medicinal uses of banana tree

Around 70 species of Musa are known, with a broad variety of uses. It then becomes the future drainage holes. The extracts of the banana flower have antioxidant properties that prevent free radicals and control cell and tissue damage. The banana tree is the ideal to look up to when it comes to a ‘no wastage’ policy! Hi aesta1, I didn't know about the banana flower salad recipe, that must be very healthy. And on the other side, so many side dishes can be served. By cutting leaves from the plants, you do not harm their growth, and you help the planet by using biodegradable leaf platters. They can be easily disposed after the lunch or dinner, and since they are natural plant leaves they are eco friendly too. If you get bitten by a less venomous snake or reptile, you don't have to go search a doctor for this. Below is some more benefit of eating banana and banana tree uses. But you don't have to cut your banana plant for that. I have stones of 9mm and 1mm in my kidney. are banana leaves good to use as mulch on the garden? Using Trees as Medicine Using trees as medicine breaks allows for some rather interesting preparations, as just about any part of the tree can be medicinal. In some area of the world, It is referred to as “ The Village Pharmacy “ . Bananas are rich in potassium, thus including them daily in your diet can help you control your blood pressure naturally. The flour is made from green bananas, so it is grain free and so it is paleo diet friendly too. Banana Plant Rhizomes—Medicinal Uses and Means of Propagation Banana plant roots are rhizomes that have many medicinal uses and they are traditionally used in many medicines in Ayurveda. The banana flower is rich in vitamins, flavonoids and proteins. You can feed the cattle with the banana peels, or you can use them as a natural fertilizer in your garden. Most of us may not like the idea of eating them, but they are a great, natural and healthy food loved by cows. Simply pinch the outer skin of the stem and you will be able to pull it around like a silky thread. The leaf makes an excellent platter and food served on these leaves taste delicious. It is also a rich source of potassium and vitamin B6 which helps in the production of insulin and hemoglobin. Your daily values may be higher or lower based on your individual needs. But once that is done, cooking is really easy and the addition of grated coconut makes the recipe really tasty. Looking to the various benefits, even juice from every part can be extracted to drink for better health. It is very fibrous, so the thread fiber has to be cleaned. Banana flowers are rich in fibres and antioxidants and including them in your diet can be so healthy for you. Foods that Can Lower Your High Blood Pressure. Important values in 100 grams of BANANA RHIZOME like energy, moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, calcium, Iron and Phosphorus. Below you can see an image of the edible, white fleshy part of the banana stem. The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the polyphenols are imparted to the food. There are many healing and medicinal properties of bananas: The high content of iron in bananas increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood -therefore … Apparently they make holes on the whole length of the stem am fill it (with soil ? Marina from Clarksville TN on December 08, 2014: This is good to know. The tender inner stem is used as food and has many medicinal properties as well. The potassium content is high - more or less like yellow bananas. Apart from producing sweet fruits, the plants have many different uses. As most people are aware, Americans typically get too little fiber in their diets. I also learned today that in Indonesia they use the pseudo-stem to grow vegetables. You can stir fry the chopped flowers with grated coconut and spices, just like you can do with the stem. It contains vital substances such as proteins, polyphenols, Hemicellulose, and lignin. Hi FaithReaper, thank you so much for reading! Eating banana stem once a week keeps high blood pressure in control. Banana is a low-cost fruit, which provides a number of health benefits. I do not think they were banana plants though, as I never say bananas growing on them, but beautiful bright color large flowers. These florets need to be cleaned well before they are cooked as a vegetable. :). Ripe Yellow Bananas : Photo Source Pixabay. Follow @Medindia Really good for you. Thanks so much for stopping by :). This starch-rich fruit doubles as a meal many a time. The banana tree uses are listed as follows: juice of banana flowers helps during painful menstruation, juice of banana stem helps in flushing out kidney stones, banana leaves alleviate stomach disorders, banana corm reduces acidity and burning sensation. It has been found that bananas have curative properties both scientifically and traditionally. I have seen these used in Bali, Indonesia, where when building cement and rock support walls in hilly conditions the banana trunk/branch is inserted through the wall while it hardens and sets. The fibres from the outer skin of the banana stems can be used as natural threads. The leaves are pinnate with opposite pair leaflets. Banana plant can be found very easily in one's yard or gardens as they are very easy to cultivate and it is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. Read about 23 uses of banana peels for skin care, hair health, teeth whitening, household cleaning, first aid, gardening, and eating. Chop the slices very finely, mix with grated coconut and stir fry along with turmeric and salt. Another good/receipe favoured in northern parts of the country is raw rounds of bannana fried along with potatoes, onions and tomatoes. For starters, bananas are rich in natural fiber. Of course, the first use is definitely the sweet and healthy fruits from the plants, which you can eat raw as a delicious dessert, or use to cook or bake. Note: While handling banana flowers, stem or even the unripe green bananas, the sap from the plant may stick to your hand skin. It can grow up to … It was once very common among children to pack lunches in steamed banana leaves, which actually adds a nice flavour to the food. They offer a wide array of health benefits including heart health, skin care and bone strength. These are very healthy too :). In Southern parts of India, it is cooked as a vegetable and eaten along with rice. It was mostly someone else who planted those, even though I have tried that quite a few times. The flavor of red bananas is unique and they are delicious and rare. Steamed banana leaves can be used for packing your lunch. The nutritional values of "Bananas, raw" per 100 grams are: *Percent Daily Values (%DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie reference diet. Almost every part of banana tree has some economic or medicinal uses. They are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling. So many people around the world love banana fruits. On one side of the leaf, usually the main dish or rice is served. They are also highly nutritious - the vitamin C content depends on how red the banana is. Gluten free pancakes, cakes and muffins can be made from banana flour, which is also rich in potassium and other vitamins and minerals. Bananas are among the most popular of fruits across the world. It rots away quite quickly and allows water to pass down. You can use steamed banana leaves to make wrapped desserts. banana leaves make great wraps for tamales. The banana pseudostem can be utilized for its fiber. Also, find out about the health benefits of the banana flower and how you can include it in your diet. Always seek the advice of a qualified physician for medical diagnosis and treatment. cubense tropical race 4 in Israel and the Middle East. 1.Kidney Disorders Banana fruit have low protein and salt and are rich in carbohydrates that are useful to person having kidney disorders. In America, I have seen mostly the soft and sweet bananas that usually have brown spots on them when they ripen. Thanks so much for reading! Banana leaves are large and long enough to serve a full meal with lots of of dishes. I like the photos and a well-approached hub indeed. Do you grow your own banana plants? I just have to learn how to prepare it. 'Google Map' of Brain Signatures the Advent of Molecular Technology, Nanoparticle Injection Could Help Treat Skin Cancer, To See Full Nutrition Facts & Analysis for Bananas, raw - click here. Banyan or Bargad is a tree with tremendous medicinal qualities. If you have four or five banana plants in your garden, you can get plenty of banana leaves. They have many benefits for our health and beauty, and can cure ailments such as sore throat, cough, common cold, and fever. Top reasons why you should eat fruits to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. The pulp can be used to manufacture rope, paper, place mats and other goods, but the pseudostem is often most valuable economically if it is chopped and left in a field for its organic matter content. When we lived in the city, we had a pool in the backyard and there were so many tropical plants surrounding the pool, and many looked just like these banana plants, well, as least the leaves did. How come every thing is edible besides the leaves. Thanks for the information. Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak. However, they do not know that banana leaves contain a […] She has dipped into Ayurveda to embellish the information. It sucks the moisture right out of your tongue. Banana plant rhizomes have many medicinal uses. The stem is chopped into small bits and soaked in buttermilk or diluted yogurt for half hour. The banana flower grows at the end of a bunch of bananas. Layers of the hard outer stem are peeled away and only the tender inner stem is used. as biomass and also after it is processed. Bananas are one of the few fruits that ulcer patients can safely consume. Musa is one of two or three genera in the family Musaceae. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? see more on Banana:´s health benefits. I never realized that so much of the banana plant was edible or that the plant had so many uses! All parts of the banana have medicinal value. Below you can see gluten free and healthy banana flour made from dried bananas, available to buy from Amazon. Starting by the most famous health and medical use: nutritional value. Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for the fruit they produce. You can use banana plant fibres to make garments. VALENTINA JESSICA D/O ROMAN on August 02, 2019: any other uses let us know because we unable to get proper utilization from the by products of banana tree. And most importantly, they look fresh, green and beautiful in the table. Traditionally, banana leaves were used to serve food in South India, especially for serving feasts known as sadya in marriages and other celebrations. The fine threads from the banana stems can also be used to make clothes. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants. In fact, almost all the parts of a banana plant are useful. In that case, you don't have to throw away the stem, but use them for food. With practice, this should be pretty easy to do. Though I already know everything. It is an evergreen medicinal plant, 10-20 meter high with a straight trunk and long spreading branches. Banana stem, appearing as a waste of the banana plant is supposed to be very good for health. It eases menstrual cramps. Banana plants or trees are of high medicinal value. In fact, the juice of the stem is also used as anti-toxic too. I now live in an apartment where I have only balcony, so I do not grow them. It is also useful in different aliments such as uremia, a toxic condition of the blood cause due to kidney congestion and dysfunction. The threads are also useful in crafts, like basket making and more. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. The only thing you may find difficult is the process of removing the extra fibres from the slices. Very nice, whoever you are. It is a diuretic and helps detoxify the body. You can try using banana flour as a replacement in many baking recipes, if you are allergic to gluten. New banana plants naturally grow from the roots of older plants. The genus includes flowering plants producing edible bananas and plantains. There is a lot more to this humble fruit than meets the eye. It can be used to tie flower garlands or lei, most popularly used for making jasmine garlands by flower vendors. VioletteRose (author) from Atlanta on December 10, 2014: Hi DDE, I am very glad to hear that you learned so much about banana plants from this hub! Remove the outer skins, so you get the white stem inside. Birds and animals - especially monkeys and elephants love bananas. You don't have to cut the stem for that. You can either leave them like that, or if too crowded, you can dig them out and plant them separately. Hi, maybe you can add uses of banana parts (peels, flower, trunk, etc.) It is a perennial and small hrub, which grows up to 10 meters. Drinking juice made of banana plant stems are thought to control the blood sugar levels, and so it is great for those who have diabetes. According to Herb Society of America, an herb has, among other things, potential medicinal and health benefits and industrial and These remedies are simple, safe and can be done at home without any problem. that various parts of banana act as food medicines for treatment of diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, ulcers, diarrhoea, urolithiasis, Alzheimer’s and infections. Full Disclaimer, Advertise with us | Medindia Copyright | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. The flower has been used in traditional medicine to treat bronchitis, constipation and ulcer problems. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are … Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Many of the plants naturally fall off after a while, mainly as a result of rain and winds. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. There was one thing that can be added by her and for the one befit of readers, is that the banana stem is one of the most amazing detox agent. Goes well with chappaties, pranthas and accompanying rice. If the main stalk freezes back or is cut down befor the second year it can not bloom and bear fruit. The inflorescence is racemes. Well, it is so important for every person use all parts of the banana plant because we could bake plethora of dishes help by the plants. Here I have tried to collect some of the medicinal uses. Please note that we do not usually use the peels of ripe bananas for cooking, but we often use the green peels of bananas that are about to ripe soon. Like for instance, the skin of the fruit is used in dyeing and the sap consists of tannin and makes a black stain on cloth. This is a popular dish in many parts of South India. Because of this quality, it is used as marking ink. Scientific name. You've got to be kidding. Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on December 09, 2014: Brilliant and such lovely hub. Let’s find out more health benefits of banana in d… The nutrients in the peel enrich the soil, making it more fertile and suitable for the growth of plants. If you don't like the sweet is taste dry cut bannana rounded for an hour before trying. The flowers and the central portion of the buds, stem and shoot are usually cooked them as vegetables. Turmeric Powder - Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects, Banana Can Be An 'Ultimate Saviour' For Sleep Apnea Sufferers, Islamic Cleric Says Women Should Not be Allowed to Eat Bananas and Cucumbers, Cuban Scientists Make Highly-effective Medicine From Banana Peel, Medicinal Properties of the Banana Plant / Banana Tree, The high content of iron in bananas increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood -therefore they are very good for, They regulate bowel movement - whether it is, Bananas are exceedingly good for students as the rich source of potassium can make a person very alert; the fruit is often called a, Bananas work well as a snack for people who have, Bananas have an antacid effect, so people who experience, Potassium is a vital mineral which normalizes, Typically, the peel of a banana – with the yellow side on top can be taped to, The peel of a banana fruit can be rubbed on a, A ripe banana mashed and applied on the face is great at. Banana leaves can be steamed and used for packing lunch, especially dry food items like cooked rice. Otherwise you can easily remove the sap from your hand by rubbing with a little coconut oil and then washing with mild soap and water. Bananas are produced in tall plants, which are often mistaken as trees. The information should not be used for either diagnosis or treatment or both for any health related problem or disease. Thelma Alberts from Germany and Philippines on May 29, 2016: I know all of the uses you mentioned above except that I did not know that we can eat the stem of banana plant.

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