meharry dental school interview questions

More from this Member The school appeared rather empty and did not have the hustle and bustle of the other schools I visited. | Report Response, "1. | Report Response, "interview fedback, meharry website, a friend i know who goes to their med school" More from this Member More from this Member Upon meeting minimum requirements, final acceptance into the program will be determined by a formal interview composed of Fayetteville State University and Meharry Medical College representatives. | Report Response, "The school is falling apart, they dont have a sim lab, they have to find their own patients, student dont pass their boards, mostly everyone was black" More from this Member More from this Member Afterwards, we ate lunch then went on the tour. Unfortunately there aren't too many African Americans in the dental profession and for them to want to be at Meharry to help me and you, makes it even more impressive." | Report Response, "nothing" Dress appropriately, and bring a hard copy of your résumé and cover letter. We were a group of 8 students, and 2-3 ppl were interviewed at a time. More from this Member The topics have included communication, person-ability, multi-tasking, organization, and even persuasive writing. | Report Response, "n/a" | Report Response, "What is the difference between dedication and commitment?" | Report Response, "Mock interview with friends." More from this Member More from this Member What are 2 negative aspects of your personality that you would like to change?" More from this Member After an interview with the Dean, the Dean will recommend a candidate to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Just be yourself, and good luck :-) You do have to go out and recruit your own patients at this school. Perhaps you reach out to other students when you encounter difficulties in your academic studies. Rather than dwell on my mistakes, I choose to learn from them.". | Report Response, "They staff and students really seem like a family and they support each other." | Report Response, "Nothing!" | Report Response, "If you were rich, what dental issue would you change?" The interviewers want to know if you are happy with your performance in the interview. I truly believe there is a thin line between conceit and confidence. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "same as above" | Report Response, "The warm and welcoming environment, friendly students and instructors, and school pride." | Report Response, "Just that we interviewed before the tour of the school." | Report Response, "How will Health Care Bill affect dentistry/" Interviews are a requirement for the Meharry School of Dentistry. You can definitely tell the school cares about their students. | Report Response, "it starts in june but i guess they have to in order to get students into the prep-like program." they even said at the end that they were impressed by me though I'm not sure if that's what they say to all the prospectives or if it'll even count that much towards the final decision. | Report Response, "what are your weaknesses?" He seemed to be the only person who was truthful about the school, he admitted that the school had its problems (financially, etc.). I believe this mentality will get me through any undesirable situation. Dental class is very friendly, staff and teachers are great, improvements are being made." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The school needs to learn how to conduct interviews professionally--it is embarrasing when the person interviewing you is not professional!" More from this Member He quizzed me on a few things to see if I was genuine, and then we spoke openly about the field." Do you have any questions for me? More from this Member " I will join study groups to help me gain a broader perspective from others, and I have made arrangements for a part-time tutor if needed. | Report Response, "How would you get patients to come to the school in order to be treated?" - Proof that you continually focus on personal and professional development, "I believe I am the strongest student for your dentistry program because I am incredibly dedicated to my professional and personal development. The secretary of admissions talked to us, giving us her "tips and warnings" on how to do good on an interview. It started at 8:30 AM and lasted until about 1:40 PM. | Report Response, "That there could be anywhere between 5 and 45 minutes between my two interviews. More from this Member The Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry International Track Program is an advanced standing program for dentists who have completed their dental training outside of a Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) accredited U.S. or Canada dental program. More from this Member Good luck to all! " More from this Member More from this Member Demonstrate your wisdom and problem-solving skills. | Report Response, "List weaknesses." The last time I checked, there were more countries in the world... Whe talked 15min over the alotted time." Put yourself in their position. | Report Response, "Some of the hotels in the area aren't as nice as the others,and I wish I would've known which hotels not to stay in." they have the MAPS program (which is like a prep for the actual dental school) and tutoring and a lot of educational support. Explore expert tips and resources to be more confident in your next interview. Your DAT (Dental Admission Test) score is calculated between 1-30, with 30 being the highest possible mark. More from this Member One interviewer claimed that Meharry teaches dentist to be world-wide, but when I asked him what international trips the school conducts, he mentioned that the school only goes to the carribean islands! | Report Response, "I studied the questions on here, reviewed the school history, and talked to some Meharry students." Based on her experience as an admissions officer and as a private advisor, Dr. Freedman provides guidance on what to expect on interview day, how to influence what is discussed during your interview and what you can do to ensure a stellar interview performance. More from this Member Reviewing the admissions stats at Meharry Medical College can help you determine your likelihood of acceptance. | Report Response, "not that it really mattered, but i wish i had known that i would be interviewed by 2 diff people seperately. | Report Response, "I had a great experince. In addition to these medical journals, I also subscribe to More from this Member Also, that we would only tour the dentistry building and not the whole school." I try to live like her as much as I can.". 4.That they tell you that if you have been considered for an interview it basically means you're in (not true b/c there were only a few spots left and there was like 15 people interviewing that day)and that they also tell you that if you are rejected by the school at this point for any reason you better not apply again to this school.....?????? More from this Member More from this Member they make interview with all staff and managers present in the interview room. More from this Member | Report Response, "This website, mock interviews" | Report Response, "The warm friendly atmosphere of the people and school." More from this Member - Pediatrics More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Why dentistry and not medicine?" | Report Response, "SDN interview feedback questions not only from school applied to but from many other schools, rest, 'be yourself', talk with other interview-ies before interview" More from this Member | Report Response, "Tell me about youself. Tour of facilities. | Report Response, "Please tell me about yourself,I want to know about you." More from this Member Just in case you're wondering, then yes their current freshman class did consist of students from various enthnic backgrounds. A Dental Admission Test score of 19-20 is good, and a score of 22+ is considered very high. What specifically attracted you to Meharry? | Report Response, "What 2 attributes do have? | Report Response, "Tell me about something that is going on in the world. Their day did not start until 10; so, I didn't feel rushed to get there. - An existing connection to the faculty or facility | Report Response, "All in all, the interview was fine. | Report Response, "Why should we choose you over other students? " | Report Response, "Review SDN and try to have specific points to touch on during the interview. What are your favorite places for news on current trends?". More from this Member | Report Response, "Mock interviews with professors at my college." I didn't see any of the family atmosphere that everyone talked about. More from this Member Also, everyone seemed to boast so much about the school, yet there wasn't anything to back up the big talk. More from this Member | Report Response, "What's the role of a teacher in the classroom" If you feel you could have performed better: 'I feel that I was well prepared for most of the questions you have asked me today; however, I would like to clarify my answer on one particular point....' Then, return to the question you may have stumbled on and answer how you would have liked the first time. | Report Response, "Do you enjoy the current work you do?" More from this Member | Report Response, "What did you like about Meharry? More from this Member | Report Response, "this website, reviewed personal statment and talk to dental student that I know that attend this school." Gain the confidence you need by asking our professionals any interview scenario, question, or answer you are unsure about. More from this Member | Report Response, "At 8:30am, a group of 15 were taken to this small conference room and instructed to sit. Candidates must first be admitted to the Meharry School of Dentistry and then express his/her interest in writing to the Dean of the Meharry School of Dentistry. This school is dedicated to offering opportunities to minorities and I'm all about that. | Report Response, "Nothing really." Met with dental students, freshman, sophs,juns and senior. | Report Response, "Why did you get a C in this course?" More from this Member they make interview with all staff and managers present in the interview room. Win your next job by practicing from our question bank. I regularly seek out additional educational opportunities ensuring that I continue to gain new knowledge related to the field of dentistry.". | Report Response, "None of them were difficult." What contribution do you plan to make at Meharry?" oh and don't give me the bull shit of you will pick Meharry because you wanna serve the underserved. | Report Response, "Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?" More from this Member More from this Member Pick a weakness that is not a core skill for your success as a dentistry student. More from this Member | Report Response, "SDN, Meharry website, what I wrote on my AADSAS and secondary applications" I still liked the place and the people. | Report Response, "None Really" everyone was friendly and sweet. Definately to be considered. Nothing special." The faculty and students were very welcoming and relaxed, which made the day much more pleasant. | Report Response, "Mainly SDN and general interview questions." These questions and answers do not represent any organization, school, or company on our site. The best thing any medical professional can do is to try their best every day, document very well, and only work with patients that you trust. The DAT tests students on Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning, Biology, General Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. environment was very friendly and I felt very comfortable. The interviewer wants to know about your future plans and if you have intentions of joining an existing practice or starting your own. Just relax and be yourself, answer truthfully." | Report Response, "The smaller class size, how the professors and students interacted with each other, cost of living in Nashville compared to other cities" We had a 15min tour, which didn't show off anything, a lab here and there. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "1.Do you think it will be a problem for you to be with a class of mostly African American students? | Report Response, "Great school!" Most dental schools require personal interviews with applicants to assess qualities such as self-confidence, interpersonal skills and ability to overcome challenges. | Report Response, "Why should you be chosen over the other interviewers?" Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry Dental School Nashville Historically Black College/University . Everyone handles the stress and disappointment of setbacks differently. Talk about how you stay up to date on industry trends, breakthroughs, dentistry-related concerns, and more. they seemed a little old and could deninitely use some work." | Report Response, "Everybody was friendly, and the facilities were impressive to me." | Report Response, "I liked the other students who were interviewing." Their opinions of you are separate so if you do bad in one interview, it will not affect the opinion of the other and vice versa." | Report Response, "Did you ever experience any bigotry or discrimination in your undergraduate institution (anti-semitism)." You can keep your answer simple by discussing your ability to handle events involving blood and other bodily fluids. Also the people I interveiwed with were great. It will only help you!!!!" What's the role of a teacher in the classroom? Be sure to have an action plan in place for improving on this weakness. I wouldn't feel safe and would be totally concerned with security." More from this Member You will learn the following: | Report Response, "practice interviews" More from this Member Hypothetically speaking, if you were to be accepted at all dental schools and you had to make a decision by tomorrow, which school will you choose and why? | Report Response, "The welcoming atmosphere, the students' enthusiasm, and the facilities." | Report Response, "Two different interviews; one open-file, the other closed-file. " | Report Response, "Just relax and be yourself" The application was accompanied by 3 letters of recommendation and an application fee. | Report Response, "I had a neutral experience. Perhaps you subscribe to a particular magazine, blog, or follow certain social media accounts. | Report Response, "How do you handle stress?" If you feel the interview went well: "I feel that I was well prepared for the questions that you asked me today and am happy with my performance in this interview. | Report Response, "No difficult /easy questions. | Report Response, "Why Meharry,in comparison to the previous school I had interviewed with? (I was hesitant to tell my interviewer this, because I am low in both these areas, but my interviewer told me that people should stop selling themselves short. More from this Member | Report Response, "same" More from this Member | Report Response, "Question about my DATs." Craft An AMAZING Personal Statement That Grabs The Readers Attention And Compels The Admissions Officer To Invite You For An Interview... so you can ultimately beat your competition and get accepted! In my opinion, I wish that had eaten something that morning, slept a little more the night before, and relaxed because the interview went fine. | Report Response, "SDN, their website" VERY EXPENSIVE!" Advanced Dental Education Programs Practice options. | Report Response, "The so called Ms. C...something was very rude. Described as the ‘essential guide’, it is a vital resource as part of your preparation. Money Matters. More from this Member | Report Response, "Interview 1: How do you handle stress? Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. Schedule Free Consult. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Name all the schools you applied too and your status at those schools." It is true that you are your toughest critic because I was accepted. "I scored 22 in my DAT, which landed me in the 98th percentile for DAT scoring. | Report Response, "The school atmosphere seemed to be a little on the conceited side. | Report Response, "Tell me 2 positive & 2 negative things about yourself" Highlight for the interviewers that you could take the criticism and learn from it. Can I ask if there is anything I can clarify for you, or elaborate on, from today's conversation?". The financial expectations of becoming a dentist is a reality that I have come to terms with. More from this Member More from this Member What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)? More from this Member I think it went well. More from this Member More from this Member It seemed that everyone was part of a big family, which is refreshing if you live far from Nashville. And I sincerely hope this helps students who have interviews scheduled at this school. More from this Member I even enjoyed my stay at the hotel they recommended. " More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The labs were kinda outdated and no sim lab." More from this Member Practice 40 Meharry Medical College Dental School Interview Questions with professional interview answer examples with advice on how to answer each question. | Report Response, "people at school and in Nashville are very friendly, southern-comfort vibe, everyone seems to be on the same level, no sense of hierarchy. I interviewed at Meharry Medical College in May 2014. 1) Think about, or jot down some answers for the most common questions, such as "Why Dentistry", "Why Dentistry as opposed to Medicine? | Report Response, "Nothing, I have visited school before." Interview Transcript (pdf) ... Dr. Reuben C. Warren earned his undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University, and his dental degree from Meharry Medical College. More from this Member | Report Response, "What's the difference between those schools and Meharry? " More from this Member | Report Response, "The relaxed demeanor of the interviewers, which helped me to relax. More from this Member Several interviewers were present; so, it was easier for them to remember who you were. More from this Member Every medical sector has its own difficulties, and dentistry is not untouched by accusations of malpractice. | Report Response, "Why pick you?" Why dentistry? I say, let your school speak for itself. | Report Response, "What will you do if you don't get into school this year?" | Report Response, "Knew a few folks that went there and read about it's history. | Report Response, "What motivates you?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Friendly, family environment" No other student body I have seen is so well-integrated, and everyone there isn't African-American. " Answer to: Does Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry start interviewing in September? | Report Response, "How does the motto suit you?" | Report Response, "SDN and school website" | Report Response, "The origins of my name" More from this Member I could only answer remembering things I have read and also heard)" 2.Describe yourself in 3 words." | Report Response, "Why should we take you over other applicants? " I felt the team work between the students and close relationships with the faculty. | Report Response, "Positive attitude and friendliness of the overall staff / students. More from this Member Previous interviews." Take part 1 of boards after 1st year." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "How do you plan on paying for dental school?" You can be candid in your answer, recognizing that you aren't great at something and acknowledging your need to improve. More from this Member The people were really nice. More from this Member | Report Response, "How will you acclimate to the diversity here at meharry? The Meharry campus is in the northern quadrant of the city, adjacent to Fisk University, a few blocks from Tennessee State University, and 4 miles from Vanderbilt University and Medical School. | Report Response, "Friendly atmosphere, new sims lab, diversity of faculty" More from this Member I was too nervous to eat, but the interview was very relaxed and cofortable." They had tons of people interviewing for very few spots. Should I come across any difficulties while attending dental school, I will not hesitate to seek outside assistance.". Attending dental school is a highly involved commitment, and the interviewers want to see evidence that you are ready to handle the expectations ahead. | Report Response, "The interview was not as intense as I had anticipated. | Report Response, "Why meharry? More from this Member I applied in-person. More from this Member | Report Response, "none--they were all senseless questions" More from this Member I expected to be asked questions that would give them a look into getting to know me and that I am dental material." More from this Member "How do you fit into the mission and history of Meharry?" More from this Member | Report Response, "waste of time." | Report Response, "Everything about my experience was positive. Find 5 questions and answers about working at Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. | Report Response, "Good school, just not as technologically advanced...but they are getting there! | Report Response, "Nothing really. More from this Member | Report Response, "What have you been doing since your graduation day?" | Report Response, "why should we pick you?" More from this Member What are two ways in which you have an edge over other candidates?" | Report Response, "What other school have you applied to?" | Report Response, "What do you like about Meharry? The interview process included an application to the school of graduate studies and research and copy of GRE score. If I faced a situation like that, I would take full responsibility for my part in the situation but would defend my expertise and decision-making skills at the same time. In this episode series #DrDarwin speaks with Std Dr Emerald Ferguson from Meharry School of Dentistry about her D1 Year experiences. - Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, "I have many areas of interest and, at this point, am not committed to any particular specialty.". More from this Member All have stellar grades, all have the drive, and all have the potential to be renowned Meharry Medical College alumni. | Report Response, "Why do you want to go to Meharry? There is always room for improvement; however, you want to avoid picking your interview apart. | Report Response, "All of the community service they do" | Report Response, "It was so nice to see people of color together, and wanting to make this world a better place. | Report Response, "none" | Report Response, "It is a HBCU (Historically Black College University), 80% of class is African American" | Report Response, "Do you know the saltwagon story?" Good luck & God bless." Meharry has an alliance with Vanderbilt U. so we can use their facilities (library, gym, etc.) Yet, he reassured me that Meharry was a wonderful place to be. | Report Response, "Who is considered underserved in your opinion and why?" More from this Member I had heard that the campus looked old and out-dated, but in my opinion the school is in good condition. Not a lot of community service activities in a school who's "motto is serve the underserved." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member I had to find a way to get it going." But we'll see." Our interview questions and answers are created by experienced recruiters and interviewers. More from this Member Then, the day was busy with presenters, touring the facility, and a free lunch. | Report Response, "What do you have to offer the field of Dentisty?" | Report Response, "Why you and not the other applicants?" These people are not stupid, they know what they are asking, and can smell a lie a mile away! More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member I am thrilled with this score since I studied hard and felt that I was rewarded for my diligence.". More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The school gives you the feeling that everyone cares about you and that it is truly a place where you can everyone's name. More from this Member One of my interviewers drilled for 20 min on how difficult dental school was, and he didn't ask me a single question. Thank you for your interest in the School of Medicine at Meharry Medical College. More from this Member **This was actually the longer interview, but after those two questions we basically talked for 20 minutes or so**" I also liked the fact that at Meharry everything is hands on, which is beneficial when considering a career in dentistry." More from this Member Look you have to think outside the box, and be positive about challenges if you want to make it happen! | Report Response, "The clinics seemed a little small and there were hardly any patients, but it might have just been the time of day. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "If you stay in the recommended hotel. | Report Response, "What type of dental experience do you have? " | Report Response, "If you received admission here and another school you applied too which would you pick?" | Report Response, "That books are not covered in tuition." | Report Response, "What the students have is not much as far as high tech stuff goes but they work as a team, help each other and really want to be there." More from this Member | Report Response, "What do you plan on doing to give back to your community?" | Report Response, "What are your weaknesses and strengths?" More from this Member Do not worry too much if you are not completely happy with your work – they aren’t expecting a masterpiece! | Report Response, "SDN, mock interviews" | Report Response, "A total waste of time and money." I felt like a member of the family. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Where is "Skagit" Valley, and what is "rugby?"" More from this Member No essay." More from this Member | Report Response, "What have you been doing for the past years" Finally, the day was over at about 2pm. We did get a good presentation on financial aid. | Report Response, "They said I wouldn't be getting in this year and told other students the same. Cost of attendance Financing options Educational debt Applying for aid. More from this Member | Report Response, "I wish I'd known that the location of the school wasn't really nice and that there's basically nothing to do in Nashville." Nosense!" More from this Member | Report Response, "When did it occur to you, that you wanted to be a dentist?" | Report Response, "It was fun and laid back. I feel well-prepared to cope with and address the immense workload and other expectations ahead of me as a dental school student.". | Report Response, "Everything. | Report Response, "How small the campus was." So, be confident and you will be okay)." | Report Response, "What does politics have to do with dentistry?" The day wrapped up about 1pm. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "How many schools did you apply to?" | Report Response, Louisiana State University New Orleans School of Dentistry, University of California Los Angeles School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center School of Dental and Oral Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine, Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. More from this Member More from this Member All were questions I had either expected or could come up with a logical answer for on the spot." My first interview lasted only about 10 minutes, which was b/c I didn't have to pause before responding to her questions. The school is not in a very nice location but once you're inside it gets better; the school itslef looks a bit old and the equipment looks a bit old and updated. Overall this was the best interview process." | Report Response, "I really liked the atmosphere at the school. | Report Response, "" | Report Response, "Question about my grades" | Report Response, "when did it occur to you that you wanted to be a dentist?" environment was very friendly and I felt very comfortable. Interview Indepth skills interview and works cited A sample paper presentation, an abstract for a journal, Database retrievel test questions, Collective questions and psyiological questions, A test on data skills, test on resume highlights, test on communication skills, test on speed More from this Member | Report Response, "Nothing." More from this Member The thing that separated Meharry from other schools is how laid back it is. More from this Member | Report Response, "What difference do you want to make on the underseved and community?" More from this Member Everyone was just very laid back." snowflakes, 01.03.14. | Report Response, "What's going on in the world today?" | Report Response, "The family atmosphere and the new changes being made by the new dean." To ensure my success, I hired a Department of Chemistry tutor. Then we were assigned to our interviewers. I really wouldn't like to have teachers like him through my career.

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