roboute guilliman model conversion

Also do note that after the first few wounds inflicted from Horus, Guilliman will have his S significantly reduced and the Gladius Incandor will become useless. Guilliman defies this and acts as an anti nihilist, willing to struggle to his last breath if it comes down that for the slightest chance to give mankind a happy ending. Even his own armour is artificer armour that he improved in various ways after studying the merits and disadvantages of other designs. Tags #Banzai1000 #Imperial Fists Banzai1000. Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfax have convinced Roboute to tolerate the Ecclesiarchy (for now anyway). HMO's Roboute Guilliman VS. Berzerker statue is finally up for sale! His greatness came from the fact that Guilliman never once wavered in dedication and service and created his Space Marines to be exemplars of the imperial ideal, not merely conquerors. (Combined with Guilliman's ability to reroll failed wounds, this makes wounding on a 5+ a lot less bad than you'd think, such that the Gauntlet is only better in edge cases: i.e. Again, the same can be said of the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists except they also manage to be the perfect warriors/soldiers (respectively) as well as the perfect sons. Lorgar hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.083 times, 1.042 times after the Invuln, 0.834 after the re-roll and IWND will take that down to 0.501. Guilliman will still probably win on average but it's closer than the above shows. ", "Julius Caesar learned that Alexander, having completed nearly all his conquests by the time he was thirty-two years old, was at an utter loss to know what he should do during the rest of his life, whereat Augustus expressed his surprise that Alexander did not regard it as a greater task to set in order the empire which he had won than to win it.". After the Ultramarines were used by the Emperor to sanction the Word Bearers, Guilliman privately admitted to some of his officers that he sincerely regretted that it had happened, being uncomfortable with censuring his brother that way, and fearing that the damage in relations it caused between the XIII and the XVII would be permanent. It is perhaps no surprise that Imperial history records that Guilliman completely lost his temper and cool at Lorgar when the treachery was realised (insert max troll face here), perhaps this was what allowed him to survive and fight immediately afterwards the near vacuum outside a ship for 11 hours without his helmet? He can choose to split his 6 attacks between the Emperor's sword, striking at S8 AP-4 3 D with a chance on a to-wound roll of 6 to inflict an additional D3 mortal wounds, or S12 AP-3 3 D if he uses the Hand of Dominion. So with that being said, he was no more flawless than the other Primarchs; even during the Great Crusade, while he was considered to be one of the greatest strategists in the entire Imperium, he was defeated in combat simulations by Corax of the Raven Guard, having to be specifically taught that there is no fixed dividing line between non-combatants and soldiers when people are defending their homes; that under-strength units should not be ruled out as ineffective; and that small units of adaptable troops can be wielded with just as much effect as larger battalions and chapters. Guilliman Round 1: hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.083 times, 1.042 after saves, and IWND take it down to 0.486. Guilliman blamed himself for not being present to prevent the death of Konor, not the Emperor or some external foe. A model that stands head and shoulders above even the Primaris Space Marines. The good news is that the wait is finally over! Roboute Guilliman (pronounced Ruh-BOOT-ay GIL-li-man), sometimes referred to as the "Avenging Son," "The Victorious," "The Master of Ultramar" and "The Blade of Unity," is the primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion and its myriad subsequent Second Founding Successor Chapters. He and any unit he joins can re-roll failed charge distances, and the Concussive special rule doesn't do shit against him. The Crusade lasted about a century; while it was able to drive the forces of Chaos away from some of their new holdings, Guilliman knew that it was only enough to stabilize the Imperium in its current state. Will be finished soon... What do you think about this model? shit/jizz himself in fear/awe at the possibility of being killed by a son of the Emperor. Except Caesar and Octavius. Did he seek out his brother later to make amends? (Funnily enough, this actually makes him a decent counter for Lorgar's psychic faggotry, though it won't help him deny Lorgars' blessings.). 356k members in the Warhammer40k community. On the other side (and that is a good point) Guilliman and the Ultramarines are not as "noblebright" in Tempest as they can be in other pieces of background. Roboute Guilliman: Lord of Ultramar and millions of other books are available for instant access. Big.E loved mankind as a whole but never individual humans, not even his so-called "sons"; and that rankled Big Blue. The basis of the Guilliman is truly a pretty model. Painting. Guilliman Round 2 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.778 times, 0.926 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.593 wounds at the start of the next turn. Like his \"brothers,\" Roboute was taken as an infant by the powers of Chaos, and removed to a far-flung world in an effort to prevent the coming Age of the Imperium. A fun fact is that he is also quite creeped out at the whole 'turn-a-baby-into-a-flying-cyborg' thing going around in the AdMech and Ecclesiarchy. Roboute and Yvraine said their goodbyes, Roboute said that he is in debt to Yvraine for bringing him back to life and Yvraine telling Roboute to stay safe. He loses when his more balls out brothers just dump damage on him but when he has the chance to let his strategy impact the fight he'll typically win. Guilliman Round 2 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.963 times, 1.48 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 1.15 wounds at the start of the next turn. Note: As usual, Konrad should attempt to even the odds with Hit and Run, negating Preternatural Strategy while gaining the +1 attack for the charge (and sniping some wounds with his knives). Reroll failed morale tests (although potentially ending with a worse result, so use at your own risk). Realizing that it was a devious trick to play on the Primarch's compassion and contain Guilliman in Ultramar, he declared that he would not repeat the mistake of defending his own realm while the rest of he galaxy burned and needed to go to Terra for the Greater Good of the Imperium, and left his Apothecaries to try and find a cure. It doesn't help that Yassilli nicknames our giant blueberry Robu. Also do note that Preternatural Strategy is taken into account (obviously) so prepare to see even more mathhammer than for the other Primarchs. to which Guilliman agreed. Guilliman ragt selbst unter seinen Ordensbrüdern heraus und stürmt mit donnerndem Blick in den Krieg. After fighting their way through an army of daemons and escaping through the webway, they were pursued by the Thousand Sons but fought their way through to Luna and continued the battle on Terra's doorstep, and eventually Guilliman winds up dueling Magnus himself. Additionally, although it isn't (entirely) his fault, Guilliman is usually blamed for turning the Ultramarines into such little bitches. ... Windows 8, 8 RT, 10 and Modern UI ; Windows 8 desktop, Windows 7, XP & Vista ; Kindle Cloud Reader. These were a major influence on Roboute and stayed with him throughout his life. Guilliman was also an organizational savant almost unmatched in all the galaxy. Tank Hunting Support Squads or Heavy Weapon Squads sound good to you? He's also rather tolerant of different moods and mentalities, so long as they still serve the Imperium's goals. This bloated, rotten carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope, but by fear, hate and ignorance. Guilliman with Hand of Dominion Round 1/2: hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.083 times, 0.694 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.361 wounds at the start of the next turn. He plays a major role in the third Gathering Storm book. Fighting against Lorgar and Angron during the heresy and losing, and fighting Curze with the Lion during that one episode and barely surviving. Maybe. Just like the Imperium does. We can rebuild him. Guilliman was found by the planet's ruler and some of his retinue while they were on a hunting trip. hide. Jul 14, 2019 - Explore David Dean's board "Primarch Roboute Guilimon" on Pinterest. Guilliman utilized his skills as a tactician and strategist to fight in his Father's crusade, preferring to form battle plans rather than actually participate in the fighting himself (though he still did his fair share of Xeno-killing). Following that little incident and a bout of introspection on his part, he's started to wonder if maybe Lorgar and the Ecclesiarchy were right about the Emperor's divinity, and has chosen to start reading that old copy of Lectitio Divinatus to learn whether it might have a grain of truth in it. Even with Guilliman using the Hand of Domination, there is a chance Curze doesn't suffer any damage from it (31% when Guilliman is WS7/8 and 20% when he is WS9) so he will actually negate Preternatural Strategy between 37% and 31% of the time, which is enough to give Rob a run for his money or even kill him if the Widowmakers score more than a single wound. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future … But contrary to what many think of him he didn't go out of his way to force his ways on others, he simply made all his writings and tactics available to all his brothers, and told his men to be at their best when fighting alongside the other factions. This and his own feeling that said lateness could have been prevented had he made for Terra sooner only motivated him harder to kick the Scouring off, where those traitors that wouldn't or couldn't make their way to the Eye of Terror were hunted down and cleansed, planet by planet. report. That said, +1 Ld is a reasonably strong bonus, and the insurance against seizing is good insurance against things going Not as planned. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 13 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe. A popular rumor was that he was slowly healing, though that would be impossible in stasis. However as the Horus Heresy series continues, it is revealed that it was actually Malcador the Sigillite who had been creating the foundations for the later Imperium. He knows the Emperor is not quite human any longer, but noted that even if Emps is a god, someone that cold and ruthlessly callous doesn't deserve worship in the first place. What more do you want from me? most 42nd millennium imperials will fight against overwhelming odds heads-on to save the guy who is doing all in his power to bring the Imperium back from the brink, as pointed out in the supplements and novels Guilliman knows that and that's why he never gives up. Guilliman's rerollable DtW doesn't do shit, as it only works against witchfires and maledictions, while Lorgar's most powerful spells are blessings. As a Character he does benefits from the Honor Guard's protection, so you can mimic the "old" Victrix guard. Leave a comment below… 0. Dieser mehrteilige Kunststoffbausatz entält alle notwendigen Teile, um Roboute Guilliman zusammenzubauen, den Primarch der Ultramarines. The two kind of hit it off when it comes to the standards of relationships of a normal women and a posthuman you can imagine, such inclinations combine with the fanfic fuel of YvraineXGuilliman has led /tg/ to declare that GW is now teasing us with Primarch waifu bait/love triangle/ship wars. (The Dark Angels and the Smurfs covered the Blood Angels' path from the Traitor onslaught). While Guilliman may be less colorful than the other primarchs, he is definitely more mature, and he is probably one of the few loyalist primarchs to understand while he may be a superhuman demigod, he isn’t all powerful. I gave everything I had to you, to them. Guilliman saw this as a chance to mend fences and forge friendships the old fashioned way: by getting Space Marines to kill Orks side by side. It is not "making friends and influencing people", that is flattery. The model whilst undoubtedly beautiful, does not capture the Primarch essence like some of the earlier pieces did, or like Horus has who is in a similarly regal pose, but exudes more dynamism due to his obvious size etc - maybe its just the scale shots of Guilliman haven't really sold to me how large a model … The respect between the two is interesting, because it shows two historically opposed forces allying towards a common goal, showing that Geedubs might be going a bit old-school with this, having the (somewhat) less evil factions uniting against chaos, tempering the Grimderp of the setting with a little pragmatism, and who better to do that than Mr. Practicality and the world's most morally flexible Eldar? This isn’t entirely restricted to mortals—again, allegedly, one techmarine became tongue-tied when meeting the Primarch, and was so ashamed by this lapse that he promptly went down to the machine shop and burned out his own tongue with a plasma cutter. Submit a novel idea to him and he'll adapt, optimize, expand, integrate and generally improve upon it; but he won't be the one coming up with said ideas on his own. Consequently, if his father could not be saved at least His ideals would be, and so he set up a new government called Imperium Secundus, a second Imperium of Man which would reject Horus's alliance with Chaos. Ironically, when shit hits the fan, the High Lords usually do a very good job of kicking shit's face in in leadership of the Imperium. He also gave up trying to correct the myths about him and his fellow Primarchs after 80 years or so, because people kept repeating them anyway. He then reneged on his deal and ordered the Custodian Guard to seize Cypher before he could be granted audience with the Emperor (though Cypher, being Cypher, immediately escaped, but is shown to have a particular bad case of butthurt, first time in 40k history!). Robu (canon from the novel Dark Imperium: Plague War, no, seriously! It doesn't help that Yassilli nicknames our giant blueberry Robu, although he made it clear immediately that he didn't appreciate it (there's also the fact that he's like 12ft tall, so attempting to Do The Deed would be like trying to park a Cadillac in a broom closet). Fulgrim is notably one of the only primarchs to never experience personal failure during the Horus Heresy, and as a result he was still a spoiled manchild after becoming a Daemon Primarch until Ancient Rylanor denied him, which is explicitly noted as a huge blow to his pride. With that in mind this section is all about how Roboute Guilliman fares against other Primarchs mathhammer wise. Guilliman wins, but Jaghatai could use hit-and-run to negate Roboute's Preternatural Strategy, and unlike with Corax and Curze his 3++ gives him a reasonable chance of not being concussed. 2 comments. On the bright side on things, you can't buff your army while in a transport, so you didn't want to put him in a metal bawks anyway. share. Meritocratic and receptive to the common man, but often cold and distant. Astelan, while a prisoner of the Dark Angels goes into detail explaining how Guilliman was purportedly the 'greatest' of the Primarchs, but only in the context of what the Emperor intended for them. I gave everything I had to you, to them. However, this type of over-designing does happen to favor the filthy heretic, as there have been plenty of bitchin conversions by chaos players, lopping off his head, replacing it with an appropriately sized ugly chaos faction head of their choosing, filing off the Smurf iconography, and then painting it with whatever grungy/fabulous colour scheme that looks passable, and presto! This will not be a waste as surrounding units will greatly be enhanced by his auras. Guilliman Round 1/2: hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.222 times, 0.74 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.407 wounds at the start of the next turn. It was of no concern to Roboute; the only things he cared about were resources and taxes arriving on time. Then following his return, he's fought against Magnus and Mortarion, losing to the former and having to be bailed out by his allies in both cases, this actually goes well with his image of a leader of men, Bobby G may not be as strong as a daemon primarch, but most 42nd millennium imperials will fight against overwhelming odds heads-on to save the guy who is doing all in his power to bring the Imperium back from the brink, as pointed out in the supplements and novels Guilliman knows that and that's why he never gives up. hide. The book Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned (Rick Priestly and Bryan Ansell, 1990) was the first book from Games Workshop to give a backstory for the Space Marines. Better that we had all burned in the fire of Horus' ambition than lived to see this.". Guilliman Round 3 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.963 times, 0.988 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.654 wounds at the start of the next turn. Guilliman with Gladius Incandor Round 3 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.963 times, 0.988 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.654 wounds at the start of the next turn. During his coronation as uber-boss of Ultramar, a fragment of Fulgrim possessing a planetary governor infiltrated the many, many pilgrims and dignitaries who had shown up to verify the Primarch's resurrection, and offered him a golden wreath to wear. Guilliman insisted on ensuring that any populated world the Ultramarines took was left with working infrastructure, an able & trained PDF, and a decent quality of life for civilian populations - something that his brothers (save for Lorgar and Horus) paid little to no attention to, a trait that would come back to bite the Imperium in the ass later. This is compounded by the fact that Lorgar completed all of this by only deploying 50,000 of his most disposable troops and leaving the battle under the command of Kor Phaeron so he could continue pillaging with Angron. Guilliman Round 2 and thereafter: hits 3.333/2.5 times, wounds 2.963/2.083 times, 1.975/1.389 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 1.642/1.055 wounds at the start of the next turn. Finally, his gun is the Arbitrator, a S6 AP3 combi-bolter with Assault 2 and Rending- which he might as well have left at home for how often it fires it as he has a Cognis Signum to use instead (+1 BS to a unit instead of firing a weapon himself). Image Tags: Abaddon, Chaos, Conversion, Marine Abuse, Roboute Guilliman, Warhammer 40,000: Comments: zariart Painting 9/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2017-03-29 04:01:42 lovely flames: Drakeslayer Painting 10/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2017-03-29 19:15:38 Superb conversion. 122. Guilliman wins really easily, as the damage Alpharius does is almost irrelevant, thus making the claim that he personally killed the lord of the Alpha Legion actually believable... Dorn Round 1: hits 2.666 times, wounds 2 times, 1 time after the Invuln, 0.8 wounds after the re-roll and IWND will take that down to 0.467 wounds at the start of the next turn. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . In any case, in Tempest Horus considers the Ultramarines as the greatest single military threat to Horus's rebellion. Thanks to. In order to accomplish this, he unveiled the Primaris Marines, a project 10,000 years in the making to create a superior Space Marine. Ultramar was however cut off from the rest of the Imperium by Warp Storms preventing travel and astrotelepathic communication. Guilliman Round 4 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.778 times, 0.925 times after saves and FNP then IWND will take that down to 0.592 wounds at the start of the next turn. So is Mortarion. £6.00... more info Sold Out . Papa Smurf learns from his mistakes. Horus, learning about this and knowing that he could not sustain the assault on the planet anymore once the bulk of the loyalist forces came into the fight, lowered the void shields upon the Vengeful Spirit in an all-or-nothing gambit to win the war by killing the Emprah in a duel. Which brothers thought most of the future, of what comes after the conquest? After seeing off the Shadow Crusade, Guilliman acted on the assumption that due to being unable to know if the greater Imperium or the Emperor survived, he would need to act on the worst-case scenario that they had both fallen. I was finally able to finish this guy. Fulgrim Round 2 and thereafter: hits 3.714 times, wounds 2.889 times, 1.445 times after the Invuln, 1.226 after the re-roll and IWND will take that down to 0.893 at the start of the next turn. Guilliman Round 1: hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.083 times (Hand), 0.694 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.361 wounds at the start of the next turn. Despite this, Guilliman claimed that he had no desire to be Emperor and promised his brothers that if the otherwise impassable Ruinstorm abated, he would immediately send his fleet to Terra. More importantly, they slowly lost their ability to adapt to new situations, which was their most famed of traits, until the Tyrannic Wars illustrated the need to improvise new strategies when old ones failed them (which was 10,000 years later, so they had a pretty good run relying on the Codex as strictly as they did). This is CANON. You can unsubscribe at any time. Rowboat Girlyman's Coronation now in its animated glory. Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines nearly met his end slowly after fighting his former brother Fulgrim of the … This caused most of the primarchs to grow up to be spoiled, entitled manchildren. Thankfully Guilliman still retains some flaws. Unfortunately, Horus and Lorgar used the Calth muster to kill nearly half the Legion in a surprise attack. Apparently, he and Sigmar are behind the sudden surge of good policies done by GeeDubs. 6. It's hard to tell. He'll likely fall down the rankings some more when Sanguinius and the Lion step onto the field but with his army buffs he'll remain a great choice. Mortarion fell to the heart of despair, and Magnus also did the same thing around the other side. Guilliman Round 2 and thereafter: hits 3.333 times, wounds 2.778 times, 0.926 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.37 wounds at the start of the next turn. "We shall give the humans a demigod. I sorta need you to do some Empire Building again." Far from the "perfect in every aspect" figure Matt Ward promoted, the HH Guilliman is actually a man with a lot of very human weaknesses but possessing the humility to admit them as flaws he must deal with. Guilliman was the one to formalize the use of and optimally deploy Moritat, but he only conceptualised the very idea of using such irregular troops after getting his arse kicked in simulations by Corax who used said Moritat against him to throw his carefully laid battle-plans into disarray. Ultimately we get a picture of a man who's charismatic, but impersonal. Guilliman Round 1: hits 2.5 times, wounds 2.222 times, 1.111 times after saves and IWND will take that down to 0.778 wounds at the start of the next turn. Coupled with his high armor saves, almost nothing in the game short of Knights, Magnus or Mortarion will beat him in close combat one on one, though he'll die a horrible death to squads of TH/SS Terminators and such. daddy, further proof of 30k superiority. Also, though the Codex Astartes undoubtedly did a lot of good things like making sure each chapter could feasibly fight under most conditions no matter their heritage or preference and ensuring that no one person could control an entire Legion's worth of Space Marines, forcing all of his brothers to split their Legions into Chapters risked a second galactic civil war. actually had the power to make the decree stick, causing irreparable damage to something that couldn’t be taken back, confronted with the fact that their methods were not working, there's at least some who take it with a grain of salt and realize where its strengths and weaknesses lie. Inside the capsul… Guilliman was also one of the few Primarchs who didn't really see the Emperor as his father, paying lip service to the idea but being the first to state how shitty the Emperor was at raising kids and he never fully forgave the Emperor for using him and his Legion as a tool to humiliate Lorgar.

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