so will i scripture reference

Not trying to be a picky authority or anything, but wouldn’t the correct interpretation of “seventy time seven” be 77, as in seventy times and seven? He is "singing over us" Zephaniah tells us. If we stick with the word "stars" as the metaphor that the Bible uses for the angelic hosts, this song becomes very problematic, if we look to them! Great question! So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. He isn't seeking those who do it out of obligation. He is saying “unlimited” in poetic fashion. Google Translate: IT IS THAT EVOLUTION I think that is not the word .. evolution definitely leads you to finally end up being another species while adaptation or specialization does not. The majesty and wonder of God and His great love for us; However, it is blunted only by Hillsong’s throwaway line: that Christ’s desire for compels Him to re-sacrifice Himself despite Scripture’s “once and for all” statements. I don’t understand how our views could change regarding what is sin? While His love for us is unconditional, when we enter into a personal relationship with Him, He will make demands on our lives. Microevolution? I’d replace it with ‘becoming in pursuit…’? Again, thank you for your thoughtful review, and I know this doesn’t matter in actuality for our faith, I just think we should be cautious to interpret things in their historic context. I did notice that I did not provide commentary on this specific line, so I added it. It is the bondservant's response. Who am i to say whats what! God, the self-existent One, the Creator of our universe, does not speak in vain. For us to say Father, we actually think you love us enough to see your son die 100 billion times for us strikes me as a bad attitude even if it is true. Now, you should understand that both science and the Bible have been highly politicized, pretty much since the beginning. JUDAH. For example, teaching that Jesus is not God is heresy, but teaching that drinking is a sin is error but not heresy (it’s drunkenness, not drinking). Sugerir algo diferente por supuesto que es herejía… Y claro que es una acusación grave. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. They answer two very different questions about the universe. Allow me to explain. 1Ti 5:18 … He demands that we remain faithful to Him. Even if you do, you will probably have some naysayers, but pausing and reflecting on the lyrics we sing is important. But the bible warns us that the enemy comes as a wolf in sheeps clothing and in Jude it refers to shepard’s who feed only themselves…I worry that these small almost undetectable twist to what scripture teaches allows the enemy a foothold creating tiny hints of doubt like the serpent in the garden whispering….did God really say that? When God speaks, creation happens. A hundred billion galaxies are born. I can see in Your heart, eight billion different ways This applies to causes and effects. Thank you for this question, jlfoster350, and thank you Jason for the article. Lo que no puedo asegurar es que lo hicieran adrede.. Pero si yo dijera por ejemplo que Jesús no es Dios lo. Moreover, I would dare to say that evolution has to do with the supposed ascent of man to become like gods … in short, a very poorly chosen word and even worse analyzed. 63 O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; 2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Thank you for reordering the lyrics in a cohesive manner! Ofcourse we must be willing but you get the point. But then that started bothering me. If creation sings Your praises so will I, God of Your promise Understanding the Holy Bible which is a very large volume containing 66 books within two major parts--the Old and the New Testament can be difficult. Cross References. On one hand, scripture tells us sin came to the world before death. Que yo sepa la visión de la iglesia siempre ha sido Bíblica referente a estos termas. They do not contradict one another because they approach the same question differently. Therefore, in light of this commentary, I must update this review. No. Or, it seems to be indicating that no one is praising God except ME and the rocks! So will I, so will I. Thanks for testing all against scripture! If the corporate worshipper still doesn’t feel like the song communicates that, a song’s words in question never, in the end, should hinder us from singing them correctly. God’s love is indeed unconditional. That is the worship response I want to always have and encourage from others. God created the earth first. My initial thought was Hebrews 11, given its plethora of examples of those who had faith and serve as an example for us to carry forth in our own faith (or contextually, to the audience of this letter); However, the context is about promises we receive vs. the faithful of old, so that won’t work. We shouldn’t decide to also worship God ‘because they do’, we worship Him because we’ve placed our ultimate value unto Him. It is the latter that “follows the sound of [God’s] voice”. You don’t speak in vain. So, I do think you have a point! And fleshed out the wonder of light, And as You speak References the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7 and Matthew 18:12-14. Everything else He made does exactly what it was created to do. If you don’t accept 6 day creation then how much else are you going to question about scripture? The line actually reads, “On a hill you created/the light of the world/abandoned in darkness to die. I can't find a scripture verse in which the rocks are said to cry out in silence. Jon Foreman. Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. From there Darwin theorized that one species of finch had diverged into many due to different groups living in different places and eating different foods. Every burning star. Romans 1 is fitting with this song’s theme in that while the very stars (literal stars, not metaphorical stars) are faithful to praise God, mankind is not always faithful. Submitted by POTP on February 27, 2018 - 11:54pm. This is possible excessive nitpicking on my part. so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it. We know the Father was pleased to crush Jesus (Isaiah 53:10) not because He enjoyed it, but because through Jesus’ death (His Servant), “it will justify the many, and He will bear their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:11). With no point of reference In Christ, God gave himself at great cost for the salvation of the world. Revelation 5:8,9 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden … My daughter just explained it as – if the stars made by God are to worship, and God also made us, then we should worship too. Where the Bible is silent, we should be silent. God of salvation Take a look at Psalm 148 and see what you think. The light of the world abandoned in darkness to die Maybe I am overthinking it. They are a collection of metaphors trying to describe an indescribable God. No entiendo como podría nuestros puntos de vista cambiar referente a que es pecado.? we live a life to honour and glorify God and not just sing songs about/to Him) then our praise will not fall shy. Thanks! Recently, it has been over evolution, abortion, and LGBT. Static Visualization of the Cross References. Here is a summary of how I break it down: On a hill You created – The place that Jesus created, a hill called Calvary, or Golgotha, or the Place of the Skull. “So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Hard to imagine but that’s what Jesus himself said . My thoughts: I have not listened to the song yet, though I will this evening. Yes. God of creation Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In fact, what Jesus did is beautifully presented in these words near the end: The below Bible verses about mountains will inspire you and increase your faith! I know this is supposed to be poetic: to describe the many many sins that are forgiven due to the work on the cross. I think so. Hola Vince… Entiendo tu punto. 1: to go on board a vehicle for transportation – the troops embarked at noon, 2: to make a start – embarked on a new career, 1: to cause to go on board (a boat, an airplane, etc. I appreciate your willingness to express your concerns! What I can not assure is that they did it on purpose .. However, I know it could become a divisive thing with some of our congregants which is not ever the goal. You’re the One who never leaves the one behind, Jason Houtsma serves as Worship Pastor for Mosaic Church in Bellingham, WA, Husband to Alli, Father to Bjorn and Asher, and guitar instructor for You chased down my heart That’s way more powerful than dying 100 billion times for us. Restored my commentary on the song’s end. A ver, imagina que yo dijera “si Jesús hubiese sabido que no iba a resucitar, aún así hubiese muerto por mi, porque nos ama”… Te das cuenta de la gravedad de esta frase “bien intencionada”, pues el cristiano que compone música para Dios es: primero cristiano antres que artista y debe someterse a la escritura antes que a emociones. I did not see that here of course, but something to consider when examining lyrics. The Light of the world – Refers to Jesus. This taints the way we see both of them, making objective inquiry more difficult. Can it send conversations in some strange and unproductive directions? To suggest otherwise is to cheapen Christ. Thank you for your comments! If that situation happened 100 billion different times, he would make the same choice each time. Tastywallet, the line that Mrrricko referenced is actually the reason I came to this comment section. I would hope someone would change the lyric before ditching the song. Or does the word “would” imply that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that He “would” choose to sacrifice His life if presented the same situation repeatedly (in a nonexistent existence where God is bound by time)? Far too many Scripture passages to refer to the promises of God and the prophecies that have come to fruition. There's a tough tug between 'unique' and 'distracting', we'll see where it lands! Therefore if our worship of God is genuine (ie. I agree, that it’s not required and Scripture bears this out with its “once and for all” statements; However, Hillsong’s expression of Christ’s desire does not negate this truth nor does it cheapen grace. I see where you’re going with it. Disagree? Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. Esta linea es algo muy motivacional pero sigue siendo una herejía. Every part designed in a work of art called love I think so, if that’s what it took to save us. However, it might be possible that I am giving Hillsong too much credit by ignoring this possible criticism. Memorize these verses to remind yourself of God's strength and the power He has given you! Thank you for your thoughts! While “evolving” is a strange word to use in that line, it is not inherently unbiblical. I have two comments to offer in consideration: 1) The line “Like You would again a hundred billion times” speaks of desire, not of reality. If you look at each ‘if’ statement, well, as they say: “There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it!” Whenever one uses the word ‘if’ it’s referring to something that is not a done deal: ‘if’ this, then ‘that’…with the implication that things could easily go the other way. “the light of the world was abandoned to die in darkness on a hill you created”. Like You would again a hundred billion times. I’m sorry but nowhere does it say God “supervised”. On the point 2.- 70 times 7 is 70 raised to 7 bone = 770 = 1435036016 0986843428 5603076356 6710717400 7738373924 6066639249 that is to say infinite …. For example, she must remain faithful to me, love and cherish me, till death does us part. Submitted by BraymerCC on September 8, 2017 - 8:51am. When will you change your review in light of comments that prove your view is contrary to God’s word? The Prodigal Son story is based on Luke 15:11-32. It is theologically thick, loaded with Scripture, and glorifies God’s grandeur and His sacrificial love for us. This site is truly a blessing . He is so beautiful! Following, maybe? It will be obvious to anyone who is not a Christ-follower that this song claims God is the Creator, that nature worships and obeys Him, and speaks on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species? Line 4 likely contains an oversight in capitalization. The fact we are talking about it proves the point :) Great input! Perhaps this is more clear than my own explanation. Submitted by gwhyte on June 24, 2018 - 11:32am. The light of the world Is it blasphemy? Jesus was not created, but that’s what the song seems to be saying. I ought to do the same. I hope my explanation makes sense. In the vapor of Your breath the planets form Sorry about the spam message! How To Lead Worship With Two Acoustic Guitars, That's a great point on fully arresting the heart, Its does matter, Christianity and Evolution cannot coexist. While science answers the question “how does the universe go?”, the Bible answers the question “Who was responsible for the universe?”. It’s worth noting as well, with Psalm 8 brought into the picture, that the Hebrew term is ben-adam, son of “Adam”—which is the generic word for “mankind” or “human,” but points to the original man Adam of whom every human is a son or daughter. I can see Your heart in everything You’ve done. I love this song. I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to this song for my own personal worship and reflection. Understood, thanks for the exchange of ideas! Which is correct? Worship and be obedient. Too many Bible verses than I have time to list. Love the analysis! Do lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Some people are going to have a problem with that if you don’t teach into it. Every precious one Great question! Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) - The Blessing, Elevation Worship (Feat. I agree with you! The psalmist commands the heavens to praise him – including the stars. JESUS accepted the authority of it , so should we . God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour and the Holy Spirit dwells within me, inspiring me and helping me pray and worship my God. If creation sings Your praises so will I. So I realized that if I just did what the scripture said, seek and then desire, THEN I could have: (1) My tongue loosed so I could teach (2) His spirit while I was teaching (3) His word or words put in my mouth to know what to teach and (4) The Power of God unto the convincing of men so they would believe me and be converted. A lot of people think it’s a slippery slope to mess with the artistic The beasts created themselves in Gen 1:24? A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath. I think a better word to convey the idea of what happened in creation and would fit better lyrically, would be the word “embarking” in pursuit of what God said. al ser su sacrifico , unico y suficiente, esta supuesta posibilidad es una herejía,, la Biblia dice que el que no acepta el sacrificio de JESUS, QUEDA BAJO LA IRA DE DIOS. There is a verse that clears up if Jesus would have died 100 billion times: For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. I’m not going to tell you what to do. This is true, regardless of one’s own personal view of Genesis 1, whether it be literal days or billions of years. [Chorus 3] If I get to heaven and find out God did create the earth over millions of years and used evolution, would that make Him smaller to me? Tasha Cobbs Leonard. He expects us to be holy like Him. 4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. Where You lost Your life so I could find it here About this visualization.. About This Page. It DOES matter what we believe about how we got here and how it happened. Matt Gilman) - Breathe. Christ is unnecessary in this world view. Once again, the idea of “so will I” is repeated elsewhere. That is, to show us His Grace towards us (Ephesians 2:6-7). The rocks can cry out to Him, if I don't, but that is not the reason why I do! To summarize, yes, God’s love for us is unconditional. If the wind goes where You send it so will I I understand your reservations as they are similar to Gary’s. Zugang kaufen; Hilfe; Info; Kontaktieren Sie uns; Cookies; Enzyklopädien | Textausgaben I don’t think you’re giving Hillsong too much credit. We should celebrate that and forever let us wonder about the mystery of his way. My last review of What a Beautiful Name was very positive. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.”. Don’t be shy or have a cow! A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath, Thoughtful Lyrics, Intentional Connection. Our failures were paid on the cross. (Here it is used as a synonym for Law which appears in both 21 and 24.) Being his sacrifice, unique and sufficient, this supposed possibility is heresy, the Bible says that whoever does not accept the sacrifice of JESUS, IS UNDER THE WRATH OF GOD. Nicholas, cherry picking bible verses is never a good idea. I think removing the word evolving is the way forward. This is a blessing. And as You speak Take a look at my reply to Katie Ellis and tell me what you think? Google Translate: HELLO, just a comment, the bible says that plants and their fruits were made to feed animals, so if one animal kills another for food, I don’t think it is worshiping God, the bible says that creation was also corrupted because of man’s sin and the whole earth will be passed through fire and will be a new earth. I can see Your heart in everything You’ve made Submitted by Jamie T on October 13, 2017 - 9:32am. This event was planned by God to bring Himself infinite glory. You can't have it both ways. God’s condition comes into play in terms of relationship. How fitting is it then that we should sing back to Him! I’ve already addressed the comments that are not a repeat of something I’ve already responded to. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Isaiah 55:11 ESV / 71 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Yes, all this was still under God’s supervision, but it is the start of what science calls evolution. Given the controversy over evolution and the error within Outro, this makes it difficult to recommend for corporate worship. Through all of my failure and pride Another explanation is that I wanted a cup of tea. We may not always come to the right scientific conclusion, but the objective truth that science discovers was put there by God. Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion times! Why would Jesus need to go through it again and again if He did it “once and for all” as Hebrews 10 teaches? Agree? If they were, then I agree with you: that is unbiblical. The two belief systems are completely incompatible. Mrrricko, While the trigger word here is “evolving”, the previous verse sets it up beautifully: Think on that for a second. Truth For Life is the teaching ministry of Alistair Begg and is committed to teaching the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened. I genuinely don't understand what this line means. HOLA , solo un comentario , la biblia dice que las plantas y sus frutos fueron hechos para alimentar a los animales, entonces si un animal mata a otro para alimentarse, no creo que esté adorando a Dios, la Biblia dice que la creación también fue corrompida por causa del pecado del hombre y toda la tierra será pasada por fuego y será una nueva tierra . ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:19-21‬ ‭ESV‬‬. If You left the grave behind You, so will I. Jesus rose from the dead proving that He defeated death. Jesus’ price is of infinite worth (worthy is the Lamb of God!). Es mas me atrevería a decir que la evolución tiene que ver con la ascencion supuesta del hombre hasta llegar a ser como dioses..en definitiva una palabra muy mal escogida y peor aún analizada. The Belonging Co., Danny Gokey . Obviously the exception is for those who are alive at the rapture at which point their bodies are changed (1 Cor. No,no we were made….. “If the stars are made to worship so will I” is so popular that my daughter just ordered a shirt with those words on it! Brandon Lake) – Graves Into Gardens, CityAlight - Yet not I but through Christ in Me, Horatio Spafford - It Is Well With My Soul, Israel Houghton & Darlene Zschech – In Jesus’ Name, Hillsong United – So Will I (100 Billion X). But the reason for my worship shouldn’t be ‘because they do’. In Spite Of Me. Psalm 19:1-4 is the best supporting passage I could find, under the same vein as imitating Christ. I get that. You don’t speak in vain Interactively Visualize the Cross References. Still with all that being said I'm still not sure if we will use "So Will I" congregationally. If death was already present before humanity was here, why is more death suddenly an affront to God's creation? God bless you for doing this. All great suggestions. The soundscapes are expansive, the vocals gentle and the lyrics intricate. Hola Vince: Entonces Hillsong sabe que el deseo de Cristo es ser aplastado por su padre otra vez de ser necesario? Every burning star, a signal fire of grace. We are the only ones on open rebellion. I hear His song over me and I want to sing back to Him....not only in song actually, but with a life that says " All I have, all I am is Yours! " He did create a sun that would consume our naked eyes if we stare too long, and He created trillions of stars like it. I love the message in this song. A canvas of Your grace Its major flaw lies within Outro, stating that Jesus’ desire for us is so strong, He’d go through crucifixion multiple times, in contradiction to a “once and for all” sacrifice. This line is something very motivational but it is still heresy. Then we’ll sing again a hundred billion times, God of salvation And as You speak A hundred billion galaxies are born In the vapor of Your breath the planets form If the stars were made to worship so will I I came across this song today as it was sung in my church and I found it difficult to sing as a worship song. Do you think there is a limit to it? How can that be if theistic evolution is true, because evolution tells us that over millions of years and many generations and deaths, we arrived here. A hundred billion galaxies are born Eight billion would refer to “everyone in the world”, but wouldn’t John 1:12 only consider those who receive Christ as “Children” of God? I found out recently that my church did just that. If the sum of all our praises still falls shy As personal worship, after reading it in context, I may really like it, yet the word evolve would still stand out. Genesis Chapter 1 tells us that after God created the universe, he let it make itself. Why would I want to cry out in silence like rocks? Learn it here. (If it’s true that you left the grave [AND IT IS TRUE! You will realize how duped you've been in believing evolution and Christianity can coexist. I don’t see any major Christian theological doctrine violated by these statements by Hillsong. This phrase is a total mistake … or shows how far Hillsong is from sound Christian doctrine to compose their songs. Google Translate: I think you are very wrong. So while we *should* be leading the charge as humanity, as those created in God’s image, sometimes the unthinking yet worshipful stars rebuke our fickleness and need to remind us of who we are, and whose we are. If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I I completely agree with you! When I married my wife, I love her no matter what she does; However, if we are to remain married, then I have some demands of her. I reflected that change here also. Read the next verse. I appreciate that this is purely my opinion and experience, but I have an issue with a couple of lines which perhaps someone can explain to me. Not so much a simple future, "I will call upon the Lord at some particular time," as a future of continuance, "I call, and will ever call, upon the Lord, worthy to be praised;" and so - i.e., so long as I call - shall I be saved from mine enemies (comp. There is not time in our setting to go into a detailed explanation with the whole congregation and, of course, I haven't yet heard the song to know if it would be worth that effort. None of these words, however, gives exactly the right meaning. Indeed, and those who are His cannot be snatched from His hand (John 10:28-29). Just hover over this linked verse: Deuteronomy 5:12. If You gladly chose surrender so will I, I can see Your heart Is it change over time? I listened multiple times to ensure I heard what I thought I did. You don’t speak in vain, no syllable empty or void, For once You have spoken If you haven’t heard the song yet, it’s a beautiful and often abstract take on creation all the way through to Christ’s death and resurrection. That’s what a good husband does, sacrificially gives to his bride. Truth For Life is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. How “If” God loved us “Then” we love Him. Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth (1:28) Every burning star Can it draw us into a greater and deeper understanding of the vastness of God? You spoke to the dark But, our relationship with Him has conditions. I happen to fall in the latter category. Follow the sound of Your voice, And as You speak Thanks for your analysis. Now he had leapt from relatively minor adaptations of existing structures (the beaks of his finches) to something that defies description as “adaptation”- so that everything from humans to octopi to giraffes to oaks came from a blobby single-cell organism. Abandoned in darkness to die, And as You speak Puedo hacer en ignorancia pero sigue siendo una herejía. Perhaps that would make me think more deeply about our creator and the change and growth he brings. My understanding is that Hillsong is expressing how much Jesus loves us, that He would go through it again over and over if that is what was required of Him.

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