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If you’re wondering why their stealth fighter looks similar to our F-35, ask Israel who had access to the blueprints & schematics. As polish Jew Engelking-Boni said “when a Jew dies it is a metaphysical experience, when non Jew die is like the death of an animal , nothing”. The real shame is that we allow Cubans like Rubio and Cruz to hold any power. Good title for bullying essay. While the coalition of the Syrian Army, Russia and Iran have largely defeated the ISIS and Al Qaeda rebels, the US is combining its humanitarian aid to anti-Assad areas while attempting to starve the country with crippling sanctions. As to “Homeland Security” grants, approximately 95% of grants go to jews and jewish shell firms. You’re right. All users of anything harder than marijuana are "problem users" in terms of risk for criminality and weed smoking has it... AnonFromTN|AnonStarter|Nicolás Palacios Navarro|L.K|Res|SolontoCroesus|Talha|xxxErebus|Mark Green|AP, Categorizing America’s foreign policy catastrophes as done in the service to Israel has until the Trump era always been dismissed by media tastemakers and political gatekeepers as rank anti-Semitism driven by reductionist, simplistic and conspiratorial thinking, even when intelligence officials like Michael Scheuer and, The general figure provided for annual US aid to Israel is $3.8 billion, but as former CIA intelligence officer Philip Giraldi has, The Department of Justice fought a ferocious, four year long legal battle to keep this information secret and, Based on publicly available pre-1990 black budget expenses, the CIA is dedicating between, The United States’ foreign aid to Egypt, about $1.3 billion which goes to its military and the rest to its economy, is entirely predicated on the country’s military dictators maintaining a close intelligence and diplomatic relationship with Israel. Poland didn’t receive one penny for it, and Jews want to be paid for generations. Also shouldn’t people who are god’s chosen pee liquid gold or something? "three strikes" and remove miscreants with prejudice; 100% lies by the weak and petty scrabblers. I usually don’t answer trolls but when an ignorant troll calls others “morons”… it’s time to answer. A Brief Examination of Some Facts Related to Mass Vaccination, American Pravda: How the CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories". Faisal understood what was going on and pushed back. Of course I don’t know details, but my big picture is: 1. At the time I researched it; the founder slobbered all over himself about his love for Israel. Its a giant game of musical funds and when the music stops at the last chair, despots worldwide and their bankers end up sitting in each others laps. In one interview with DeYoung, Powell even refers to Donald Rumsfeld — the Gentile who is usually blamed alongside Dick Cheney for the Iraq debacle — as a man controlled by the “JINSA crowd” in the Defense Department. We are taught to believe Jews and Christians are brothers and sisters in church and Sunday school. 1. A pervasive world view that characterizes liberal American Jews and Israelis both and completely, is that a globalist leftist leveling of the great diaspora is the ultimate salvation of the eternally marginalized Jews on the planet. There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones who know the... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA We keep 2 carrier groups near Israel to protect that SLC in case some nation objects to Israel killing their citizens & stealing their land/resources. Instead, they have an “unwritten” rule where columnists commenting against a Jewish or Zionist interest in an unauthorized way, including on their personal twitter accounts, lose their jobs. 3. the chief problem, in my view, is that US is, basically, an oligarchy. War in Darfur started in the year 2003. As it stands, Covid is driving the world in the opposite direction which means the petro-reserve status of the dollar is actually a drag on the US economy. It is time to put this “hoax of the twentieth century” to death…along with closing the publicly-funded jewish freak shows, the “holocaustianity®” museums. Check the labels. The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks? Wars which cost the lives of millions of innocent people in the mideast and thousands and thousands of American lives , all for zionist Israel. Those in power, when they think otherwise, easily override Israeli plans (Obama, Kerry). United States and Venezuela: A Historical Background, Fred Branfman Risked His Life for Ordinary People, The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness, # 407, Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs. China - More Dangerous Than Covid-19, Then the Cultural Revolution Came for the Cookies, A Hypothesis: Murders and Bad Driving Trend Together, The Biden Era of Illegal Immigration Is Underway, Science: Black, Latino, and Female Cops Are Lazier Than White Cops, Guardian Reader: the Ecological Term "Invasive Species" Is Racist, Orwell's Version of Sapir-Whorf Theory Vindicated, Blacks Stick It to Asians in San Francisco Again, This Time Non-Violently. The on paper cost of Israel, when we include the “loan guarantee” scam and payments to neighboring countries to advance Israel’s interests, is at least $23.1 billion a year. Along with the ‘Petro Dollar’, the US dollar is also the ‘World Currency’. The general figure provided for annual US aid to Israel is $3.8 billion, but as former CIA intelligence officer Philip Giraldi has written, this figure excludes our completely artificial $9 billion dollar trade deficit with them, as well as the $8 billion provided in “loan guarantees” that are basically giveaways since the US Treasury pays interest and principal on these loans. Today, the biggest beneficiary of QE is the United States. Israel, through its Lobby, is working overtime to convert the green and black colours on this world map to red and blue, and that includes Sudan, which is green: It divides the world’s countries into [four] different categories: those with which Jerusalem has “recently developed/upgraded” relations are marked in red; states that entertain “good relations” with Israel are in blue; and “overtly hostile enemy states” are in black. The Department of Justice fought a ferocious, four year long legal battle to keep this information secret and ultimately won. This Yael Eckstein chick pulls down $824,000 a year? They wanted their picture in the paper. Under Trump’s deal with Morocco, its king Mohammed VI will receive $3 billion dollars in investments courtesy of the US taxpayer through the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), a government entity created by Donald Trump, in exchange for recognizing Israel. If you’re Israeli, lying, cheating, stealing, causing deaths-a-millions is not only not a problem, dodging accountability for lying, cheating, etc. Stellen- und Ausbildungsangebote in Bamberg in der Jobbörse von For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. Because you can't stand the truth. Legitimate because of the laws of the land say so. ALL MONEY ISSUES BY FIAT and it is ONLY a “petrodollar” SUPPORTED by Israel and the Arab clients, who are now showing the alliance into the open. So these lampshades made of human skin could have been made of the skin of Poles. This makes the US a world power. The three nations bordering or occupied by Israel receive aid from the United States in an attempt to present carrots and sticks that prevent factions from fully uniting, but the spigot is turned off and on regularly at the behest of Israel. Among the top 25 on the list, 15 are Jewish or of Jewish origin, Pols of both parties are good little shabbos goy whores, ” . 3) Iraq — $1.1 Billion (Excluding cost of the Iraq war). Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. Wealth Increase in 9 Months Exceeds Likely $908 Billion Cost of Covid Relief Package GOP Has Stalled as Too Costly. Another company that has heavily penetrated US hospitals, physicians offices and pharmacies is Teva Pharmaceuticals, founded in Israel in 1901. Taboo-management. Considering the shameless use of the profitable schema of holobiz and the creation of a zionist & neo-nazi union in Ukraine, there is not much to ‘comprehend’ about warriors with antisemitism. If there were no Americans in the area, then injuring Americans couldn’t happen. This is a complex structure, and Israel lobby can put pressure on it, but it is not decisive. For a one-time payment of $23 billion, America could have a border wall from Texas to California. Believe me, I know what I am talking about, Mr. Striker. But what about those elderly starving “holocaust” victims living in squalor, and starving?,,,,,,,,, Please help. The jewish holohoax is on its last breath…rightly so. How did you arrive at the $5,000 figure? All money is fiat i.e. Thus, the $3.8 billion figure that already outrages much of the American public is at the bare minimum about $23 billion per year, but could potentially be closer to $50 billion. Therefore, WASP Empire always owes Jews. At the same time, buried deep in the 5,600 monstrosity was a provision setting aside supposed budget constraints to give Israel the equivalent of $5,000 dollars for each of their citizens. 2. there are other segments of US elites that influence US ME policy more than Jews & Israel. I listened to Strike and Mike discuss this very important subject on their program the other day. Censorship. Yeah, in a pig's ass. Yes, FORCED ASSIMILATION IS GENOCIDE. 2K can help you prep a bit. ” . “Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? But the nitrous oxide kick, was when Obama signed that Propaganda Law in 2013 – this law, making it Legal to add the US populace, in with the Radio Free World propaganda machine . In a 2009 interview, Kwiatkowski stressed that Iran was not a threat to the United States or its interests, but rather only to Israeli regional hegemony. The recent wars alone cost upwards of 10 Trillion, when opportunity cost is added… this “foothold” is on its way to cost the life of the body to which the foot is attached. $130 million a year? According to former National Security Agency analyst Karen Kwiatkowski, the Pentagon’s logic behind the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was to create a military pincer that would surround Iran. Zelikow’s casting of the attack on Iraq as one launched to protect Israel appears at odds with the public position of President George W. Bush and his administration, which has never overtly drawn the link between its war on the regime of former president Hussein and its concern for Israel’s security. Cheney and Rumsfeld are both neoconservatives, for whom a de facto Zionist platform is an inextricable facet of their ideology. Is that why Trump tried to buy Greenland? Hell, America not only supports Israel, it is subservient to this tiny little nation that shits on America and laughs about it. lolol. Which is the whole point. I boycott microsoft because I want my computer to keep working and remain virus free. In some midwest states Giant Eagle grocery stores & gas stations hold a dominant position. Perhaps Judea should make reparations to the world for starting both world wars and for the tremendous loss of life that ensued. Introductory paragraph to, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Israel Caught Funding Evangelical Christians: Stunning news has recently been uncovered by a group of Israeli journalists called Seventh Eye, who had filed a FOIA request with the Israeli government. In this case it was Tanzania instead of Haiti. But that was in speaking to his young, precocious grandson, not to fellow corporate executives and engineers. . He felt as soon as you made it a profit-driven endeavor with all that entails, nuclear power became dangerous and risky. The offer appears to have been rejected, with Jakarta announcing that it stands firmly behind the Palestinian cause. Some of us have been trying for years, but without enough other people to help it didn’t do anything except keep our conscience clean. Israel fears that an unconditional US withdrawal could end up working to the advantage of Iran. Let’s just hope more and more Christians are able to have their eyes opened to see the real truth about this massive centuries long hoax. On the other hand , South Sudan is an independent country which separated from Sudan through referendum nine years ago after a long, bloody conflict. (Wry grin). If I were you I would fear because the truth will soon come out and your Southern Nationalist friends will disavow you like the scum you’re about. Yes, but whites seem to enjoy getting screwed by the yids, nigs and spics. By January 2021 as many as 300,000 variants … I boycott “government” because it is evil. But it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the losses many other nations sustained. Legalizing all drugs will not do that. I can’t say that I’ve read most of these things, but, as I recall, only during Dubya & after did US get involved into idiotic Middle East mess as some kind of almost blind Israel’s ally. Horrible, yes. Point of correction in an otherwise excellent article. Anti Semite, Anti Semite and more Anti Semite alert. 6) Palestine, Lebanon, Syria — Fluctuates. Same agenda has been used to keep the US populace from understanding any facts about other countries, esp. In fact, not too long ago, some rabbis were “caught” using security grant funds for such purposes. Combine that with the fact that crypto-Israelis also dominate social media (Facebook, Google, YouTube) as well as ‘mainstream media’ (legacy networks, cable news channels, Hollywood, most all newspapers) and one begins to grasp the fact that America is a soft and gentle Zionist colony. I think it’s ripe for strenuous criticism because it presents itself as the fairest of the fair, as do many callers to the 3-hour morning program. Israel’s criminal conduct wasn’t affected in the least by anything they did. America supporting a nation that doesn’t give two shits about them is beyond insane. Sudan is an important flashpoint in Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. Things such as aggressive quality of life policing & stop-and-frisk would *never* work, and don't you dare notice that they worked just fine up until May 25th of last year. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. The conflict has been winding down, but the Sudanese state and economy remains in dire straits largely due to sanctions over being a state-sponsor of terrorism. - 2021.02.08 I attended a church for awhile a few years back and noticed we were always sending money to help Haitians. Israelis and world Zionism will FINALLY have a free hand to wipe these people out for good, and conquer the entire East, with the help of China and India. The Coronavirus Test - Are You a Clock or an Orange? The country’s current leader, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, took power in 2014 in an Israeli-backed coup that deposed the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood. The moment the weapons stop, there will be another 6 day war in one week: Jews like to rest on the sabbath. The single-issue relationship was put on display when Senator Rand Paul attempted to cut aid to Egypt during a 2017 Congressional fight. And then there was certain Yurovsky (born to Ester Moiseevna) who personally conducted murder of the Russian imperial family, including their five children who were shot and bayoneted to death. In "Driving Miss Daisy", the Jewish Daisy goes to a MLK speech and realises that she's in the same category as her black employee. Including "the." Last year, the US State Department cut aid to Lebanon’s military in half after a direct appeal to do so by the Netanyahu government. As a state bordering Palestine that for years retained its claim to the West Bank, the Jordanian monarchs have been a useful asset for Israel. The average person is too incurious and / or too ignorant of scientific developments to gain an understanding of what’s possible and that’s how they are forever being screwed by TPTsB. I know some states made signing the “I will not boycott Israel pledge” a condition of employment for “government” positions, but those statutes have been ruled unconstitutional (so far) when someone had the fortitude to challenge the state in court. How will anyone know what you’re boycotting or why you’re boycotting it. What d0es Yahweh do for them? The US is able to meet it’s energy needs. Sie haben die Wahl: Jetzt 24 Monate lesen und 150€ Sparvorteil sichern oder 3 Monate lesen und nur 2 bezahlen! They have enacted legislation that prevents the “government” from subsidizing or doing business with companies or people that openly advocate boycotting Israel. — This is not the time of the Balfour declaration anymore. What does America gain by kissing Israel’s ass? When are they going to run out of victims of the “holocaust?”. Stop Voting In/Appointing Dual Citizens and those Married to Intl_Vunerability(like Mitch McConnell and Wife Elaine Chao – Wife’s Family’s Business are too close to Beijing). one word: PETRODOLLARS. I deserve some handouts from US Govt. Sag Deine Meinung. In my estimation, C Span is establishment (and zionist) Propaganda Central. The SOB sold his soul and now is spreading disinformation by ways and means of the covid hoax and other pro .gov psyops. Multiplied fish for the hungry. Last September, Donald Trump accidentally upended an entire generation of myths invented by the left and right that purport to explain America's costly and unpopular military adventures in the Middle East: 'The fact is, we don’t have to be in the Middle East, other than we want to protect Israel. The only thing I am certain of, is that while our Congress keeps sending the hard earned money Americans make around the world, they ignore the U.S. homeland.

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