ram raksha stotra meaning

Who is the basis of all Vedas as Rama, Chanting of the name Rama, I play with Rama always, "Ram Raksha Stotra "a miraculous stotra for long life. एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम्॥1॥. Art by – Umesh Ravani. And Oh God Rama please save me. Who carries sword, bows, arrows and quiver, Let Raghava protect my head, This Ram Raksha Stotra … By reciting every individual shlok one one will be able to clear all his debts. जो नीलकमल के समान श्यामवर्ण, कमलनयन. Rama protection prayer Ram Raksha Stotra is the most robust cure to all of all problems. Let my stomach be protected by the Lord of Jhambhavan, There is no place of surrender greater than Rama, Who has lotus like eyes, who wears yellow silk, Several verses are simply quoted from other great stotrams. Telugu Sri Ram Raksha Stotra: Amazon.de: Apps für Android. Ramabhadra and Ramachandra and, The Rakshasas who move at night were killed by Rama, 2) Every devotee of Sri Ram should pray Rama-Raksha-Stotra daily. The composer of the Rama Raksha Stotra is Budha Kaushika (Valmiki), a Rishi. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln.de Hallo, Anmelden. May Rama, Dasharatha's son (Rama) protect my forehead॥4॥, कौसल्येयो दृशौ पातु विश्वामित्रप्रियः श्रुती ।, घ्राणं पातु मखत्राता मुखं सौमित्रिवत्सलः ॥५॥, ''ghrāṇam pātu makhatrātā mukhaṁ saumitrivatsalaḥ''॥5॥, May savior of sacrificial fire protect my nose, may affectionate to Lakshmana protect my mouth॥5॥, जिव्हां विद्यानिधिः पातु कण्ठं भरतवन्दितः ।, स्कन्धौ दिव्यायुधः पातु भुजौ भग्नेशकार्मुकः ॥६॥, ''skandhau divyāyudhaḥ pātu bhujau bhagneśakārmukaḥ''॥6॥, May berear of celestial weapons protect my shoulders, may he who broke (Lord Shiva's) bow protect my arms॥6॥, मध्यं पातु खरध्वंसी नाभिं जाम्बवदाश्रयः ॥७॥, ''madhyaṁ pātu kharadhvaṁsī nābhiṁ jāmbavadāśrayaḥ''॥7॥, May slayer of Khara (demon) protect my abdomen, may he who gave refuge to Jambavad protect my navel॥7॥, सुग्रीवेशः कटी पातु सक्थिनी हनुमत्प्रभुः ।, ''ūrū raghuttamaḥ pātu rakṣaḥkulavināśakṛt''॥8॥, May the best of Raghu scions and destroyer of the lineage of demons protect my knees॥8॥, पादौ बिभीषणश्रीदः पातु रामोऽखिलं वपुः ॥९॥, ''pādau bibhīṣaṇaśrīdaḥ pātu rāmokhilaṁ vapuḥ''॥9॥, May consecrator of wealth to Bibhishana protect my feet, may Sri Rama protect my entire body॥9॥, स चिरायुः सुखी पुत्री विजयी विनयी भवेत्॥१०॥, ''sa cirāyuḥ sukhī putrī vijayī vinayī bhavet''॥10॥, would live long, be blessed with children, be victorious and possess humility॥10॥, न द्रष्टुमपि शक्तास्ते रक्षितं रामनामभिः ॥११॥, ''na draṣṭumapi śaktāste rakṣitaṁ rāmanāmabhiḥ''॥11॥, Would not be able to see the one protected by (the chanting of) Rama-naam ॥11॥, रामेति रामभद्रेति रामचन्द्रेति वा स्मरन्।, नरो न लिप्यते पापैर्‌-भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विन्दति ॥१२॥, ''naro na lipyate pāpaiḥ bhuktiṁ muktiṁ ca vindati''॥12॥, Sins never get attached, he gets good life and salvation॥12॥, जगज्जेत्रैकमन्त्रेण रामनाम्नाऽभिरक्षितम्।, यः कण्ठे धारयेत्तस्य करस्थाः सर्वसिद्धयः ॥१३॥, ''yaḥ kaṇṭhe dhārayettasya karasthāḥ sarvasiddhyaḥ''॥13॥, He who always utters it, he holds the keys to all arts ॥13॥, ''vajrapañjaranāmedaṁ yo rāmakavacaṁ smaret''।, ''avyāhatājñaḥ sarvatra labhate jayamaṅgalam''॥14॥, Would be obeyed by everywhere and he will get victory in all things॥14॥, आदिष्टवान् यथा स्वप्ने रामरक्षामिमां हरः।, तथा लिखितवान् प्रातः प्रबुद्धो बुधकौशिकः ॥१५॥, ''tathā likhitavān prātaḥ prabuddho budhakauśikaḥ''॥15॥, Was written down (as told) by the enlightened (by Shiva's visitation) Budhakoushika in the morning (upon waking up)॥15॥, अभिरामस्त्रिलोकानां रामः श्रीमान् स नः प्रभुः ॥१६॥, ''abhirāmastrilokānāṁ rāmaḥ śrīmān sa naḥ prabhuḥ''॥16॥, And who is the praise of all three worlds, Sri Rama, is our Lord॥16॥, पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षौ चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरौ॥१७॥, ''taruṇau rūpasampannau sukumārau mahābalau''।, ''puṇḍarīkaviśālākṣau cīrakṛṣṇājināmbarau''॥17॥, Who have broad eyes like lotus, who wear the hides of trees॥17॥, पुत्रौ दशरथस्यैतौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥१८॥, ''putrau daśarathasyaitau bhrātarau rāmalakshmaṇau''॥18॥, Two brothers, sons of Dasharatha, Rama and Lakshmana (protect us)॥18॥, शरण्यौ सर्वसत्वानां श्रेष्ठौ सर्वधनुष्मताम्।, रक्षःकुलनिहन्तारौ त्रायेतां नो रघूत्तमौ॥१९॥, ''rakṣaḥkulanihantārau trāyetāṁ no raghūttamau''॥19॥, Who destroy whole race of demons, protect us, o best of scions of Raghu॥19॥, आत्तसज्ज-धनुषाविषु-स्पृशावक्षयाशुग-निषङ्ग-सङ्गिनौ।, रक्षणाय मम रामलक्ष्मणावग्रतः पथि सदैव गच्छताम्॥२०॥, ''rākṣaṇāya mama rāmalakṣmaṇāvagrataḥ pathi sadaiva gacchatām''॥20॥, May Rama and Lakshmana always escort me in my path for my protection॥20॥ Who give protection to all beings, who are great, Let my eyes be protected by son of Kousalya, And who shines in various decorations and who has a matted hair around his face. And who destroy whole clans of Rakshasas. Entdecken Sie. Without doubt would get more blessings than performing of the Aswamedha sacrifice. My mind is always fully engrossed in Rama, Let my knees be protected by maker of the bridge, Ram Raksha Stotra with Meaning. Who have broad eyes like lotus, who wear the hides of trees, Let my calves be protected by the killer of Ravana, And was written down by Budha Koushika without leaving a letter next day morn. And let my ears be protected by, he who is dear to Viswamithra. Who have the inexhaustible quiver on their shoulders, आत्त-सज्ज-धनुषौ (taken/accepted-ready-bow, take/hold a battle-ready bow), इषु-स्पृशौ (bow touched with arrow), अक्षय-आशुग-निषङ्ग-सङ्गिन्‌ (forever-arrow-container/attachment-holders Raam and Lakshman), गच्छन्मनोरथोSस्माकं रामः पातु सलक्ष्मणः॥२१॥, ''gacchan manoratho 'smākaṁ rāmaḥ pātu salakshmaṇaḥ''॥21॥, Rama, who makes our cherished thoughts come true in the world; may he, along with Lakshman, protect us॥21॥, काकुत्स्थः पुरुषः पूर्णः कौसल्येयो रघूत्तमः॥२२॥, ''kākutsthaḥ puruṣaḥ pūrnaḥ kausalyeyo raghūttmaḥ''॥22॥, The scion of Raghu, the son of Kausalya, is all powerful and is the perfect man॥22॥, ''jānakīvallabhaḥ śrīmānaprameya parākramaḥ''॥23॥, dearest of Sita, whose bravery is immeasurable॥23॥, इत्येतानि जपेन्नित्यं मद्‌भक्तः श्रद्धयान्वितः।, अश्वमेधाधिकं पुण्यं सम्प्राप्नोति न संशयः॥२४॥, ''aśvamedhādhikaṁ puṇyaṁ samprāpnoti na saṁśayaḥ''॥24॥, He, without any doubt, is blessed more than the performance of Aswamedha (Sacrifice of white horse) etc.॥24॥, रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्‌माक्षं पीतवाससम्।, स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्दिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नरः॥२५॥, ''stuvanti nāmabhirdivyairna te saṁsāriṇo naraḥ''॥25॥, Who sing the praise of him are no longer ordinary men trapped in the world॥25॥, रामं लक्ष्मण-पूर्वजं रघुवरं सीतापतिं सुंदरं ।, काकुत्स्थं करुणार्णवं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम्।, राजेन्द्रं सत्यसन्धं दशरथ-तनयं श्यामलं शान्तमूर्तिं ।, वन्दे लोकाभिरामं रघुकुलतिलकं राघवं रावणारिम्॥२६॥, ''kākutsthaṁ karuṇārṇavaṁ guṇanidhiṁ viprapriyaṁ dhārmikam''।, ''rājendraṁ satyasandhaṁ daśaratha-tanayaṁ śyāmalaṁ śāntimurtiṁ''।, ''vande lokābhirāmaṁ raghukulatilakaṁ rāghavṁ rāvaṇāriṁ''॥26॥, Ocean of compassion, treasure of virtues, the most beloved of the religious people।, Lord emperor of kings, follower of truth, son of Dasharatha, dark-complexioned, idol tranquillity।, Salute to cynosure of eyes of all people, the crown jewel of the Raghu dynasty and the enemy of Ravana॥26॥, ''raghunāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ pataye namaḥ''॥27॥, To Lord of Raghu Scion, Lord (of all), husband of Sita, I salute॥27॥, ''śrīrāma rāma śaraṇaṁ bhava rāma rāma''॥28॥, Rama who is the elder brother of Bharata।, Rama who is the tormentor of his enemies।, ''śrirāmachandra-caraṇau vacasā gṛṇāmi''।, ''śrirāmachandra-caraṇau śirasā namāmi''।, ''śrirāmachandra-caraṇau śaraṇam prapadye''॥29॥, I praise the feet of Sri Ramachandra by my speech।, I salute the feet of Sri Ramachandra by bowing down my head।, I take refuge on the feet of Sri Ramachandra by bowing myself down॥29॥, Lord is Rama, my dearest friend is Ramachandra।, I know of no other like him, I really don't!॥30॥, पुरतो मारुतिर्यस्य तं वन्दे रघुनन्दनम्॥३१॥, ''purato marutiryasya taṁ vande raghunandanam ''॥31॥, And who has Hanuman in his front, I salute to delight of the Raghus (Rama)॥31॥, लोकाभिरामं रणरङ्‌गधीरं राजीवनेत्रं रघुवंशनाथम्।, कारुण्यरूपं करुणाकरन्तं श्रीरामचन्द्रं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥३२॥, ''kāruṇyarūpaṁ karūṇākarantaṁ śrīramacandraṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadye ''॥32॥, Personification of compassion, I surrender to (that) Lord Sri Rama॥32॥, मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्।, वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥३३॥, ''vātātmajaṁ vānarayūthamukhyaṁ śrīrāmadūtaṁ śaraṇam prapadye ''॥33॥, Son of the Wind, leader of the Monkey forces and messenger of Sri Rama, I bow down to him॥33॥, आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम्॥३४॥, ''āruhya kavitāśakhāṁ vande vālmikikokilam ''॥34॥, Perched atop poetry-tree, I salute that (cooing cuckoo) Valmiki॥34॥, लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम्॥३५॥, ''lokābhirāmaṁ śrīrāmaṁ bhūyo bhūyo namāmyaham ''॥35॥, I again and again salute that Rama who is cynosure of eyes of all people॥35॥, ''tarjanaṁ yamadūtānāṁ rāma-rāmeti garjanam ''॥36॥, Scares Yama's (lord of death) messengers, the roar of the name of Rama॥36॥, रामान्नास्ति परायणं परतरं रामस्य दासोऽस्म्यहम्।, रामे चित्तलयः सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुद्धर॥३७॥, ''rāmeṇābhihatā niśācaracamū rāmāya tasmai namaḥ''।, ''rāmānnāsti parāyaṇaṁ parataraṁ rāmasya dāso 'smyaham''।, ''rāme cittalayaḥ sadā bhavatu me bho rāma māmuddhara''॥37॥, Through whom the hordes of demons who move at night have been destroyed, I salut that Rama।, There is no place of surrender greater than Rama, (and thus) I am servant of Rama।, My mind is totally absorbed in Rama. Konto und Listen Konto Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen. Chanting of the stotra is recommended as a remedial measure for squabblings, enmity, losses and hurdles. Who has lotus like eyes, who is our Lord Let my heart be protected by him who won over Parasurama. By Budha Koushika Rama protection prayer. One who sincerely recites this stotra and understands its meaning, Lord Rama protects his mind and prepares it to know the ultimate truth. Who lives in all places and who is the prettiest in all worlds. Who is Rama, Who is elder brother of Lakshmana, Rāmachandram''॥, who is wearing yellow clothes, whose eyes compete with petals of a fresh lotus, who looks contented॥, Whose sight is fixed on the lotus face of Sita, sitting on his left thigh, whose color is like that of rain cloud।, Who shines in various ornaments and has matted hair which can reach till thighs, the Ramchandra॥, ''charitaṁ raghunāthasya śatakoṭipravistaram''।, ''ekaikamakṣaram puṁsāṁ mahāpātakanāśanam''॥1॥, Recitation of each and every word is capable of destroying even the greatest sins॥1॥, ध्यात्वा नीलोत्पलश्यामं रामं राजीवलोचनम् ।, ''jānakīlakṣmaṇopetaṁ jaṭāmukuṭamaṇḍitam''॥2॥, Who is accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana, and is well-adorned with crown of matted hairs॥2॥, स्वलीलया जगत्‌-त्रातुमाविर्भूतमजं विभुम् ॥३॥, ''svalīlayā jagattrātum āvirbhūtamajaṁ vibhum''॥3॥, Who is birthless (ajam=beyond birth, and also death) but is incarnated by his own will to protect this world॥3॥, रामरक्षां पठेत्प्राज्ञः पापघ्नीं सर्वकामदाम् ।, ''śiro me rāghavaḥ pātu bhālam daśarathātmajaḥ''॥4॥, May Rama, Raghu's descendant (Rama) protect my head. So that he realizes all his desires. The literary meaning for Ram Raksha Stotra is as follows – “Protection given by Lord Rama to us.” It is a very powerful hymn in Sanskrit for seeking blessings and protection from Lord Rama for any situation, problem, or miseries. Who is the best among the Raghu clan, who killed Ravana, Prime Einkaufswagen. Karunya roopamkarunakaram tham Sri Ramachandram Saranam prapadhye., 32, Mano javam, maruda thulya vegam, Let my nose be protected by protector of sacrifices, This is a very great prayer composed by a saint called Budha Koushika. The sage is Budha[1] Kousika, God is Ramachandra with Sita, Sarvaswam may Ramachandro dayalu, The story of Rama is written in four billions words, I salute Rama who is the consort of Lakshmi, Ram Raksha Stotra will protect all parts of your body. The good thing about this prayer is that whoever adorns this never gets disappointed. He who wears the chant of the name of Rama as Rama Rama elder brother of Bharatha, Rama Rama, Who is as black as the bud of Dhoorva grass, Vatha atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam, Water treated with Ram Raksha Stotra can be given to patients. The orders of him who reads this armour of Rama called the cage of diamond, [2][3], श्रीसीतारामचंद्रप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥, ''śrīsītārāmachandraprītyarthe rāmarakshāstotra jape viniyogaḥ''॥. Sins will never get attached and he would get good life and salvation. Na anyam naiva jane na jane., 30, Dakshine Lakshmano, yasye vame cha Janakathmaja, The entirety of the Sri Ramraksha Stotra is that of an extremely powerful mantra. Who is born in the world to playfully kill rakshasas, Oh Rama, become my protection Oh Rama, Salutations to him who is attractive to all the world, Wearing armour holding sword and having bows and arrows, By Budha Koushika. Who destroys all dangers and gives all sorts of wealth. By chanting Rama Rama and Rama, The sick person who is suffering from illness or if an enemy is bothering you, this Ram Raksha Stotra gives you instant relief. The composer of the Rama Raksha Stotra is Budha Kaushika (Valmiki), a Rishi. It is believed that recitation of this great prayer would get rid of all the problems created by the nine planets. Who is the treasure of mercy, Who is wealthy of good characters, It is believed that recitation of this great prayer would get rid … All these stones had the name of Maryada Purushottam Rama written on them. Let my behinds be protected by Lord of Hanuman. Who carries bow and arrows, who sits in a lotus pose, Who is a blessing to Raghu clan, Who is consort of Sita, My mind enjoys saying Rama Rama।, ''iti śrībudhakauśikaviracitaṁ śrīrāmarakṣāstotraṁ sampūrṇam''॥, Thus ends Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for) protection and composed by Budha-Kaushika॥, My humble devotion of this Hymn to (Lord) Sita-Ramachandra, This page was last edited on 7 February 2021, at 19:42. Would never again lead another domestic life. Literal meaning of Ram Raksha means 'Protection given by Lord Rama (to us)'. Rama, Rama expert in war, Rama, Rama. Pay all your attention in chanting God Ram praise at this point of time. Meter is Anushtup, power is Sita, and Limit is Hanuman, Who is lord of the world as the lord of Raghu clan. Who is dressed in yellow cloths, who has eyes like the petals of newly opened lotus flower, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahajayoga This is a great hymn composed by sage BudhaKaushika for the protection from Shri Ram. Of this hymn, seeking Lord Rama's protection, The author (of this hymn) is Budhakaushika।, The meter is eight syllables in a quarter।[3], The recitation is for (devotion to) Ramachandra।, ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्‌मासनस्थं ।, पीतं वासो वसानं नवकमलदलस्पर्धिनेत्रं प्रसन्नम् ॥, वामाङ्‌कारूढ-सीता-मुखकमल-मिलल्लोचनं नीरदाभं ।, नानालङ्‌कारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डलं रामचन्द्रम् ॥, ''pītaṁ vāsovasānaṁ navakamaladalaspardhinetraṁ prasannam''॥, ''vāmāṅkārūḍhasītā mukhakamalamilallochanaṁ nīradābhaṁ''।, ''Nānālaṅkāradīptaṁ dadhatamurujaṭāmaṇḍanalm For the “Rama protection prayer”, A collection of spiritual and devotional literature in various Indian languages in Sanskrit, Samskrutam, Hindia, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, English scripts with pdf Travel in the chariot of my mind and protect me. Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen. It was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic period. On the man who remembers Rama, Rambhadra and Ramachandra, Let Rama and Lakshmana, who are ready for war, Who eat fruits and roots, who are self controlled, who are ascetic, One who sincerely recites it and understands its meaning, he receives faith that Lord Rama protects his mind & prepares it to know the Ultimate Truth. Recitation of the Sri Ramraksha Stotra results in establishing an impenetrable, amazing and powerful armour around yourself. "Ram Raksha Stotra " a miraculous stotra for long life.It was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic period. శ్రీ సీతారామ చంద్రోదేవతా. चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटि-प्रविस्तरम्।. Who is always pleasant looking, who is the colour of the black cloud, Who sits on the poem like branch, And drives away the messengers of God of death. Let my thighs be protected by the best of the Raghu clan, This Ram Raksha Stotra especially for those, whose lives are in danger. He who chants the divine names of Rama Let my feet be protected by him who give protection to Vibheeshana, My face by him, he who is dear to Lakshmana, Einkaufs- wagen Einkaufswagen Alle. Dhyayed Ajanu Bahum Drutha Sara Danusham Badha Padmasanastham, Peetham Vaso Avasanam, Nava Kamala Dala Spardhi Nethram, Prasannam, Vamangaruda Sita Mukha Kamala Milalochanam Neeradhabham, Danalangara Deeptham Datha Muru Jada Mandalam Ramachandram || Charitham Raghu Nadasya Satha Koti … Special public recitation of the stotra is organized during religious festivals, especially during Navaratri celebrations, when continuous recitation takes place from Gudi Padwa till Rama Navami day, the birthday of Lord Rama. Hey beautiful one, Download Ramraksha Stotra app and get divine blessings for success of lord Rama. Background of Rama Raksha Stotra: The composer of the Rama Raksha Stotra is Budha Kaushika (Valmiki), a Rishi.Lord Shiva came into Budha Kaushika’s dream and sung these 38 stanzas to him. Rama raksha stotra is undoubtedly one of the most powerful kavach which protects the chanter from unseen dangers,the person who chants this kavach daily atleast one time without doubt get all round success in life.He will get freedom from the sins he does in each and every step,he will be respected by everyone and gains health,wealth,name,fame and finally moksha after death with the … Let my shoulders be protected by him who has celestial weapons, “Rama”, “Rama” and “Rama”. shri ram raksha stotra and ram stotra miracles or ram raksha stotra in marathi hindi. read more .... Post author By Hindi. Let us be protected by the brothers Rama and Lakshmana, Sri Ramachandra Preethyarthe Rama Raksha Stotra Mantra Jape Viniyogaha. The Setu Bridge that was built to reach and capture Lanka, was made with stones that floated on water. Swami Ramo, math sakha Ramachandra, Who hold arrows ready to shoot, One who sincerely recites it and understands its meaning… [1] Lord Shiva came into Budha Kaushika's dream and sung these 38 stanzas to him. Who are the best among those who wield the bow, It is believed that Lord Rama protects the body and mind of a person who recites the Ram Raksha Stotra with full dedication and faith. There is no Lord like Rama who is like a wish giving tree, Sri Rama Raksha Stotram in Telugu and English With Meaning. One who sincerely recites this stotra and understands its meaning, Lord Rama protects his mind and prepares it to know the ultimate truth. Hallo Lieferadresse wählen Apps & Spiele Hallo, Anmelden. This protective chant of Rama was told by Lord Shiva in the dream, Attributed to Budha Kaushika Rishi, Sri Ram Raksha Stotra (श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्र) is a great payer of Lord Rama to recite to get rid of the problems created by the nine planets. Thus ends the prayer of protection to Rama composed by Budha Koushika. Sri Ram will take care of his/her Yog-Kshemam (well-being). He who is from Kakustha clan, complete man, son of Kausalya, Best among Raghu clan, Jithendriyam buddhi matham varishtam, It was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic period. And save and protect this world, who does not have birth, उन अजन्मा और सर्वव्यापक भगवान रामजी का स्मरण करे. Sree rama dootham sirasa namami., 33. (The name Ram is also spelt occasionally as raam or raama or rāma or rām.) The best among men, Consort of Sita, Gentleman without properties and valorous one Let my forehead be protected by son of Dasaratha, According to Padma Purana (Chapter 73), Sage Viswamitra is the seer of the hymn, Ram Raksha. Let my arms by him who broke the bow, I again and again salute that Rama who is ever beautiful, For this hold a copper utensil full of water in your hand, keep looking in the water and feel that your inner powers are going into the water. Translated by P.R.Ramachander. If anyone is afraid of injury, it will work as balm. Lord Shiva came into Budha Kaushika's dream and sung these 38 stanzas to him. Who is truthful, who is son of Dasaratha, Who is black and 'Ram Raksha' literally means 'Protection from Lord Sri Rama (to us)'. The do gooder who reads the protective chant based on strength of Rama, And I am the slave of Rama, Shri Rama Raksha Stotram (Sanskrit: श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रम्) is a Sanskrit stotra, hymn of praise, used as a prayer for protection given to us by Lord Rama. Who is pretty, Who belongs to clan of Kakusthas, My salutations to the consort of Lady Sita, Who likes Vedic scholars, who is just, Who is the best among kings, Let my middle be protected by him who killed Khara, And I am starting the chant of this prayer to please Ramachandra. Let those Rama and Lakshmana, And who goes on singing sweetly, Note: 1) Here Sri Ram is called Brahman the supreme personality, the sustainer of heaven and earth. By reciting "Kausallyeyo Drushau Paatu Vishvamitra Priya-h Shrutee", illness related to eyes will be cured. I meditate on that Ramachandra, whose arms reach up to his thighs, Whose sight is fixed on the lotus eyes of Sita, sitting on his left thigh, Salutations to The nightingale Valmiki, Increases al sorts of pleasure and wealth, And let all my body be protected by Sri Rama. This Ram Raksha Stotra provides protection against all types of disease and discomfort. RAM RAKSHA STOTRA IN HINDI - राम रक्षा स्तोत्रम् - Lyrics, PDF, Download, लिरिक्स, पीडीऍफ़, विडियो, डाउनलोड, अर्थ के साथ with Meaning Let my hands be protected by the husband of Sita, This is a very great prayer composed by a saint called Budha Koushika. Would live long, be blessed with sons, be victorious and will have humility. The entirety of the Sri Ramraksha Stotram is that of an extremely powerful mantra. Would be obeyed by everywhere and he will get victory in all things. And my salutations to that Rama, They who travel in the hades, earth and heaven and who travel secretly, Walk in front of me protecting me. Matha Ramo, math pitha Ramachandra, Anything is possible when Lord Rama’s name gets attached to it. http://www.hindupedia.com/eng/index.php?title=Sri_Rama_Raksha_Stotram&oldid=116728. One who sincerely recites this Rama Raksha Stotra and understands its meaning, Lord Rama protects his mind and prepares it to know the ultimate truth. My neck be protected by him who is saluted by Bharatha. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln.de. Who are celibate, who are sons of Dasaratha, Hey lady with a beautiful face, Several verses are simply quoted from other great stotrams. Always victory to Rama who is the king of gems, Who are young, full of beauty, who are very strong, Who is accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana, You can find here good quality Ram Raksha Stotra Audio & Ram Raksha Stotra Lyrics in Hindi language. Rama, Rama, son of Raghu, Rama, Rama, అనుష్టుప్ ఛందః. Who is the destroyer of the clan of Rakshasas, Ram Raksha Stotra: Amazon.de: Apps für Android. So if you are afraid of fighting. Meditating on Rama who is black like the blue lotus flower, O Rama, please lift me up (from lower to higher self)॥37॥, ''rāma rāmeti rāmeti rame rāme manorame''।, ''sahasranāma tattulyaṁ rāmanāma varānane''॥38॥, Uttering once the name of Rama is equal to the uttering of any other name of God, a thousand times॥38॥, इति श्रीबुधकौशिकविरचितं श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्॥, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Pune gets ready to celebrate Gudi Padwa", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ram_Raksha_Stotra&oldid=1005459754, Articles needing additional references from May 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for) protection (from spiritual obstacles), ''dhyāyedājānubāhuṁ dhṛtaśaradhanuṣaṁ badhhapadmāsanasthaṁ''।, May he be meditated upon, who has arms reaching his knees, who is holding a bow and arrows, who is seated in a lotus pose।, The life story of Sri Rama has a vast expanse।, ''dhyātvā nilotpalaśyāmaṁ rāmaṁ rājīvalochanam''।, Let us meditate on the blue-complexioned, blue lotus-eyed Rama।, ''sāsitūṇadhanurbāṇa pāṇiṁ naktaṁ carāntakam''।, Who has sword, bows and arrows, who destroyed the (naktam-char = night-roamer) demons।, ''rāmarakshāṁ paṭhetprājñaḥ pāpaghnīṁ sarvakāmadām''।, May the wise, read the Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for) protection, which destroys all sins and grants all desires।, ''kausalyeyo dṛiśau pātu viśvāmitrapriyaḥ śrutī''।, May Kausalya's son protect my eyes, may favorite (disciple) of Vishvamitra protect my ears।, ''jihvāṁ vidyānidhiḥ pātu kaṇṭhaṁ bharatavanditaḥ''।, And may ocean of wisdom protect my toungue, may he who is saluted by Bharatha protect my neck।, ''karau sītāpatiḥ pātu hṛdayaṁ jāmadagnyajit''।, May husband of Sita protect my hands, may he who won over Parasurama protect my heart।, ''sugrīveśaḥ kaṭī pātu sakthinī hanumatprabhuḥ''।, May master of Sugreeva protect my waist, may master of Hanuman protect my hips।, ''jānuni setukṛtpātu jaṅghe daśamukhāntakaḥ''।, May establisher of the bridge (Ramasetu) protect my thighs may slayer of ten-faced (Ravana) protect my shins।, ''etāṁ ramabalopetāṁ rakshāṁ yaḥ sukṛtī paṭhet''।, May the good man read this (hymn) equable to all the power of Rama।, ''pātālabhūtalavyoma-cāriṇaśchadmcāriṇaḥ''।, The evil traitors who travel in the hell, earth and heaven, and who travel secretly (changing forms),।, ''rāmeti rāmabhadreti rāmacandreti vā smaran''।, (The one who) remembers Rama, Ramabhadra and Ramachandra (The poet has used these names for the same Lord Rama)।, ''jagajjetraikamantreṇa rāmanāmnābhirakṣitam''।, This world conquering mantra - blessed by Raam's name ।, He who recites this hymn of the name of Rama called as cage of diamond।, ''ādiṣṭavān yathā svapne rāmarākṣāmimāṁ haraḥ''।, This protective hymn of Rama, as told by Shiva (Hara) in the dream।, ''ārāmaḥ kalpavṛkṣāṇāṁ virāmaḥ sakalāpadām''।, Who is like a garden (aaraamaH=garden) of wish giving trees and who stops all obstacles।, Who are young, full of beauty, clever and very strong।, ''phalamūlāśinau dāntau tāpasau brahmacāriṇau''।, Ones who are subsisting on roots and fruits and practicing penance and celibacy।, ''śaranyau sarvasatvānāṁ śreṣṭhau sarvadhanuṣmatām''।, Who give protection to all beings and who are foremost among all the archers।, ''āttasajjadhanuṣā viṣuspṛśā vakṣayā śuganiṣaṅga saṅginau''।, With bows pulled and ready, their hands on the arrows packed in ever full quivers carried on their backs।, ''saṁnaddhaḥ kavacī khaḍgī cāpabāṅadharo yuvā''।, Young men, prepared and armed with sword, shield, bow and arrows।, ''rāmo dāśaratiḥ śūro lakṣmaṇānucaro balī''।, Valiant Rama, the son of Dasharatha and ever accompanied by powerful Lakshmana।, ''vedāntavedyo yajñeśaḥ purāṇapuruṣottamaḥ''।, He who can be perceived by Vedanta, lord of sacrificial fire, ancient and best among all men।, ''ityetāni japennityaṁ madbhaktaḥ śraddhayānvitaḥ''।, (Thus lord Shiva said) My devotee who recites these names of Rama with faith।, ''rāmaṁ dūrvādalaśyāmaṁ padmākṣaṁ pītavāsasam''।, Rama, dark-complexioned like leaf of green grass, who is lotus-eyed and dressed in yellow clothes।, ''rāmaṁ lakṣmaṇa-pūrvajaṁ raghuvaraṁ sītāpatiṁ sundaraṁ''।, Rama, the elder brother of Lakshmana, best of the scions of the Raghu, the husbandof Sita, handsome।, ''ramāya rāmabhadrāya rāmacandrāya vedhase''।, I salut to Rama, beloved Rama, moon like peaceful Rama।, ''śrirāmachandra-caraṇau manasā smarāmi''।, I remember the feet of Sri Ramachandra in my mind।, Mother is Rama, my father is Ramachandra।, ''dakshiṇe lakṣmaṇo yasya vāme tu janakātmajā ''।, who has Lakshmana on his right and daughter of Janaka (Sita) on the left।, ''lokābhirāmaṁ raṇaraṅgadhīraṁ rajīvanetraṁ raghuvaṁśanātham ''।, cynosure of eyes of all people, courageous in war, lotus-eyed, lord of the Raghu race।, ''manojavaṁ mārutatulyavegaṁ jitendriyaṁ buddhimatām variṣṭham ''।, Who is as fast as the mind, equals his father (wind) in speed, master of senses, foremost amongst brilliants।, ''kūjantaṁ rāma-rāmeti madhuraṁ madhurākṣaram ''।, ''āpadāmapahartāraṁ dātāraṁ sarvasampadām ''।, Who is destroyer all dangers and consecrator of all sorts of wealth।, ''bharjanaṁ bhavabījānāmarjanaṁ sukhasampadām ''।, Destructs of the cause of rebirth (cause of liberation), generates happiness and wealth।, ''rāmo rājamaṇiḥ sadā vijayate rāmaṁ rāmeśaṁ bhaje ''।, I worship Rama whose jewel (among kings) who always wins and who is lord of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth)।, Fair-faced lady (Parvati) ! The roar of the name “Rama”, “Rama, Puratho Maruthir yasya tham vande Raghunandanam., 31, Lokabhiramam rana ranga dheeram rajheeva nethram Raghuvamsa nadham, Burns away all miseries of the world, He who can be known by Vedantha, Lord of Yagnas, He who is ancient,

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