leca for house plants

This is something you might have to think about before making the choice to convert to Leca. For one, it's expensive—three to four times more costly than soil. The Complete Guide to Leca; Ultimate Guide to Winter House Plant Care; Using Rocks for Drainage; Reviving Indoor Plants; How to find cheap (or free) house plants; 5 Ways You Can Propagate Indoor Plants; Pests & Diseases. The biggest question I had was, why replace your soil with LECA at all? Leca is an alternative way to grow your plants, not using any soil. Leca is an acronym, standing for Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. If you're looking for more guides on specific plants, you can always request a plant guide or donate a plant in order to get a guide for the plant you have trouble with. When filled, the nutrient reservoir is kept at a 1/3 of the height of the inner pot, with the plants roots planted just above the waterline. When you've used soil for a while, chances are that you have at least a few pots with a draining hole in the bottom. Basically, it’s clay pebbles that have been heated (I’m guessing that’s when they expand). When you want to get started and have to get the supplies, it can feel like quite the investment and you might be wondering if this is all going to be worth it in the end. The difference is that thirsty plants need to be watered more often, but that's the same for soil. Soil contains nutrients and if you reuse this soil and the previous plant has already absorbed all of the nutrients, there is nothing left for the new plant. The roots of houseplants grown in soil differ structurally from those that grow in water so that the transition can be jarring, especially for older or larger plants. Remove the plants and rinse occasionally. This could take weeks depending on the time of year. If you're in a situation where all of your pots have draining holes and you're looking into converting your soil-based plants to Leca, you will have to invest in a few new pots. Bring home some character, big or small, with our plants and pots. "We've all done it," says Jefferson, "When watering a plant in the sink or its spot, soil spills on the floor or countertops—that doesn't happen with LECA." This takes one of the major causes for a dying plant out of the equation. After the initial soak, the clay balls are dust-free and ready to pot up. Sort by. The initial cost to convert all your plants to a LECA medium isn't cheap. You can't really clean soil as you can with Leca unless you take some more extreme measures. Hey Plant Nerds! It's true, Leca is more expensive than soil. You might hear some people refer to them as LECA beads or clay pebbles while others call them clay balls or LECA pellets. Of course, you might want to do the investment, because it makes taking care of plants much easier. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. If that wasn't the case, everyone would already use Leca. I hope it helps you to keep your plants healthy and beautiful! If you have used fertilizer on your soil-based plants before and you still have a lot of it left, you might want to use that fertilizer for use with Leca as well. no comments yet. This makes even the toughest plants easier to take care of. When the moisture can't escape easily, the humidity doesn't benefit the rest of the plant. Hello, I’m new to hydroponic growing in my green house. Many apparently healthy house plants will suddenly sicken and die when their compost has become saturated with water. So, what is it? Once you've converted one plant from soil to Leca, it'll very a very easy and straightforward process. You're right, plants definitely need nutrients to grow big and strong, but they don't need soil for this. When soil is too wet for too long, it'll start to rot and it'll take the roots of your plant with it. Jefferson offers these tips to get started: Debbie Wolfe is an all-around lifestyle expert with over two decades years of hands-on experience. Mealybugs; Aphids; Spider Mites. So I decided to seek out LECA experts to determine if these clay balls are worth the hype. It feels good to be back doing a sit down video! Woody or tall/top-heavy plants can be a problem as Leca is quite light and loose, so alone it will not support the plant. Whenever you repot a plant, you need to replace the soil. hi, I just starting using leca yesterday for some of my rehab plants. If you notice that your plant starts to change color in some way, you now know that this is due to sunlight exposure. The difference is that thirsty plants need to be watered more often, but that's the same … Scale. Leca is very easy to use, because you don't have to worry about watering your plant too little or too much. The monetary investment isn't always the only cost in this scenario. How exactly do you plant anything with roots in small balls of clay? You'll need new tools (a pH testing kit and new pots, among other items) to get started, but these can be easily found online or at select local garden retailers. Yes, Leca is great at regulating moisture throughout the pot. "Each plant has unique water needs whether grown in soil or hydroponic systems," says Jefferson, "so when changing over to a LECA growing system, you'll need to calibrate your watering and fertilizing based on the tailored needs of your plants." In the latter scenario the LECA acts as a … Liquid fertilizer (intended for hydroponic use) Composition. This doesn't cost you anything and helps to keep our plant guides free. Monstera Deliciosa is probably one of the most popular house plants. We've gone over the fact that Leca doesn't contain any live nutrients and it's just clay balls. ... Leca is a man-made stone which is very light in weight. However, this is a bad idea. Time that you could've spend admiring your new plant. Don't they nutrients? "Houseplant pests such as aphids love to live in damp soil with rotting matter," says Jefferson. Didn’t. This is something that's up to you to decide. Maybe the easier plant care is worth the 3-4 times higher price. Now that you know all the pros and cons of LECA, are you ready to take the plunge? Okay. LECA has three very desirable growing properties: It is extremely porous. "LECA doesn't contain any live organisms, which means no pests." Thank you for reading this post! The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. This combination means that root rot is much less likely and this also keeps pests away. Your gardening center or plant shop might not have any hydroponics fertilizer, so you have to go to other stores or order from the internet. You keep the container about a ⅓ the way full of water to maintain a constant absorption. If you want less maintenance week-by-week, then Leca is a better option. Leca is very easy to use, but it has a learning curve. This is used anywhere where extra drainage is required. Leca is a collection of baked clay balls that expand when you soak them in water. My question is about growing tomatoes and other plants in Dutch buckets using clay pebbles. They’re light … While Leca® LWA (Light Weight Aggregate) is a simple product, our solutions are innovative. Most plants will do well in Leca if they’re at the right temperature and have enough light and nutrients. The pH level is crucial because it affects nutrient availability for your growing plants. It has beautiful large green leaves that feature slits and fenestrations as it matures and not only is it a hardy, easy to care for plant, it also grows fruit! The humidity is needed to keep spider mites and other pests away and don't give them a chance to settle. If you've mastered the art of properly watering and fertilizing when using soil, there really isn't a reason for you to switch to Leca. Leca follows the pace of your plant, so you might have to water just once per month for some plants. What is Leca and why is it useful for plants? Both you and your plants will like the clean, healthy environment for root growth. Leca can be reused forever, but only if you wash it throroughly before planting another plant in it. In this guide we'll go over these pros and cons: You can click on these links to navigate to the right section. It seems like the latest buzzword among houseplant lovers is LECA. Earlier on we mentioned that you can reuse Leca, so it does get cheaper if you start to reuse it more. It’s purpose is to decrease the complication of plant care. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. LECA pebbles provide the ideal mix of air and moisture to the roots. 0 comments. Never miss a plant guide by signing up for my mailing list. This means you have to add nutrients to the water you're using to soak your Leca with. pH Balance ; Hydroton is neither too basic or acidic. While these clay pellets are known for their neutral pH and lack of nutrients, they can still absorb and hold onto the nutrients you add along the journey. Often used in hydroponic and aquaponic settings as a growing medium (think of it as a replacement for soil), LECA has recently been used for houseplants such as orchids in a semi-hydroponic setting to take the guess work out of when to water and how much. The clay balls prevent the plants from completely drying out but still provide proper drainage, which means less watering—perfect for those who forget to water or are on vacation. Win-win! Back to top This provides abundant air and oxygen to the roots of plants. In this video, I am transferring and converting three of my pothos propagations into LECA. It works because the clay pellets (LECA) provides two essentia… It is made up of little balls of clay—a growing medium—and used in place of soil. Leca isn’t as sturdy, so it’s pretty difficult to keep the moss pole straight. As I bounced through my numerous houseplant groups on Facebook, I kept seeing LECA pop up all over. NOTE: LECA propagation is a great transitioning step for moving a plant to semi hydroponics.The air spaces within and between the LECA, along with the constant supply of water, provide a balanced root zone environment ideal for root growth! Having your plants in leca makes it easier to shower off your plants. In that post, we quickly brushed over a downside of using Leca. For LECA to soak up water, it needs a closed bottom vessel. Thanks! Is it difficult? I watched a video that recommended a superthrive reservoir at the bottom for the first week. My doctor cut me opened and pulled my (unwilling) baby from my uterus in what turned out to be a rather complicated incident. LECA may seem like a miracle growing medium, but it does have its cons. I’ll… I gave birth in October. Water from the reservoir enters the inner pot through the drainage holes and is drawn up through the LECA to supply the roots with nutrients and water. Leca pebbles are incredibly light weight. The baked clay balls soak up water and expand. Back to top What does leca mean? When you're using Leca, rather than soil, you'll be much less likely to have to deal with pests. So far I soak the leca overnight. That way there will be standing water in the bottom to keep the LECA moist and the roots can grow into that if they wish. You can't use these types of pots with Leca. It could be a tough choice not to be able to use a specific pot anymore. If you don't have fertilizer and don't want to use fertilizer, soil is better. These needs vary, so put a little time into research, so your particular plant will ensure it will thrive in its new environment. The soil is specific for the types of plants I own. Let's go over some of the cons and why you might stay with soil rather than switching to Leca. save. Let's break down the pros and cons to see what this means for you. In a previous post, What is Leca and why is it useful for plants?, we went over what Leca is and why you can use it to grow your plants. When you order through these links, we receive a small commission. Soil does not stay full of nutrients forever. For the LECA container, I keep them in 32oz deli cups with a drain hole about an inch from the bottom. Hopefully, this guide has taught you something about using Leca. This is the number one reason for the switch from what I witnessed in my houseplant groups. So it really depends on your preferences. It sounds very complicated, but it's quite easy to explain. As we've gone over in the last section, Leca regulates the moisture in your pot and the plant absorbs this moisture at its own pace. One way to overcome this problem is to attach your moss pole to the bottom/side of the planter. If you do this as I recommend, letter the excess water escape from the soil to avoid watering problems, your plant will dry out again within a week or two in the summer. Live plant. Once you've exhausted your potting soil, you can toss it in the compost. Leca requires a pot that can contain water without it dripping out the bottom. The roots of your plant get their moisture in small doses from the clay balls, so they're also not overwatered. It is commonly used in hydroponic gardening. If you have trouble watering your plant, Leca is better. Leca is great at regulating moisture, this helps you to consistently water your plant without overwatering it. If you don't want to spend an hour or two every few weeks to clean all Leca in your house, soil is a better option for you. But it'll only be cheaper after you've reused it 3 or 4 times. I use a net pot inside a no drainage lot. Jas Jefferson of Black Girls with Gardens and contributor at Plants.com shared her knowledge of LECA with me. There is a very short answer for that question: it depends. This is because of the simple fact that roots are less prone to root rot in Leca than they are in the soil. Soil is really good at absorbing moisture and containing it. It's a growing medium that's getting more attention recently and people are interested to find out what it's all about. LECA is the expanded clay balls in the photo above. "It provides all plants need to—grow, water and oxygen," says Jefferson. When selecting plants to transition from soil to LECA, it's helpful for beginners to start off using younger plants with less dense root systems or to use cuttings propagated in water. Lack of oxygen is a major cause of plant loss, particularly for interior plants. Even outside plants make your space feel more personal and lively. LECA can be used as a soilless medium, meaning it doesn’t need to be mixed with soil. Because of this, you might have to mist your plant to make sure its environment is humid enough. Showering off plants is a great way to get rid if spider mites. Remove the plant from the pot, place the plant roots back into a bucket of clean room temperature water and agitate to remove most of the soil. Anyone used Leca for their house plants? As with any significant change to your houseplants, there's always some risk to the plant. Watch for any whitish residue on the top and rinse the plant and pebbles with a pH-adjusted liquid. Leca doesn't contain any live organisms, which means it won't start to rot when it's wet for too long. It's important to remember that LECA provides water but not nutrients, so growing plants in this medium will require periodic applications of hydroponics fertilizer. With LECA pebbles there's never any rot or decay and there's less repotting. You will also need to monitor the water quality to ensure that it's holding the right pH level. This alone takes one of the biggest challenges of taking care of plants away from you. Can I use my propagation Rockwool cube in the clay pebbles or is there a better way to propagate and transplant to the clay pebbles? Just posting to see if anyone has any advice on it or little tricks they have learned along the way. As others have said, just about any plant should be able to grow like this. All LECA does is take care of watering your plants; it does not provide any nutrients. If you do use fertilizer, you might be able to reuse the soil, but what if a previous plant had some kind of pest and this is now in the soil? "Each plant has unique water needs whether grown in soil or hydroponic systems," says Jefferson, "so when changing over to a LECA growing system, you'll need to calibrate your watering and fertilizing based on the tailored needs of your plants.". This attracts bugs and other kinds of pests. Together, we went over some pros and cons of using Leca rather than soil. The name is an abbreviation describing them: Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates. When there are pros, there will always be cons. In essence, Leca extends the amount of time between two maintenance moments. That's quite a bit of extra work just to get a plant in a pot. If you don't use fertilizer, reusing soil is not possible, because there is nothing for your plant to eat. She’s been writing in the DIY space for over six years for major online publications. This helps the immediate environment of the plant to stay humid, even without misting. When you get a new bag of Leca and you want to use it for your plant, you have to wash all of the dust off the clay balls first. The Leca will water your plant for you and all you have to do is make sure there is always water in the pot that the Leca can soak up. "You can use LECA balls over and over again," says Jefferson, "even forever if you maintain and clean it properly." When watered, they float to the top of the media. Get your own products from the links below and support us in our mission to help people take care of plants like this. Yes, Leca is great at regulating moisture throughout the pot. Although there's such a thing as "all-purpose" potting soil, not all plants love them. With LECA, there's no need to purchase different soil for your orchids or succulents—it works for virtually every kind of plant. Plant parents were tired of dealing with fungus gnats and root rot, so they got rid of the soil and replanted their babies in LECA. Rather than watering your plant until water runs out of the bottom, you keep your plant and the leca in a net or nursery pot, and keep that in a cachepot (finally a use for all of those planters that don’t have holes!) In the rainforest, these slits are used to help withstand the heavy winds and rainfall. ... formation of these pebbles is structurally lightweight and has ample space inside to capture air and release it as the plant requires it. There are also pests that thrive in dry environments, like spider mites. You can't, or rather shouldn't, reuse soil for your plants. LECA (lek-ah) LECA is short for Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate and is growing medium which allows you to grow plants without any soil whatsoever. This makes them a good variable to keep in the vase, but if you have a larger plant, usually an older plant, it will topple over to the side. All beginner-friendly plants to get you started. Normal plant fertilizer is meant to be used with soil-based plants and not hydroponics. In fact, Leca is 3-4 times more expensive than soil and that can be quite a shock to some people. It can induce a sense of comfort, awe, peace, enchantment, and nostalgia. Back to top From feathery ferns to spiky succulents and all the leaf varieties in between, house plants can help turn your house into a home. "The clay retains the water and releases it for the plant's use a little at a time. Because of this, you can use Leca for very thirsty plants, but also plants that should be kept in a dry environment, like a Sansevieria or Succulent. They’re produced by heating clay up to 2000°F (1200°C), making the gases inside expand to look like a sponge or honeycomb. Does it work for any plant? Besides the high start-up cost, you need to purchase hydroponics fertilizer or liquid fertilizer specific to your plants. Also used in drainage layers in flower pots, roof gardens, for trees in an urban setting and sports grounds. "It's ideal for an apartment or small-space gardeners," says Jefferson, "because it requires less storage than traditional houseplant growing methods. 4 of 'In the Weeds', Hydroponic Gardens—the Lettuce Raft Method, Sphagnum Moss: What It Is and How to Use It. These pots are great for use with soil, as the excess moisture can escape and the soil will never be too wet for your plant. Let's go over the pros of using leca and answer those questions. Be the first to share what you think! You can reuse Leca over and over again if you maintain and clean it properly. That sounds strange if you've never heard of it before, because how can plants grow without soil? Is it better than soil? Back to top Lets put the advantages and disadvantages next to each other and help you figure out if Leca is right for you and your plants. Welcome to the House of Plants Your guide to curating plants for modern interiors spaces CURBSIDE PICK UP AVAILABLE (as well as Local Delivery) Tuesday- Friday 12pm-7pm & Saturday 10am-2pm Simple Pleasures Everyone can admire the beauty of a nature-based aesthetic because this attraction is seemingly innate. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Back to top There are great reasons to switch to Leca, including the reduced risk of pests, caring for your plant becomes easier, less maintenance, and you can reuse your growing medium. This works well because the plant can now decide how much water it needs to survive. So yes, Leca works for any plant. The good news is that most houseplants thrive in LECA, including monstera, orchids, and snake plants. There are plenty of great reasons not to use Leca and instead use soil to grow all of your plants. 100% Upvoted. I’m considering using it but I wanted to hear more from people who have actually used it. This process could take up to 30 minutes. LECA is an acronym that stands for lightweight expanded clay aggregate. This might feel like a waste of perfectly good fertilizer and could also be a valid choice not to switch from soil to Leca. When you're using soil, it could be a combination of watering problems and improper sunlight exposure, but one of the variables is now taken away. So yes, Leca works for any plant. It does need to be cleaned every few weeks to avoid a fertilizer build-up. While you're building up your LECA skills, start with those that aren't expensive or cherished plants. When you're using Leca, you need to get special hydroponics fertilizer instead of normal plant fertilizer. Your new plant will now also be affected. If you don't enjoy the cleaning process, it might feel like wasted time. report. Furthermore, roots propagated in LECA are already adapted to growing in a soil free media, making the move to a semi hydro setup much more seamless. By using The Spruce, you accept our, You May Have to Buy New Pots and Other Tools, Baltimore Yoga Teacher Shares His Plant Collection in Ep. Alone, it is one single expanded clay pellet, but combining the pellets into an aggregate, possibilities become numerous – whether it is laying the foundation for construction, building roads and walls, or developing drainage solutions. Indoor Plant Tips. When you're using Leca and you find yourself wanting to reuse Leca you have already used for another plant, you're in luck. Currently, in my potting shed, I have about five different types of potting soil. Because of this, you can use Leca for very thirsty plants, but also plants that should be kept in a dry environment, like a Sansevieria or Succulent. hide. The good news is that most houseplants thrive in LECA, including monstera, orchids, and snake plants. LECA. If you're always very excited to get a plant home, get it in a pot, and place it in the perfect spot, this could be a drag to do. © 2021 Roelof Jan Elsinga, All rights reserved, The pros and cons of using Leca to grow your plants, What is Leca and why is it useful for plants. I've spent years writing about outdoor gardening and have never used anything but soil to grow plants. This works well because the plant can now decide how much water it needs to survive. You’ll have to pick them off. Leca is a growing medium that allows you to grow plants without using any soil whatsoever. Leca is an acronym and it stands for: Lightweight expanded clay aggregate. It looks like small, brown pebbles and is available in several grades from large garden centres and nurseries. After time, phytotoxicity can build up and starve the plants. Essentially, Leca is a growing medium, like soil, in which you can grow your plants. best. LECA is Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA), an inorganic clay pellet that has been heated and tumbled in a rotary kiln. The only time you have to add water to the pot is when the Leca is no longer able to absorb any water or all of the water has been absorbed. However, you do need to maintain your Leca. These are great questions to ask. I haven’t tried putting any of my be-moss poled plants into leca, but i think my Monstera will be making the switch next year. Some scale 100% won’t care about leca, and they won’t be deterred by a shower. "The LECA materials allow it to absorb water directly to the roots without suffocating them." No need to store big bags of soil.". Vegetables, leafy greens, herbs, and houseplants will all work well. Leca is also mixed with Coco Medium and Soil to grow plants in Pot Culture. When you're using soil, you can open your bag, grab the soil, and put it in a pot. Clay balls also go by other names: leca (an acronym), hydroton, expanded clay, aggregates or clay pellets and beads, just to cite a few. "It's good for busy people," explains Jefferson, "you can add a little extra water, and the system stays moist longer.". However, like always, there are also cons to using Leca, including the initial cost of Leca is much higher than using soil, it's more work to use Leca for the first time, you have more restricted pot choices, and you need to get special hydroponics fertilizer. All of these are valid reasons to use and not use Leca over soil and in the end, it's up to you to decide what matters to you. Back to top Remove the plant from the bucket and run room temperaure clean water over the It is important to remove ALL the soil. Your biggest challenge is now to give your plant the proper amount of sunlight. What advantages does LECA have over something tried and true? To remove the dust, thorough rinsing is necessary. When it comes to setting up a hydroponic growing system, there are many different ways the creative people of the plant community do it. As your plant grows out of their containers, all you need to do is transfer it and the LECA to the new pot. With soil, you might have to water your plant every week. Two common categories of hydroponics are passive and active hydroponics. Live plants are currently unavailable for online delivery. Back to top This ease of use is very nice and definitely not something Leca is able to match. You will also need to get pots without drainage holes and other gear such as pH monitors. It can however be added to a soil mix to reduce compaction and improve aeration, or be added as a layer to the base of a plant pot that will then be topped with pure potting soil. No more decomposing dirt, mold, or bacteria. If you are reusing the clay balls for another plant, it needs to be washed thoroughly first. Back to top The main thing you have to deal with LECA is the dust when you first open the bag. Leca, because of the large gaps in between the clay balls, has plenty of opportunities to evaporate some of the moisture it contains. share. The soil has nutrients and is biodegradable. One last question, is there a good natural growing solution I can use in my system. It comes with dust in the bags from the LECA rubbing against one another. As you can see from the two lists above, the pros and cons paint a perfect picture of Leca: It takes a bit more money and effort to get started in the beginning, but after that initial investment, it's smooth sailing and low maintenance from there on out.

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