jupiter saturn conjunction in different houses

Gemini – Being quarantined and social distancing is no fun for you. For example, a previous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction formed between November 1980 and August 1981, in the first ten degrees of Libra. But what about the world out there? Legal matters may arise so you should pay closer attention to important warning signs and learn all the rules as you won’t be able to break them as easily this year. No doubt the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will highlight financial deficiencies again but with a greater need for personal income or investment stimulation as well. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction literally becomes a push me-pull me device. It tends to signify a new era, one where we look at society and the world in a notably different way. Jupiter expands while Saturn shrinks; Jupiter gives and Saturn restricts; Jupiter speeds up and Saturn slows down, and so on. Jupiter will then be following closely behind to move into Aquarius on December 21, 2020 which will then put Saturn and Jupiter in conjunction to each other. Like any other polarity, Jupiter and Saturn are actually two sides of the same coin and have much to do with the law and judgment in general. Now, I guess the rather ‘eventful’ year that has been 2020 may have left you exhausted. Each planetary ruler is “at home” in its own sign or house and may more fully manifest all that their planet, sign and house rulerships represent. Reparations in relationships may also be possible if you’ll only admit you’re not right all of the time. First, Jupiter conjunct Saturn is squared by Mars. They like to fix things. Generally, Aquarius is all about building utopia, a society where all are cared for and equal no matter the sex, gender, race, age or religion one may be. Thus, the native attains great spiritual transformation. After the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in 2020, there will continue to only be conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn in tropical air signs until 2159. Whether you are an Aquarius sun sign or not you may also be wondering, “How will the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn affect me?” Admittedly, when hearing the “Age of Aquarius” song by the 1960s band 5th Dimension it’s difficult to not get excited about the potential dawning of any new age that will get us out of this 2020 mess. Most of us endured a calamity of devastation already to some degree in 2020 due to Covid-19. Perhaps that will continue to be an initial reaction to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius but this aspect is about laying down the law too. Followings are the results of Great Jupiter in various houses of a horoscope... read … The focus has been on white male privilege, separation of classes, and a benefit structure based on capitalism, a world where whoever owns wealth in all its forms holds the power. This chimes well with Aquarius, which is the sign most associated with society – and the square between the Great Conjunction and Uranus in Taurus shows a hunger for change. What you need to stop doing is scattering your energy with too many things. Maybe we needed something like a pandemic to draw our attention further to these global humanitarian inequities so that we should once and for all do something about them. It’s not called ‘The Great Conjunction’ for nothing so let’s take a closer look at the things we associate with this event. Whether you are getting married, creating business alliances, or welcoming new people into your life 2021 should be a great year for relationships. Jupiter in 10 th House- This house is concerned with the career, profession, reputation, political concerns, life ambitions and the overall public image of the native. What is different is how they react. Your love life may heat up and you may become a parent/grandparent or welcome new family members another way. Aquarius can help us do that and be prepared; it may do so in a very sudden, cold and unfeeling manner but for the benefit of all. Here's what the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction means in different houses of the astrology chart: ARIES - The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is happening in your eleventh house of networks, friendships, groups, hopes, and wishes. Jupiter Saturn Conjunction In Different Houses: 14 Dec 2020 Jupiter Saturn: Conjunction Saturn symbolizes our psychological flair for †œstructuring†our conscious experience of … When these two important planets join forces, we can expect a shift in our understanding.It may not be immediately apparent, but its effects will play out over the next two decades. Whether it’s dysfunctional social structures or the stuff at the back of your wardrobe, the impetus will be to throw it out. may call into question some current conditions or decisions made resulting in you making very major changes in your life. Your energy level will be high but so too may be your fiery and competitive nature. It may be at a great cost sometimes, and they may go through their fair share of troubles and devastation like the rest of us. Now, let’s have a look at some aspects in Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction … Aquarius – You often have an innate need to take care of others but insist on having it your way or when it suits your agenda. Jupiter is in conjunction to Saturn now in the sign of Capricorn where they have been most of the year and on December 21st (the winter solstice) they will conjunct at 0º 31’ of Aquarius. In afflicted charts they may sabotage their natural endowments with foolish choices and bad decisions yet many still end up landing on their feet.

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