over giving personality

He was happy to and picked up the bill as soon as it hit the table. Too bad, because on paper, he was perfect. If you feel you are doing most of the heavy lifting, take a step back. It’s a combination of both..and a lot more. There will usually be people in the over-giving person's life who take and take and never give, or who use giving back as an excuse for very bad attitude or behaviour, in which they treat the over-giving one very poorly. You don’t keep trying to fix issues by over-giving because you think it’s something ‘about you’ that created the problem and will be the solution. You (should) know pretty soon whether that’s all he wants, PROVIDED you take your time and don’t let your hormones overrule your intelligence. A friend of mine had an ex-boyfriend (who had been horrible to her) get in touch by email after ten years and say “hi. I used to be an “overgiver” and after being the object of someone “giving” in order to try and guilt me into a relationship, I understood how creepy it is for the unwilling recipient. but when we learn from mistakes, not only do we correct our mistakes, we also get better at learning. When there wasn’t, he turned round and ‘punished’ her for it. What else can a kind and generous woman who is “hungry for love” do to love herself? We think, “well, this is not a crumb, so it must mean something” All of the flowers, love notes, and trips were nice but they weren’t substantial. Please read further. Thanks for your individual comment on my post. I’m pretty sure it’s fifty fifty between the man and me. The reason behind being so over giving is the extreme care for the feelings of others. I would be asking myself these questions if I were you. Yes, by my mother. This article really resonated with me. I’m just me. You also mentioned you’re bored when you don’t have some guy to fantasize about. We overvalue men contacting us first, or asking us out first, or paying for the first meal. He manipulates his closest into behaving exactly the way he expects them to. Boo effing hoo is right, lol, I *so* do not miss all that. Thanks author, I found one more aspect of my own self. Very beautoful reply cc. The good news is that in the past I’ve wasted years over giving to someone who didn’t show me basic respect. This is generally true, but remember that words are often used subjectively. As a former “hyper-giver”, your words rang true. Find new hobbies, friends, interests. Who needs that? No it’s NOT so much that as the lack of respect and taking advantage of my empathetic side to the 9th degree that I have had more than enough of Lila. She didn't seem to realize how worth knowing she was--she always seemed to feel like she was worthwhile *because* she did this and gave that, but that wasn't true. In truth, WE are the bosses of our own happiness in relationships. We don’t ‘see’ them and what they’re going through because of how we’ve judged their situation or imagined them to be. That means you give, give, give because you think (or hope) it will be appreciated, or because it makes you feel good about yourself, or because you feel morally obligated to. So now if I run across any that seem OK and like they would want to really be cared for – “I think it’s just a set up of some kind.” and I cant help that either.. Develop a great personality with help from wikiHow's Personality Traits category. When you’re on a crumb diet, you end up clamouring for more crumbs (because you’re starving) and so you go into giving overdrive in the hopes of getting the loaf (or at least some chunks). #baggagereclaim #recoveringpeoplepleaser #healthyrelationships #healthyrelationshipsmatter #innerchildhealing #innerchild #takecareofyourself #expressyourself #listentoyourbody #selfcarequotes #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #emotionalneeds #boundaries #healthyboundaries #codependentnomore #emotionalhealth #emotionalintelligence ... We can't pay bills, end suffering or own our responsibilities with ‘good intentions’. I sent the gf an email..but did she get it? Allow me to introduce myself: The day I realised that the likes of my people-pleasing and perfectionism are driven by anxiety about *something*, a light bulb went on for me. Maybe that is the men in the crazy clubs worst fear? If something isn't critical, we need to weigh saying yes to it against our priorities. Yes, I want my giving to be organic, something that I just …. Does this situation even require these qualities? So have a loving relationship with yourself and from there…everthing will fall in place. Could he have felt you were “blowing hot” by communicating with him using all these different methods? Create an infographic like this on Adioma. It made me feel really special at the time and I thought it was a sign that he deeply loved me. Thank you…I look forward to your words everyday!!! It’s a false economy, though. Take it slow. How self absorbed! . Since I hadn’t heard from her since that night, I sent her a text an hour ago. And you raise an extremely relevant issue, that of caretaking. – in responding politely but reservedly to his happy birthday wish, you presented strength and independence – good for you! I took that crumb I had found and pulled up my generous dump truck and showered this AC with everything I believed would make him happy and grateful enough to validate me as ‘wonderful’ …wrong! But actually, it means you have much capacity that you should be investing in enriching your life, not entertaining some jackass. Also…..why do you feel like you’re not “winning”? But after so much pain and after a certain point I can never go back to that person or be able to forgive so much and in the middle of going through the motions it’s almost so painful to want to commit suicide just to rid of that feeling and severe heartache. Tinkerbell, now that you know where the problems are, you are a step closer to their solution. I’ll never do that again. Traditional teachungs urge folks to give freely; I still give a lot, but only anonymously and/or without expecting anything in return. If someone ignores you from the very beginning, it’s not a sign that you should keep chasing and make him interested, it’s a sign for you to run, because he doesn’t appreciate your precious self. Many stories about unhealthy relationships or situations where it’s not mutual but there are attempts to make it mutual and ‘level’ are about one person not knowing when to back off and stop/reduce giving. In fact, we are the ones “hiring” them for the interviewing process: Are they up to the task of being a real man in a real relationship? Let it go. Put the phone on silent, watch a movie, cook a meal, clean, gym, read, whatever. More peace and joy, for sure. In a worst-case scenario, you end up not extending your best effort to your partner or your relationship either because you can’t (i.e., you are exhausted) or you don’t want to (i.e., you are angry and resentful). its not like we hide them well, anyway. We would see each other for about two weeks every couple of months. the latter says, "I'm out for myself". He took advantage, showed little respect, got angry and left…and now I know why. And if the planets aligned and I got commitment from the exMM? Why do you suppose you created that much fuss and worry around a guy you’ve never met? Like all these dudes all get together in some club and plan this crap out on me, LOL! stated on Thursday. Over the years, I've really stretched into admitting where I'm struggling and asking for help because it's part of intimacy. Now *I’m* laughing! Forced gratitude sucks. On another note, Titi, I went back and read the “Hooks” post you directed me to. I would love to hear some words of wisdom on that subject. Usually they are not what they seem; if they are, then the next date they do something that shows their hand. And, I looked at her, and I thought; it really doesn’t matter to me what she thinks of me. Go figure. Ugh. Like this burst of clarity now. Now I’m in tears, at work, on the lunch hour. You can’t waste another second wondering what his motives were. I realise the potential stupidity of my questions, PLEASE be kind, after all, most of us who are reading this site are guilty of nutter behaviour and thought patterns in some way or other . when you stop giving or overgiving you will likely discover who you really are. But they aren’t interested in taking and taking, or in exploiting you. Starting with YOU, perhaps? How are things?” She sent a nice breezy reply, mentioning that she was married and had just bought a house and been promoted. I never got it. Believe it or not, I’ve read Natalie’s book “…Fallback girl and I read all of her blogs and most of the comments others make. The compulsive giver is an artist of projective identification. Guess what though? I have always been independent, but in providing these core things to myself, I have become even more autonomous. With that disclaimer, I have noticed something in your series of posts and I thought I would share. you don’t have to feel judged or afraid. Generous giving feels light and joyful. Lilia, don’t you worry about the being honest thing sounding offensive or what not. My suspicion is you´re not at all that satisfied with how things are going but that you wont admit that to yourself because it´s painful. It’s been a year of NC, and I spent a lot of that doing all this work to overcome the loss and re-build my self-esteem, which is great. They’re only human, of course, but don’t dismiss what you’ve experienced. Is it because you feel so powerless that you believe you can’t change these men or because you can’t change your approach in deterring these types of men? My therapist has asked me repeatedly what I liked about him and I could never answer other than very shallow things such as good-looking, politics, cultured, high achieving etc. I really don’t want to give to other people right now. Tinkerbell, You said it, that was a lot of fuss and worry for nothing. Every example Nat gave I thought, “Yes, that’s me.” And CC, thanks for reminding me that no one means vicious harm and that I have lots of work to do on myself which is far more important than desperately looking for love. I fantasised all the bad stuff too. Thanks, but treating ourselves the way we want to be treated is what has led us to over-give in the first place. EU men attract EU women and vice versa. It’s too far, even if he was worthwhile. You are describing me to a tee…I am embarrassed and ashamed that I gave so much to the alky, and glossed over his ill treatment of me and hair’s breath of interest. I fully realise that it’s no one’s duty to provide emotional support and encourage me to engage in an unpromising friendship. I definitely give too much and I nearly ruined my summer catering to a guy I hoped would give back basic affection. The two of you won’t even register each other. When is it my turn to be given to? Over-giving can also block a person from receiving to the point where they would not even know it if someone is attempting to give back to them. I just think you needed to recognize that your boundaries were being crossed and that you were allowing them to be crossed because you hoped for some kind of reciprocation. Julia, look at it this way: is what you did completely honest? Did you know him in person when you sent him the card? but every single person on BR has had this moment, BELIEVE me. I very well may be EU because I feel “safer” in an LDR than with someone I could see everyday. You just have to learn to be comfortable in your own skin and not worry so much about trying to live your life for others or through others’ perception of you.

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