jaghatai khan helmet

But the shade of Magnus explained that there were but two paths to chose from -- he could hunker down in what remained of their father's Imperium and try to keep Horus from beating down the door, or he could choose to remember how Horus had once been, and stand at his side as he brought terror to the complacent. He introduced himself as Revuel Arvida, a Sergeant of the Thousand Sons Legion's 4th Fellowship and a member of its Corvidae Cult. The Khan found that the truth, now that it was before him, was a bitter draught indeed. The Khan visited every Battleship in person, stamping out the last traces of rebellion where he found them. Despite all this, Magnus still wanted to know whose side Jaghatai would choose. It had begun in the Chondax System, right towards the end of the long and brutal Chondax Campaign against the Greenskins -- the first inkling that all was not well in the wider Imperium. Jaghatai swore many oaths against the Drukhari because of this crime and fought them in many battles until peace had largely been restored amongst the Imperial worlds that were adjacent to the Maelstrom. This was not what they had been promised by the White Scars Warrior Lodge brothers, but the Death Lord refused to lose a fleet for this fight. Peu importe la vérité, le Liber Historica Vangelica raconte que la capsule incubatrice du primarque fut redécouverte sur un monde primitif cartographié par l'Imperium sous le nom de Mundus Planus et appelé "Chogoris" par ses habitants. Arvida worked frantically, lighting up the skies with his sorcery, but it was not quick enough. Comme il était plus proche d'Horus et de Magnus que de n'importe lesquels de ses autres frères, il décida de prendre la route de Prospero pour découvrir la vérité. As the Primarch and his warriors explored the ruined capital city, they observed the scene of devastation stretching away under the darkened sky. Turning to the dozens of White Scars around him there were khans, captains, senior ship-officers and mortal commanders -- just a few of those who had been persuaded and who were now working to free the Legion from the hand of tyranny in service to Horus. With the enemy closing in, and the station collapsing all around him due to explosions of Vortex Charges set by Veil, Stormseer Yesugai sacrificed himself by inserting himself into the Dark Glass' command throne and then opened a portal through the Webway to Terra, which allowed the White Scars fleet to swiftly flee through and escape the Traitors' clutches. Tandis que trois armées de la Horde attaquaient les cités à la périphérie du royaume, Jaghatai et Subedai, le plus habile de ses généraux, mena une 4ème armée à travers le désert de Kuzil Quan, réputé infranchissable. Contrairement à leurs ennemis qui portaient de lourdes armures de métal, la Mathuli n'était protégée que par des armures de cuir, gagnant en mobilité ce qu'ils perdaient en protection. A thin coughing broke from his mask, which the Khan realised was an exhausted kind of chortle. In the wake of the games and ceremonies conducted on Chogoris, he led the combined ranks of the newly christened White Scars on campaign, the first battles they had fought as a unified host since leaving Terra. Witnessing in that terrible moment warriors of his own Legion at each other's throats, Mortarion's words rang in his head, as mocking as his final salute -- "Half your Legion has already declared for Horus." "Warriors of Chogoris! They needed to get away from the benighted planet, and that when they did, to take him with them. Glorious!!!! As they approached their designated goal they could hear the first trace of buzzing. The Talaskar people dispersed back to a tribal existence and Khan ruled over them all with his generals by his side. The Keshig pulled together and retreated towards a bombed-out terrace. The Emperor's Great Crusade had eclipsed its major rivals and charted most of the fractured and changed galaxy. In return we give him victory! Aetheric gusts caught the Primarchs' personal banners and the massed bodies finally stirred, a deep, sonorous groan voiced simultaneously from 100,000 throats. The White Scars went after them, harrying, strafing, hurling all their pent-up fury in a maelstrom of Lance-energy. Unable or unwilling to assist, Jemulan dismissed these accusations out of hand and ordered Shiban to return back to his ship until he had received further orders. Jaghatai, even as a young child, was the greatest warrior of the tribe and gathered Talaskar troops to avenge the death of his father. Instead he would only tell him this -- the Vth Legion was the ordu of Jaghatai, and none bore their blades in it save by his word. Jan 1, 2019 - Jaghatai Khan, Primarch and leader of the White Scar space marines. As he swept through the heart of it, some of the fighting broke down. I would love to see a picture of him berating Jaghatai Khan for riding without a helmet and Jaghatai protesting "But Dad, helmets are lame." The blinding iridescence of a teleportation beam burned brightly for a few moments. The entire formation -- tightly-knit, long and slender like a throwing javelin -- raced out into open space. Hasik gave the order to repel boarders. Turning away, rage still pulsed through the Khan's veins, laced with the heavy grief of betrayal. Torghun, like many of his erstwhile lodge brothers, had made their choice a long time ago, years back when the first stirrings of the lodges had come to their ears. This was but the first part of the Khagan's strategy, for tradition alone would not suffice. Codex Astartes and the Vth Legion allowed itself to be grudgingly divided into several different Successor Chapters. Puis, tenant coûte que coûte leur position, ils affaiblirent significativement les renforts et le ravitaillement des armées du Maître de Guerre. In every battle in which he fought, Jaghatai led the assault. Jhagatai had not wanted to believe it, not truly. When the White Scars granted no mercy to their foe, they did so not for the joy of simple slaughter, but in honour of the valour shown them, they held back nothing just as had a worthy foe. As Shiban ordered his men to prepare to engage the enemy, a deafening roar suddenly boomed through the entire bridge. Watching the ash settle and the residual snags of aether-burn ripple into nothing, seven figures within the maelstrom emerged. Other defending White Scars occupied strategic points in the observation deck beyond. With the final battle for the Kolarne Circle fought and won upon the desolate ash-fields of Kolarne itself, the many inhabited worlds fell into the Great Khan's hands. The Death Lord absorbed every strike that connected, sucking the power out of the Khan's blows like a leech, taking the hits and coming back for more. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. His scythe fell into guard. Social Club . Neither side could be allowed to win their arguments if the Imperium was to prosper. Qin Xa and the surviving Keshig made their way back towards the central part of the ruined city of Tizca where their Primarch had been swallowed up by the massive hole in the centre of a ruined square. In those turbulent times, such things were considered of little note, for none would countenance the idea that a Primarch sworn to the Emperor would or could ever forsake his vows and, as such, absolute loyalty to the Khan was considered the same as absolute loyalty to the Imperium. He could only manage the use of his powers for a short while, and hoped that someone would be watching carefully. Magnus confessed that Jaghatai had been right -- he should have restrained his sons in their explorations of the power of sorcery. Hasik Noyan-Khan stood stoically, addressing the crouching intruders, trying to get them to stand down. The Khan ordered his warriors to stand down, for the stranger was beyond all of them. The shade explained that it was merely a remnant or psychic fragment of Magnus -- a dream of something destroyed. The Noyan-Khan replied that he had only wished for his Primarch and Horus to be reunited once more. Warriors remained in position, their weapons still poised. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. The Khan strode down from the platform, his Keshig following him closely. Jaghatai, Horus and Mortarion knew that they had reached the centre of the xenos incursion when even they could proceed no further, so powerful were the psionic tides flooding out from the hideously pulsating wound in reality at the very centre of the city. It comprises but two parts, a cut and a name. There they awaited judgement, guarded by the Khagan's own retinue. The keshig master had been right -- there was nothing left on Prospero. And now it came for them. Caught up in the maelstrom of blazing, purple-tinged fire, the creatures simply burst apart. He understood that the White Scars were trying to find their missing Primarch, but their efforts were futile. After the battle, the tribal elders gathered and announced that Jaghatai Khan was now Great Khan of the whole land. As the ruler of his world, Jaghatai ended the wars that had wracked Chogoris, keeping the peace with the threat of utter ruin for those who transgressed his simple laws. Instead replaced with some weird mummy demanding a slab. When they finally concluded their conversation, the Khan informed Magnus that he had got what he had come for. Their leader was the Palatine, and he won all of his battles with this great army. The war for Drune would rage for almost six Terran months, the Great Khan utilizing each element of his command as best suited its nature. The Khan's battered body carried him to the heart of the storm. Khan and his brothers had all been working for something better than... this. 2-p.344, Jaghatai Khan et sa légion étaient impliqués depuis de nombreuses années dans une campagne contre les Orks du Système Chondax; campagne victorieuse qui nécessitait encore d'éliminer les dernières poches de résistance des insurgés Orks. There was substantial tectonic activity, atmospheric pollution levels were far in excess of mortal tolerances. The White Scars Legion must surely have been at the forefront of the Legions that pursued the defeated Traitors to the Eye of Terror during the Great Scouring, for the White Scars rarely allowed a defeated foe to slip away once their blood was up. High quality Jaghatai Khan inspired hardcover journals by independent artists and designers from around the world. With histories stretching back into the dawn of the Age of the Imperium, it is perhaps inevitable that Chapters should come to blows, both metaphorically and at times literally. Jaghatai Khan adorned his tent with his greatest conquest's head, just as he had with his first enemy two solar decades before. The forces were even now, each carrying devastating amounts of firepower. Arvida acquiesced to their wishes, but requested that they wait for a short time until he had fully recovered from his last encounter with the vile Warp-entities. He had ever been more than a simple butcher and general, more a builder of empires than some among his kin. They fought with cold-discipline, going through the movements with consummate skill but taking no joy in it. As the Great Crusade burns across the stars, the primarch of the White Scars, Jaghatai Khan, must decide where his true allegiance lies. His face was the same, though the expression was infinitely weary, and a little distracted. One thrust, one perfect thrust, angled precisely -- he had the strength for that. They were the wind, everywhere and nowhere, insubstantial and yet forceful, and they took to the duty they were given with a passion, taking joy from the thrill of battle and the hunt across the stars. Shiban inquired as to the whereabouts of the Khagan. Khalid Hassan, Captain of the Imperial Army's 4th Clandestine Orta and an agent of Malcador the Sigillite, the Regent of Terra, arrived aboard the Lance of Heaven. The fleet mustered once more, holding position in loose formation, just as it had done at Chondax. A cause de l'éloignement de Chondax, Jaghatai eu du mal à démêler le vrai du faux. Perhaps unconsciously, perhaps without meaning to, or perhaps through some misguided belief that his cause lent him the power to do so, Hasik lifted his own in response. Of all the Primarchs, Jaghatai Khan found the Great Crusade most to his liking, as it was an endless hunt in the dark places of the galaxy. Jaghatai Khan, also known by the alias of the Warhawk, is Primarch of the White Scars.He was one of twenty genetically modified children, who at birth was placed on a random planet away from the God Emperor's gene lab by the ruin ous pow ers. None of them did, and that was why the White Scars had the eyes of the galaxy on them at last. An ancient illustration from Carpinus' Speculum Historiale showing Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars Legion in all his lethal glory. A second later the entire chamber was filled with light as flames leapt up from underneath the Psychneuein. Brother locked blades with brother, and the echoing din of Bolter-fire was joined by the acrid snarl of energy weapons. Their father had tried to pretend that it was not there, the Warp, as if He were not already up to his elbows in its soul-sucking filth. Furthermore, the White Scars' fleet Astropaths continued to interpret the astropathic messages they received in a contradictory manner. 8-chap. The Warmaster had called, and the White Scars must follow, for that had always been the way. Magnus had tried to warn the Emperor. Once in this state, the White Scars could take them on. Its exact details are lost to the casual embellishment and adaption by the White Scars who still spin the tale, but a truth can be learned from the core of it, which remains a constant no matter which of the Brotherhoods recalls the story. Wolf Lord Rho 96,615 views. The wisdom of the Lupercal's decision was plain to see, but the Primarch of the Death Guard Legion protested it nonetheless, for Mortarion detested the employment of psykers in any form, for any reason and against any foe. Every move that the White Scars made was reflected by Alpha Legion warships in what had become a bizarre game of mirrors. Hasik was waiting for him. As they hacked and countered, neither giving up so much as a centimetre of ground, it mingled upon the blades' edges, as rich and dark as wine. The Khan of Khans did little to dispel his reputation as a crude barbarian and wanton killer, keeping his own counsel and the company of those who cared to see past the veil of rumour that hid the true character of his Legion. He was the last surviving member of his squad. His feelings about Leman Russ had always been mixed -- respect for the warrior; exasperation at the boasts, the self-appointed exceptionalism. This could not be denied, but despite that, the Khan still resisted giving the order to attack. Of the many links that had once existed between the White Scars and the Thousand Sons, only Arvida remained. From the wide plains of Chogoris, the rugged wastes of Kolarne and Old Earth's many recruitment camps, the Khagan replenished the ranks of the Legion and the White Scars emerged from the Kolarne Circle campaign a Legion reborn. He saluted the Khan mockingly, and spears of hard-edged light suddenly lanced down from above, bursting through the cloud cover and crashing through the heart of the ruined Tizca pyramid they had been fighting within. The Khan turned back, and caught sight of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others. The Khan ordered his troops to reactivate the spaceport's Defence Lasers to prevent the Traitor fleet from bringing down any more troops and equipment and form a defensive perimeter to hold their newly reconquered territory. The names themselves were symbolic, and no strict pattern has ever been enforced on newly marked White Scars. The Warp was not what the masses of humanity thought it was. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Drukhari Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. There ends the tale as told by the White Scars, who see it as a testament to the dedication of their Legion and a warning to those who would underestimate their lord or his gene-sons. One example of such rivalry can be found in the case of the Raven Guard and the White Scars, who have harboured a mutual mistrust dating back centuries. If such a gifted individual was properly trained in order to obtain the greatest results, like any weapon, he or she could still be used, but with respect and not indiscriminately. He had destroyed the Librarius of the Legions only to find witches were now untrammelled amongst the Traitors. On Chogoris, such rituals had held the tribes together through centuries of murder-raids and slave hunts, and Jaghatai knew well its power to harden the soul and bind warriors together. Such a thing was rare indeed, for even though the Emperor's gene-sons fought beneath the same banner and the sundering of their ranks was still many solar decades away, there existed a deep-seated rivalry between many. And he had found them. At dawn, Jaghatai's lightning raid caught the Traitor garrison at the spaceport completely by surprise, and reclaimed the spaceport for the Emperor. He even went so far as to commission his Legion's Artificers to created a hybrid pauldron, incorporating the iconography of both Legions, to replace the one of Arvida's that had been severely damaged during the fighting against the Death Guard. The greater the soul, the greater the jeopardy. More White Scars Destroyers screamed through the wreckage, corkscrewing and diving like plunging pods of cetaceans. Now, like everything else, they had been reduced to ghosts -- remnants of the living horrors they had been. With such an elite cadre of trained psychic specialists utterly loyal to the Emperor, the galaxy could be brought into the Imperial fold with ease. Unfortunately, the White Scars were not able to make use of this Warp Gate, as their tactics and patterns had become predictable to the Traitors, and Lord Commander Eidolon correctly deduced that the White Scars would attempt to utilise the Kalium Gate to reach Terra. The enemy infesting that system were only Greenskins, remnants of the Ork empire destroyed on Ullanor, the last slivers of the Warlord Urrlak Urruk's horde. Kubilai Khan primach of the White Scars Chapter. The choice could be made, for the Traitor had been unmasked. Nothing is as I remember it. Though Arvida seriously contemplated becoming a part of a Legion once more, he eventually refused -- he would would remain, always and forever, a Son of Magnus and a loyal servant of the Emperor. Cette armée devint bientôt connue comme La "Mathuli", terme Talskar signifiant "force irrépressible". Jaghatai fought alongside his White Scars for another 70 standard years following the end of the Heresy, eventually disappearing in 084.M31 into a region of space known as the Maelstrom, a large Warp rift in the Ultima Segmentum that is a smaller counterpart of the Eye of Terror. A bolt of lightning in clear skies, a sudden gale from an unexpected quarter -- the White Scars Legion was war's sudden and merciless slaughter. Shiban felt his blood run hot. It was a fertile world with wide, open, green plains and tall, white mountains and blue seas. Gas exploded from Mortarion's store of vials as the glass shattered, nearly blinding them both. 1-p.42, Lorsque les neiges se retirèrent, Palatine, enragé, rassembla son armée et marcha vers l'ouest, déterminé à anéantir les tribus des steppes de la surface de Chogoris. His blade kept Hasik in position, bearing his full weight and preventing him from responding. The White Scars soon became involved in some of the bloodiest battles of the time after the rediscovery of their Primarch. The seventh figure occupied a different order of power. When the beleaguered forces faced a breach and potential collapse of the Imperial defences, Jaghatai decided on a change of plan. Far out into the void, silent bursts of light flashed out. Mais de retour sur Chogoris, il découvrit avec horreur que son propre monde avait été la cible d'attaques de pirates Eldars Noirs. The Khan's plan worked perfectly: the flow of the Traitors' men and machines to the Imperial Palace had been cut in half at a single stroke. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. A lone White Scars Brotherhood posed no real risk -- they had run the calculations. There was no time. Back aboard his ship, the Kaljian, Shiban Khan was unable to sit idly by. Vassal of the Great Khan (1226–1266) When Genghis Khan died in 1227, his son Chagatai Khan inherited the regions roughly corresponding to the defunct Qara Khitai Empire: Issyk-Kul, Ili River, Chu River, Talas River, Transoxania, and the Tarim Basin.Chagatai was not fully independent in his khanate however and still received orders from Karakorum. All across the engagement zone, Vth Legion positions began to collapse, withering in the face of steady, professional pressure from the enemy. During this time, Arvida had also begun to experience the mutational effects of his Legion's gene-curse, known as the "Flesh-Change.". Struggling to contain his anger at this response, Mortarion warned the Khan that he had come to give his brother a choice -- half of the White Scars Legion had already declared for Horus, and the others would follow wherever the Khagan ordered them. 10. Ce dernier, très en colère d'avoir été laissé seul face aux traître menaça son frère de mort. Jaghatai fought alongside his White Scars for another 70 standard years following the end of the Horus Heresy, eventually disappearing in 084.M31 when he traveled into the Maelstrom. Toxins across a wide spectrum were present in lethal quantities, and extensive volcanism scarred the equatorial zone. His prowess with the blade earns him their respect even as his waywardness causes them concern. Suddenly, one of the creatures blasted apart, spinning into a thousand fragments that sailed high across the ruins. However, an alternative version is also known of, told only rarely and by those Brotherhoods whose ranks comprise the oldest Chogorian recruits. They had no wish to kill if it could be avoided -- they immobilized, shattered bones, throttled and bludgeoned, then moved on, sprinting further up through the throng of warriors. But before his friend Qin Xa died, he told Arvida to do everything in his power to find a cure for the Flesh-Change. Le Khan prit alors la décision de rallier Terra avec sa légion pour y rejoindre son père et Dorn. Jaghatai's campaign of global conquest ended less than six solar months before the Emperor came to Chogoris in 865.M30 as part of His Great Crusade. But it was made clear that the topographic interference might make it impossible for the flagship to extract the Primarch, or even make Vox-contact. Around him, the Reflecting Caves sighed with emptiness, their majesty in tatters. The White Scars' vanguard began to drift spinwards, pulling clear of their jump-point trajectory and dragging the centre of the engagement back towards Chondax's gravity well. In the case of the White Scars, only one change had ever been requested of the Tech-priests and only one metric was ever improved upon -- speed. Proclaimed by astropathic signal and courier ship, Jaghatai's call would take many years to reach the furthest of his warriors. Volume 28 of the Horus Heresy "saga" is about the Legion of the White Scars and their Primarch, Jaghatai Khan. He felt the old stirrings of resentment again, the chill anger of the unregarded son and the man who had bent the knee to avoid having domination forced upon him. As the argument over the use of such abilities came to a head in the Imperium, there were those who understood that the survival of the Space Marine Legions' Librarius was balanced on a narrow ledge. In either case it seemed most likely that they would never meet again. There were bodies buried beneath the ash and metal: human bodies, mortal in stature. Discovered early on by Rogue Traders during the Great Crusade as they opened up new regions of the galaxy for the Imperium, this device was believed to have been used in ancient times to test the technology that would later result in the construction of the Golden Throne. An interesting contest. "So the choice has been made.". His warriors were fiercely loyal and Jaghatai promoted from the ranks based on merit and ability. His brother had tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. If the Space Wolves had truly done this, then perhaps their power did match their boasts. By the latter years of the 800s.M30, the Vth Legion had earned itself a reputation for the types of operation for which it would later become most well-known, but not all of its wars were fought in isolation. The Great Ocean was never benign, and it was conspiring against Mankind even as they stepped into its shallows. Jaghatai Khan fighting against a Keeper of Secrets during the Horus Heresy. The Thousand Sons Legionary was still there, as were five of his Keshig. The Warp ran through the minds of the Primarchs like blood in a vein. So the Khagan bargained for his loyalty and that of those he ruled, taking from the Emperor those guarantees he deemed fair regarding the treatment of the people of Chogoris and of his role in the future empire. As for the Khan himself, once the violence of restoration had ebbed, he retreated to his chambers on the flagship and took counsel on the Legion's next move. Jaghatai Khan has not been seen since, though the White Scars believe he is still alive somewhere within the Webway and will one day return to the Chapter in a time of great need. The Great Khan upon his command throne aboard his flagship Swordstorm, with Zadyin Arga Targutai Yesugei at his side. The Stormseers proved crucial not just in locating these abominable foes, but in combating them on the field of battle too, for they were able to deaden the psychic domination effect and thus allow their brother Legionaries to engage the xenos puppet-masters and defeat them, albeit not without loss. Back on Ullanor, even at the height of triumph, he had not possessed quite the same heft. He had, however, underestimated the power and ability of Khan and brought his highly-disciplined army of heavily armoured warriors and arquebusiers. If the enemy had been Greenskins, they would have kept going -- carving into the organs, making sure -- but these were their brothers. The rest of them retreated to what cover they could. For the sake of the Imperium, no backward step. This understanding was also only truly shared by Magnus, who, like the Khan, was as much an outsider to the other Primarchs as Jaghatai. Part of a series of all the Primarchs from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, pre-heresy... Jaghatai Khan For all that, the individual engagements were muted, probing, restrained. Hasik went rigid, impaled just below his hearts, unable to respond as searing energies rippled across his body and locked him in paralysis. Qin Xa strode over to him, his own weapons drawn, but Hasik did not get up. The Imperial Compliance of a world that had once been a beacon of civilisation was to be a crowning glory to an otherwise fruitless expedition, and so the Primarchs of all three Legions present -- the Luna Wolves, the Death Guard and the White Scars -- determined to deliver the Imperial Truth in person. Join Facebook to connect with Jaghatai Khan and others you may know. Then the armoured figure spoke, and all became clear. When the White Scars fought alongside other Imperial forces they were often unfairly judged, due to their use of ritual tribal marks and scars. Horus and Jaghatai had always seen things the same way. It was during this momentous time that Jaghatai would meet several lifelong comrades -- including Targutai Yesugei, Qin Xa and Hasik -- all of whom would fight alongside the Primarch during their conquest of Chogoris, and would eventually go on to serve the Khagan for many Terran centuries to come. Though they lacked the numbers of some of their brother Legions, they were unmatched in the sheer impetuous fervour with which they made war. Hasik explained that the Khagan would return. Jaghatai Khan confronted him there, armour slick with the blood of the slain and coated in the ashes of his empire. Jaghatai knew what he had to do. A relative new part of the Imperium, the known history of the system goes back only two millennia, but there is evidence the system has been occupied by man since the Golden Age of Man. Their nature was untamed, but still bound by the chains of duty and honour as defined by the Chogorian code. Jaghatai is believed to have been in pursuit of the Drukhari who had savaged Chogoris following the Battle of Corusil V with his 1st Brotherhood when he went through a Warp Gate into the Drukhari portion of the Webway, ultimately vanishing forever. The space was immense, and the upper reaches soared away into the darkness. White Scars on their favoured Scimitar Pattern Jetbikes. He spoke to Stormseer Yesugei and considered rejecting the Warmaster Horus' command to leave for Chondax, for he could have done so, but both White Scars warriors believed that the campaign on Chondax would be over in a matter of solar weeks. Jaghatai Khan had been far from averse to the idea of having Magnus as his partner, annoying though the sorcerer could be; what he found he was less keen on was the idea of having Magnus as an alpha, with all that entailed. Ainsi, et malgré les rivalités et guerres qui divisent encore Chogoris aujourd'hui, la figure du primarque règne sur l'imaginaire de tous les Habitants de Chogoris, qui attendent le retour de leur unificateur et de celui qui est resté le 1er et le seul "Grand Khan" de Mundus Planus. Caught up in the maelstrom of the two opposing factions of White Scars aboard the bridge of their Legion's flagship, Shiban Khan had to make a decision -- fight and most likely die alongside his brothers or listen to the pleas of a mortal woman. By the combined efforts of his last remaining Stormseers, the Great Khan was rendered unseen to the behemoth, so that even as it concentrated its assault upon Horus and Mortarion, Jaghatai was able to work his way around the creature's vast, bloated form and thereby locate a weak point upon its underside.

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