makhruh (not recommended). So is smoking shisha/pipe haram? my friend's mom who teaches quran to youngsters does shisha with my friend. i live in a muslim enviornment and here almost every muslim does it without tobacco. Plus when you go to a cafe, there is too much smoke inside, and intermixing and other stuff which Allah does no like. What is Hookah/Shisha and is it Haram/Halal? Once again, the Hadith The views expressed by the guest scholars, including Mufti Tosir Miah are based on academic understanding and research. 70% Upvoted. report. The answer is that: Buying, selling and using it, is not considered as a haram act by itself. I don't really know about it though. How many times can you redo Salatul Istikhara. Yes, one can take the verse out of context or maybe I have taken it out of context, and some may apply logic and opinion to it but the deen is not based on logic as Hadrat Ali (r.a) reported that, if religion was based on logic, then wiping socks from underneath would have been more logical than wiping it on top. The average hookah session typically lasts more than 40 minutes, and consists of 50 to 200 inhalations that each range from 0.15 to 0.50 liters of smoke. However, there is no such Nass for smoking. Some may say that addiction on its own may not be Haram, the level of addiction would have to be taken into consideration too. The evidence I use for that is: A marfu’ hadith from Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, classified as sahih, where `A’isha (RA) stated, ‘Every intoxicant is haraam and whatever damages the senses, causes addiction and numbs the senses.’, And it is related by Imaam Ahmad, Abu Dawud from Umm Salamah (RA), who said, ‘The Messenger forbid from every intoxicant and addictive thing that numbs the senses.’ AlHaafiz az-Zain al`Iraaqi said, ‘It’s chain of narration is authentic and as-Suyuti classified it as Sahih in Jaami` us-Saghir.’. 1 hour of shisha is equivalent to 200 cigarettes. Using it usually entails going to hookah cafes, imitating the non-believers in their act of being heedless of Allāh Ta’ālā, etc. So, whoever is thinking that they are safe with hookahs as opposed to cigarettes are only fooling themselves. online kaufen. Let us know. Hookah is much worse than cigarettes because hookah sessions last usually a few hours, while smoking a cig is only a few minutes. But there's no such thing as a healthy smoking option, and hookah smoking can be just as—if not more—dangerous as cigarette smoking. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Is sheesha/hookah non tobacco only flavored haram? All content on this website is the property of Darul-ilm and protected under international copyright laws. Page Broken? Faire Preise. because recent studies shows us that sheesha contains products which are as harmfull as cigarretes.I have seen the majority scholars saying tat it is haram based on a verse of the Quran which says not to kill or harm ourselves.However we have lot of things which can have long term harmfull effects on us such as … Answer: Regarding your question on hookah, the nature of the ruling will differ based on different scenarios: Firstly, if the hookah instrument is vaporizing an impure or intoxicating substance such as cannabis, opium, black henbane, etc., then smoking hookah will be haram (impermissible). Destroying one’s health through such activities is against the imperatives of the pure religion of Islam. However if haram substance are added (e.g. I say it isn't, she says it is. This thread is archived. Relevancia. Doing certain actions and then comparing them if done wrongly is of course a bad comparison. The hookah itself as a tool is not haram, but what you do with it can be! Just being harmful is not sufficient evidence to class it haram. People always mention the physical harm it does, but that never concerned me. 20 comments. Yes Muslims (aka Su Is it Permissible to Give Zakat to One’s Stepson, Is My Umrah Valid If I Did Not Pray the Two Rakats of Tawaf, Muslim and Non Muslim Eating Together From the Same Plate, Is it Permissible to Have an Erotic Conversation with Your Wife Over the Phone, Husband’s Sister Texts the Wife That Her Brother May Revoke the Divorce, Is it Permissible to Fantasize About Ones Future Husband or Wife, Is it Permissible to Use Animal Hair Make up Brushes, What Will Happen to a Marriage Where the Husband Believes That His Shaikh or Wali Posses Attributes That Are Exclusive to Allah. Allah says….. …He makes lawful for them the wholesome things and makes forbidden the filthy things for them,’ Surat ulA`araaf, ayah 157. Salaam Shaykh, Just in addition to my previous comment, I would like to add that I am calling it Haram, rather agreeing with it as being Makruh, however, the additional evidence may be used as proof for calling it Haram, What is your say on this based on the evidence below: With regards to my unqualified findings (remember I am just a member not a scholar), I understand, with the help of other Ulama the following: Addiction to a substance which can have an effect on ones nerves, health etc is forbiden. But now you may say that hookah is not an intoxicant. The reason is that a cigarette finishes in 2 minutes whereas a hookah takes 2 hours. In fact, hookah smoke has been shown to contain concentrations of toxins, such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, “tar,” and heavy metals, that are as high as or higher than are seen with cigarette smoke. Regarding your question on hookah, the nature of the ruling will differ based on different scenarios: Firstly, if the hookah instrument is vaporizing an impure or intoxicating substance such as cannabis, opium, black henbane, etc., then smoking hookah will be haram (impermissible).[1]. BOTTOM LINE: If smoking cigarettes is harmful and haram, then hookah smoking is only worse. Is shisha [water pipealso known as hookah or hubble-bubble] haraam What if a person does not use any kind of … So smoking hurts the body which will lead to complications and even death, so they say thats evidence enough that it is haram. I have heard from some that it is makrooh and from others that it is haraam.

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