paul's gospel vs jesus' gospel

This is a work-worthy-of-repentance prescribed in the Mosaic Law to return stolen money when you can no longer find the true owner. [one commissioned as an emissary and change agent sent to diffuse some innovation]. (. M_Winters May 16, 2011, 2:09pm #1. How do scholars reach reasonable assurance in this? (Acts 8:12.). There is thus a complete disconnect between Paul's gospel in 1 Corinthians which relies exclusively upon belief in facts ABOUT Jesus, versus a Gospel Jesus taught about submitting to him as Messiah / King and as The Prophet of Deuteronomy 18 and doing works worthy of repentance for salvation, including baptism. . (FYI: The Holy Spirit was not recognized until 381 AD as a separate person who also was God in a “holy trinity.” See Constantine's Damage to Christianity. Answer: Pauline Christianity is a term applied to what some perceive as the religious teaching unique to Paul’s writings and distinct from the gospel of Jesus. Unlike Jesus, Paul goes abstract in dealing with Israelite life and the messiah. B. Paul’s gospel is the full gospel, including the teaching concerning Christ, the May I suggest the reason the 12 did less to promote this gospel of belief alone than Paul did was because it was only Paul's view of the gospel. Paul proclaimed that the God of Israel had raised up the crucified Jesus into the sky vaults. Evangelicals are worried that if we colonize Paul with Jesus’ kingdom hermeneutic we will lose a Pauline soteriology. The kingdom was just around the corner and the people of Israel needed to prepare themselves for it through repentance toward God, righteous works and trust in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Paul speaks of the Gospel that Christ gave him, as "my Gospel": "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to MY GOSPEL." See's The Messiah -The Prophet. He quotes Gentile poets (. Paul’s Gospel was enunciated in I Corinthians 15: 1 -11. Everything Jesus did, including his Gospel message, was all about political religion and political economy. Similarly, the gospel preached by Christ is very different from what Paul referred as gospel. (. For example, in the case of Zaccheus and the thief on the cross, it was under the moral suasion of Jesus' words or example that each repented from their prior behavior. In them, Paul clearly said that if a Christian commits various sins (which are cognizable as moral rules from the Mosaic Law), such as covetousness, adultery, etc., this means you shall “not inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Cor. Paul only speaks elsewhere of the necessary act of confessing the "master / Lord Jesus" (Romans 10:8-9). Had Paul done so, this would imply we follow Jesus' commands to have a change of heart to love God and obey His commandments. Reconciled to God from being His enemies by Christ's death. 2 It is this Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message I told you—unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place.[b]. Much as I like and agree with Jefferson on many things that he said, religion is not one of them. Yet, there are See's, Philip likewise preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in Acts 8. Jesus needed to get Israelites ready for this new, divinely established political order by working repentance and healing in the land of Israel. There is only one gospel that we are to proclaim today. (Acts 8:5.) Christ's atonement is grounds to save you but only because you obeyed his instruction to do first a work worthy of repentance to appease the one you offended. … Yet, in Philip's preaching, nothing here is spoken of supposedly two essential beliefs about the atonement and resurrection of Christ that if you held such beliefs that holding them continuously saves you, unlike what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15. This is reflected in Paul's own account in court of what Ananias said to Paul after his Damascus experience: "And now why are you waiting? But the truth is the opposite: it is the truths from Jesus that would set you free if you obeyed them as if he were your King / Messiah and the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18. Yet, in Philip's preaching, nothing here is spoken of supposedly two essential beliefs about the atonement and resurrection of Christ that if you held such beliefs that holding them continuously saves you, unlike what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15. In Jesus’ gospel, He told “His people” the Israelites that they must keep the law to have eternal life in Mt.19:17,18. Some conclude that they preached two different gospels. ). We keep unpacking this inexhaustible treasure. Or instead, they offer theological anachronisms unknown to Jesus and his immediate followers. Paul's elements of the Gospel are as follows: 1) That Jesus is the Christ [Messiah], the Son of God- Acts 9:20, 13:33 2) That Jesus is the promised Messiah [Christ]- Acts 13:33 3) That Jesus is the slain Messiah [Christ]-Acts 13:27-29 4) That Jesus is the resurrected Messiah [Christ]- Acts 13:30+31 Instead, Jesus' gospel was already saving people like Zaccheus and the thief on the cross without mention of these truths even in a future sense. The facts which Paul recites as true in First Corinthians 15 and Romans 10 are of course true. living in the realm of His available presence to be our inward … Yet, there are A Bible Study by Jack Kelley Part 2. For Constantine was a sun worshiper and his god was god the son and god the Sun known as SOL INVICTUS which means the invincible sun. Paul’s goal was to spread his gospel, proclaiming what God did to Jesus. 3. You think of it all wrong. People were already getting saved under the gospel of the kingdom of God. Thus Paul never implies you must obey Jesus' commandments as your king to appropriate atonement. See link. "Now to Him that is of power to establish you according to MY GOSPEL, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, Here, Paul says holding to two factual beliefs saves you: [1] Jesus died for your sins and [2] Jesus resurrected. You have to accept the Pilot's rules and obey him for the duration of the flight to Jerusalem, including making amends when you rebel en route, ... rather than waiting at the terminal until nightfall (outer darkness) to hear of a safe landing in Jerusalem. Hence, likely Philip preached that baptism would wash away their sins after proper works worthy of repentance, as JOHN the Baptist required and as Peter did likewise in Acts ch. The Post-Atonement & Post-Resurrection Gospel. He prefers a religion that is all about a creed or set of beliefs. Jesus and Paul were both poor Israelites, but different. Paul in First Corinthians chapter 15 explains that his gospel is the acceptance as true certain facts that he was taught by the 12 apostles. Luke first records that Philip "preached Christ" (Messiah) unto a city of Samaria. Further, Jesus’ syntax, vocabulary, and style reveal Galilean poverty. Peter then says God sent and "raised up Jesus to bless you, in turning every one of you away from your iniquities." WHAT PAUL SAYS ABOUT THE GOSPEL Study Task: Check all of the references in the points below: It came from God: As Paul states in Galatians 1:11-12,16, it is not something that man made up, and Paul takes pains to tell his readers that he did not get it from any man. However, it would be a categorical error to define salvation in this example as only having to believe the plane can take off and it has enough fuel. The word “gospel” is multivalent. Peter preached a sermon that led thousands to become saved. Paul’s gospel message was entirely of Christ, and so Paul stands alone in calling it “the gospel of Christ” and “Christ’s gospel”, but that he also calls it “my gospel” can only be explained by the fact that Christ gave it first to Paul exclusively. According to the earliest layers of Gospel traditions, the prepaschal Jesus claimed it would be a celestial entity called “the Son of Man,” featured in documents like 1 Enoch and Daniel 7. (, As to the thief on the cross, time was too short to do likewise, but he did do a work worthy of repentance too. Paul contradicts his gospel of faith alone of 1 Corinthians 15 in the four inheritance warning passages. It is multiply attested to in the Synoptic Gospels but lacking in Paul. The gospel of Christ is the one message for both. Of the remaining 133, only four are contained in the gospels and they all refer to the Lord Jesus (Luke 2:40, 15:1-4.). John took what the Jews said about the law and applied it to Jesus. The only major truths that were added in 325 AD at Nicea to these two passages were that there was now a necessary belief in a bi-deity of God the son ("true God from true God") and God the Father. Get updates from Messy Inspirations delivered straight to your inbox, The Gospel of Jesus VS the Gospel of Paul / Fellow Dying Inmate / all rights reserved. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace. This fit Jesus' Gospel which always expressly or impliedly included "works worthy  / appropriate of repentance" as a necessary step and means of salvation. 8 Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw him. As stated above, as far as a salvation-from-sin message is concerned, there is indeed, the single core message as defined above¯it lies at the heart of every salvation-from-sin "gospel". It resulted in the thief making a work worthy of repentance -- an open confession of Jesus as king of the Kingdom of God -- a synonym for the word Messiah. Thoughts and comments on the differences between the doctrines of Jesus and the doctrines of Paul… (Matt 16:15-16.). Sunday, as Constantine decreed 4 years earlier -- in 321 AD -- expressly to honor the "worship-worthy" Sun. Instead, you see the germ of a, (FYI: The Holy Spirit was not recognized until 381 AD as a separate person who also was God in a “holy trinity.” See. Rom. Jesus told the wealthy young ruler that the way to salvation required keeping the 10 Commandments (Matthew 19:16-21). This post is not about the four canonical documents written by anonymous authors yet named after famous figures in the earliest Jesus groups. They argue both preach the same gospel and provide a biblical perspective on the gospel and the kingdom. For Christ told you to appease the one you have offended - God or man, and only after doing so can you come back to the altar and offer your "atonement" / "gift" (, Now we know Christ gave us that sacrifice on the cross as a means to offer it as an atonement to God through Christ's work. Never does Jesus say that believing either event saves you or is necessary to believe to be saved. Therefore Jesus’ had a political-religious mission, one that was ethnocentrically particular to biblical Israel. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. And despite being dirt poor himself, Paul had been educated in a Greco-Roman polis and could write. Peter quotes the passage, saying "you shall hear all things whatever he speaks to you." Your point, if I get it, is that ...", "Although both Jesus and Paul belong to the same group or "body," Christianity does not ...", "On purely historical grounds, 325 was not the beginning of Christianity but the shutting down ...". (Rom. For Paul, Jesus' death and resurrection solved this problem of the exclusion of the gentiles from God's covenant. • Jesus Says The Law Continues, But Paul Says No. Jesus was a peasant from a tiny hamlet in Galilee. The, inspired documents named “Mark,” “Matthew,” “Luke,” and “John” are portraits of updated memories about Jesus, Scholars are unanimous that the prepaschal Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of sky vault (anachronistically translated as “heaven”). This “Gospel of the blessed God” could not be the same Gospel that Peter and the eleven preached. The Gospel Of Grace The word “grace” appears 170 times in the English translation of the Bible, 37 of them in the Old Testament. We read in Galatians 2:2, where Paul writes, “I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them [James, Cephas/Peter, and John; verse 9] that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles ….” Hence, likely Philip preached that baptism would wash away their sins after proper works worthy of repentance, as JOHN the Baptist required and as Peter did likewise in Acts ch. For this reason, many accuse modern Christianity of being the church of Paul than the Church of Christ and his original Apostles. Therefore it can have multiple meanings and applications. 1 Cor. Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message, This is a creedal Christianity -- it is what you believe in mere historical facts that saves you. Getting that right helps us better unpack the inexhaustible riches of Christ. To think of it terms of faith vs works, is to not understand the gospel Jesus preached during His ministry. Jesus told him "this day you will be with me in paradise." This was to accomplish Constantine's decree of 321 AD that everyone must rest, In this religion of Sol Invictus, the sun in the sky is god the Son, and he was born every. Paul’s gospel was the very gospel that Jesus Himself instructed the Apostle Paul to preach and proclaim. . To this end, Jesus, a peasant artisan turned folk healer, formed a political faction, worked healings, and preached repentance in the land of Israel. Jesus preached that gospel which He declared saved Zaccheus and the thief without Jesus ever mentioning they must believe He would die for their sins and resurrect. One of the many objections to modern day Christianity, none has excited the masses as much as the idea that the Apostle Paul changed the Gospel message. This is confirmed in Romans 1:1-3, “Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ…separated to the GOSPEL of God which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, CONCERNING HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD” (NKJV). 24 June, 2008. But people were saved by Jesus' Gospel before these events and afterwards. Unlike Jesus, Paul goes abstract in dealing with Israelite life and the messiah. [the broker mediating between Israel, the client, and God, the patron], who was descended from David according to the flesh and designated Son of God, in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection, [a Persian idea adopted by Yehud after 537 BCE—Pharisees = Farsi = Persian], Lord, through whom we have received grace, [commissioning and authorization to proclaim and disseminate the innovation], [that is, for those Israelites living among all the peoples in the Western diaspora], Paul knew his gospel as “the Gospel of God” (, Paul was commissioned by God in an altered state of consciousness experience to proclaim this innovation, —hence, “Gospel of God.” God gave Paul this gospel, and God drove Paul into regions where Israelites resided as a minority among non-Israelite majorities (the, In contrast, Paul lived in an urban society. It resulted in the thief making a work worthy of repentance -- an open confession of Jesus as king of the Kingdom of God -- a synonym for the word Messiah. A third difference is that Paul taught that Jesus Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins, and that we are cleansed by His blood. He died for our sins so that everyone could live with God forever. Paul’s goal was to spread his gospel, proclaiming what God did to Jesus. I kid you not. Before Paul’s preaching, or Christ’s atonement or Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus' was already preaching the Gospel: "I came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, that is the reason why I was commissioned." This cosmic figure (probably the ram constellation we call “Ares”) was someone the prepaschal Jesus believed to be different than himself (Mark 8:38; 13:26; 14:62; Luke 9:26; 12:8; Matthew 26:64). The Gospel of the Kingdom. 2.) Paul’s syntax is superior to that of Jesus. 3 I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ's atonement is grounds to save you but only because you obeyed his instruction to do first a work worthy of repentance to appease the one you offended. It has farce written all over it. He told the crowd in Acts "repent and turn around, that your sins may be blotted out." Question: "What is Pauline Christianity?" How do scholars reach reasonable assurance in this? Then two sentences later Paul explains he means simply "calling on the name" of the "Lord" "shall" save you. Before Paul’s preaching, or Christ’s atonement or Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus' was already preaching the Gospel: "I came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, that is the reason why I was commissioned." (Acts 22:16.). Creedal Christianity. We are established according to the pure and full gospel of God—v. For a thorough review of Jesus' gospel, please read our book free online - Jesus Words on Salvation. 15:1-10 NLT. Pauline pastors regularly conduct such watered-down baptisms -- pardon the pun. Nothing here is mentioned about Jesus' atonement or resurrection. Supposedly you "inherit" a lower status in heaven if you were a sinning unrepentant Christian but you still make it to heaven because you have the two beliefs Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Even if atonement made Jesus your savior, and is the precondition of the Gospel of the kingdom with Jesus as Messiah prince, However, it would be a categorical error to define salvation in this example as, Jesus never taught belief in facts about his future atonement for mankind, or in his future resurrection, were necessary to believe to be saved. Paul depended on others for financial support (, ), despite the spin “Luke” gives him in “Acts.”, Yes, I want the Patheos Catholic Newsletter as well, Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. The Book of Acts contains 10 appearances, and 2 others can be found in the Book of Revelation (Rev. The references above confirm that Paul considered his gospel to be 'the gospel of God' and 'the word of God'. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners, "I certainly understand that it is important to get the literal sense right. Let us see how Paul describes the gospel. The thief then acknowledged Jesus as his ruler -- "please remember me when you come into your kingdom." Hence, the inspired forger Pseudo-Peter recognizes and cautions readers about abstract thought in Pauline documents (, But don’t think that makes Paul an elite! Mark’s gospel begins its version of the Jesus story with the gospel Jesus preached (Mark 1:14-15). (Acts 3:22). Atonement thus operates whether you believe in Christ's atonement or not so long as you satisfy the precedent works of repentance / efforts to appease the one you angered by sin. I understand he edited his Bible, removing things that he disagreed with. (, Peter then quotes Deuteronomy 18:18-19. Paul only speaks elsewhere of the necessary act of confessing the "master / Lord Jesus" (Romans 10:8-9). Here, Paul says holding to two factual beliefs saves you: [1] Jesus died for your sins and [2] Jesus resurrected. This would indicate just saying "Lord Jesus save me" is all you need to do to appropriate salvation, as long as you believe in his atonement and resurrection too. Scholars discern that Jesus spoke Aramaic, the language of lower-class people. See our article on the, This means the Nicene Creed was the revival of Pauline Christianity. In the Nicene Creed, Jesus was not only son of God and Messiah, but also was now God the son. Salvation is not about needing to believe in unquestionable historical truths about the … Nothing is mentioned that you must believe Jesus atoned or resurrected. I recently re-read Pauls letters, spurred on by an idea I stumbled over... oy vey. He did so at the likely risk of a speer spike in his side if the soldiers overheard him sympathizing with a convicted "rebel" like Jesus. So the way Constantine obviously figured he could bring Christianity into his personal pagan belief system was to call this god the Sun by the name of Jesus. Two recent books have promoted a “new” way of thinking about the gospel relative to the traditional doctrines of the evangelical church. This was to accomplish Constantine's decree of 321 AD that everyone must rest on Sunday to honor the venerable -- worship-worthy -- Sun. (, Zaccheus was a thief by excessive tax collecting, and he promised Jesus to pay four-fold back to the poor. Gal. Thus Paul never implies you must obey Jesus' commandments as your king to appropriate atonement. ", Peter then quotes Deuteronomy 18:18-19. For we being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life having been reconciled." Such good news is that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Thus, the burden of this essay. Romans 1:1-6Paul, a slave [controlled by Jesus, messiah] of Jesus Christ [messiah, Israelite office of political religion, controller of Paul], called to be an apostle [one commissioned as an emissary and change agent sent to diffuse some innovation], set apart for the gospel [=innovation] of [the] God [of Israel, the change agency] which he [the God of Israel] promised beforehand [to Israelites] through his [Israelite] prophets [authorized spokespersons] in the holy scriptures [of Israel—this assumes his audience is familiar with this tradition, i.e. Would you like to make any other points to begin this thread? Please note Paul does not say you have to believe in any historical facts that have implication on your behavior toward Jesus, such as a belief Jesus is Messiah, i.e., one with royal authority over us. Incidentally, you do not save yourself in Jesus' Gospel. Does what you wear impact how you pray? Salvation is not about needing to believe in unquestionable historical truths about the atonement and resurrection as Paul claims in 1 Corinthians. He wrote that. Peter said that then the presence of God will send "refreshing" so that God may send "the Lord Jesus who was preached to you before whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration" (Acts 3:19-20). • Jesus Says Salvation Initiates And Continues By Repentance From Sin and Obedience Besides Faith; Paul Says This is Heresy. When the tomb was empty, Peter physically entered the tomb to confirm this fact (John 20). See, Incidentally, you do not save yourself in Jesus' Gospel. For Christ told you to appease the one you have offended - God or man, and only after doing so can you come back to the altar and offer your "atonement" / "gift" (Matt 5:23-24). popsthebuilder You claim that Paul's message/gospel is the same as Jesus', James', Peter's, et al's gospel, and that Paul's Gospel is only different when taken out of context. This means the Nicene Creed was the revival of Pauline Christianity. Paul showcases the optative, the genitive absolute, and various infinitive structures, in his letters. You welcomed it then, and you still stand firm in it. The gospel Jesus proclaimed was that this time foretold by Ezekiel and others was about to be fulfilled. In fact, when we listen to Paul in Philippians 3:4–9, we are tempted to think he was the Pharisee in Jesus’s parable in Luke 18:9–14. (Mark 9:42-47.) I t’s Jesus versus Paul. Paul does not explain immediately what this means. The word “grace” appears 170 times in the English translation of the Bible, 37 of them in the Old Testament. The idea that Paul invented Christianity is disputed by numerous Christian writers. In fact, I’m not even worthy to be called an apostle after the way I persecuted God’s church. But unlike Jesus, Paul sought out his clients residing in non-Israelite urban centers. A gospel is, therefore, a proclamation of something new, something hitherto unheard of. This gospel consisted of repentance from sin, doing the commandments, and seeking first the kingdom (Matt 5:19, 6:33). Nor are we talking about the dozens of other similar writings named after famous personages but excluded from the canon. We Christians enjoy a 2,000-year theologically refined notion of Gospel. Those who believe in faith alone, however, explain away all these passages, insisting you can go to heaven without "inheriting" heaven. “Kingdom of sky vault” was a politically correct Israelite expression, meaning theocracy. 6 After that, he was seen by more than 500 of his followers[d]at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died.7 Then he was seen by James and later by all the apostles. Hence, indeed Paul worked harder than the 12 to promote this creedal Christianity but the reason is that the 12 were busy preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus taught -- a far different gospel than what Paul taught. That is the heresy of Gnosticism... the knowledge (or gnosis in Greek) of a fact supposedly saves you. Christians talk about the Gospel all the time, but many seem hard-pressed to say what it means. Theocracy is incongruous with the recorded prescribed behavior of later Jesus groups (see “Matthew” and “Luke”), communities that instead encouraged group maintenance. They get tongue-tied. By quoting Deut 18:18-19, Peter was saying Jesus is ", Peter in context is telling them to repent from their sin, and accept all commands from Jesus as from the Prophet -- a figure equated to Messiah in many commentaries and Rabbinical writings prior to Christ. Well, all baptisms in the book of Acts were solely into the name of Jesus (not any other names.) Church_Militant May 20, 2011, 11:39pm #21. He told the crowd in Acts "repent and turn around, that your sins may be blotted out." This distinctive Gospel message about Christ Paul admits is not the sort of thing human beings could have come up with on their own. Paul understood simply that acceptance or belief in these facts was the good news and if you believe them you were saved unless this news was untrue in the first place. Because the fact that this Theocracy failed to arrive makes it too embarrassing to have been invented by later Jesus followers. Jesus Christ." They were going to become true, but they were no more necessary to, believe to become saved than was circumcision for a Gentile. 3. The following is an excerpt from The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Galatians 1. Paul also communicated in Greek, the language of the polis, of the upper classes. The gospel may take different forms (as we shall see), but the gospel is ALWAYS focused on the Lord Jesus Christ. Every time Paul says “gospel” he means what he says in 1 Cor 15. If God had intended paul to recieve a later gospel dont you think he would have told jesus and the 12 as well/, Aforetime?. When Emperor Constantine as Pontifex Maximus -- head of all religions at Rome -- orders the church to meet at 325 AD in Nicea, and drafts the Nicene creed, Constantine has appropriated a Pauline view of Christianity. They get tongue-tied.

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